Defined in ASP.NET
ReportDocument rep = new crystalReport2 ();
Rep.SetDataSource (this.datasetuser1); this.crystalReportViewer1.Reportsource = Rep;
Rep.printToprinter (1, False, 1, 1);
The result is wrong as follows:
Server errors in the / MyWeb / WebApplication application.
File C: /Docume ~ 1/llm/aspnet/locals ~ 1/temp/temp_15e5dcd2-3cbd-40fb-85be-b1251f6339ac.rpt Over error: No default printer.
Description: Execute an unprocessed exception during the current web request. Check the stack tracking information to learn more about the error and the code caused in the code. Abnormal Details: Crystaldecisions.crystalReports.Engine.printException: Files C: /Docume ~ 1/llm/ASPNet/locals ~ 1/TEMP/TEMP_15E5DCD2-3CBD-40FB-85BE-B1251F6339AC.RPT Over error: No default printer. Source error:
Line 78: Private void button2_click (Object Sender, System.Eventargs E)
Line 79: {
Row 80: Rep.printToprinter (1, False, 1, 1);
Line 81:}
Row 82:}
Server errors in the / MyWeb / WebApplication application.
File C: /Docume ~ 1/llm/aspnet/locals ~ 1/temp/temp_15e5dcd2-3cbd-40fb-85be-b1251f6339ac.rpt Over error: No default printer.
Description: Execute an unprocessed exception during the current web request. Check the stack tracking information to learn more about the error and the code caused in the code. Abnormal Details: Crystaldecisions.crystalReports.Engine.printException: Files C: /Docume ~ 1/llm/ASPNet/locals ~ 1/TEMP/TEMP_15E5DCD2-3CBD-40FB-85BE-B1251F6339AC.RPT Over error: No default printer. Source error:
Line 78: Private void button2_click (Object Sender, System.Eventargs E)
Line 79: {
Row 80: Rep.printToprinter (1, False, 1, 1);
Line 81:}
Line 82:}