Object-Oriented Language: C # (ZZ)

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  29


C # (read: see-sharp) is a modern, object-oriented language that enables programmers to quickly build a wide range of applications for the new Microsoft .NET platform, which provides tools and services that fully exploit both computing and communications Contents.

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C # Language Specification, Download and Book (MSDN) Language reference (MSDN) C # Programmer's Reference (MSDN) C # grammar (MSDN) C # keywords (MSDN) .NET Framework Class Library Reference (MSDN) .NET namespace reference (.NET 247) StandardsStandard ECMA-334 - C # Language Specification (ECMA) Standard ISO / IEC 23270 - C # Language Specification (ISO) Standard ECMA-335 - Common Language Infrastructure CLI (ECMA) Standard ISO / IEC 23271 - Common Language Infrastructure CLI (ISO) ECMA & ISO Standardization (Microsoft) ECMA C # specification - Hyperlinked (Jagger Software Ltd) Company NewsGroups

All .NET NewsGroups (MS) Csharp (NNTP, ENGLISH) (MS) C # Message Board (GotdotNet) Communities

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The C # Programming Language (Hejlsberg, Wiltamuth, Golde) C # Language Specifications (MSPress) Microsoft Visual C # .NET Deluxe Learning Edition (Microsoft Corporation) A Programmer's Introduction to C # (Eric Gunnerson) Visual C # .NET Core Reference (Mickey Williams) Programming Microsoft Windows with C # (Charles Petzold) Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming (Jeffrey Richter) Inside C #, Second Edition (Tom Archer) OOP with ... C # Step by Step (Robin A. Reynolds-Haertle) Microsoft Visual C # .NET Step by Step (John Sharp, Jon Jagger) Programming C # (Jesse Liberty) Other PublicationsMSDN Magazine (Microsoft) MSDN Magazine .NET Article Index (Microsoft) .NET Magazine (Fawcette Technical Publications) Visual Studio Magazine (Fawcette Technical Publications) VSJ.NET UK ( Bearpark Publishing Ltd) .NET Programmer's Magazine (Delta Publication) C # Developer Online (Inc.) C # Pro (Informant Communications Group, Inc.) People

.NET Launch Event Keynote (Bill Gates and Anders Hejlsberg) The C # Design Process - A Conversation with Anders Hejlsberg (Artima Software) Anders Hejlsberg (O'Reilly) Conversations on .NET (MSDN) Chris Sells (Chris Sells) Development Environments

Visual C # .NET Standard vs. Visual Studio .NET Professional (Microsoft) Microsoft Visual Studio.NET (Microsoft) Microsoft Visual C # .NET (Microsoft) Windows Catalog - Visual C # .NET Standard Edition (Microsoft) Visual C # .NET Standard Edition Features (MS) Amazon: Visual Studio .Net Professional 2003 (Amazon) Amazon: Visual C # .NET Standard 2003 (Amazon) SharpDevelop - The Open Source IDE for .NET (Mike Krüger) C # Builder (Borland) C # Builder - Personal Download Edition (Borland) Utilities / Tools

C # Tools - From the C # Team (MS) C # Tools (MS) Reflector and Resourcer for .NET (Lutz Roeder) Design Guidelines - FxCop (GotDotNet) C # Recompiler (Saurik) Magic, The User Interface Library for C # (Crownwood Consulting Ltd) Genghis (The Genghis Group) MotLib.NET (Paul DiLascia) .NET CollectionGen (Chris Sells) NDOC documentation generation (Jason Diamond / Kral Ferch) Documenting C # (Ollie Cornes) C # lint (armstrong edwards ltd.) Format C # source code in HTML (manoli.net) FreeSMTP.Net email (Quiksoft Corporation) Antechinus C # Editor (CPoint Pty Ltd) TSIO - Windows Port and Register IO API (ThoroughSoft) SharpLibrary - Graphical User Interface library (SharpLibrary Inc.) SharpToolbox (Fabrice Marguerie) .. .more .NET tools (Cetus-Links) Shared and Open Source ProjectsMono C # compiler (Ximian) gcsharp gcc front-end (Maciej Zack Rusin) ... more Shared and Open Source .NET Links (Cetus-Links) Related Technologies

JUMP - JAVA TO C # (MS) Java To C # Conversion Assistant (MS) Java to C # (J2CS) (Aztec Software) Generals for C # and .NET (Gyro 1.0 for SSCLI) (MS Research, Don Syme and Andrew Kennedy) Polyphonic C # (MS Research, Nick Benton) ADO Guy (Shawn Wildermuth) ASP.NET (Microsoft Corporation) ASPFREE.COM (ASPFREE.COM) Java - Inet (Stryon) Other Resources

Comparative Overview of C # (Genamics) C # Information Portal (Mantro Technologies) Articles For C # (devArticles.com) C # resources at HP (Hewlett-Packard Company) Pune-CSharp (Pune-CSharp) CSHARP4net (SVSSudhakar) C # .Net Fun ( Mike Gonzalez) C # at Visual Studio.NET GURU (VSDOTNETGURU.com) Links to the C # Language (Juliet Choy) Visual C # .Net Developer's Cookbook (Mark Schmidt) C # site (S.Senthil Kumar) C # site (CSharpGoodies.com) SeeSharp Programming (Seesharp@zoom.co.uk) CsharpSoft (csharpsoft.com) C # By Examples (Mingyong Yang) DotNET4all.com (Zidler) ThinkDOTNET (ThinkDOTNET) Sam's .NET Pages (Sam Gentile) DevCentral Tutorials: C # (Interface Technologies, Inc .) C # journal (resonance publications, inc.) Csharpjournals, INC (Ardent Innovations) C # crawler (Sagiv Hadaya) Convert C # source code to vb.net (kamalpatel.net) c # to vb.net translator Aspalliance.com) Non English Resourcesgerman

C # Site (Frank Eller) Guide to C # (Golohaas.de) C # Shortcut (Patrick A. Lorenz) DotNetgerMan (DotNetger Willers) Dot.Net Magazin (Software & Support Verlag GmbH) Csharp-Board .de (Heinz Neidhart) [PDF] C # INTRO German-Switzerland (Dominik Gruntz) French (Dominik Gruntz) French

Csharpfr.com (csharpfr.com) DOTNET-FR (DOTNETSP) DotNet ISP (DotNetguru.org) Csharp: Vix (Csharp: VIX) DUTCH

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Easy Csharp (Miguel A. Delgado Alvarez) Spanish C # Book Download (Jose Antonio Gonzalez Seco) C # site in spain (universidad de sevilla) Russian

GotdotNet.ru (Microsoft) Dotsite (Dotsite) Italian

Visual C # .it (Antonio Cangiano) Swedish

.NETPLUS (Mattias Sjögren) Norwegian

Development.no (Dugan Development) PortugueseaPresentações - Introdução à linguagem C # (PDF) (João Carlos Pascoal Faria) Dansk

C-Sharp (Thomas Bonfils) Chinese

C # China (C # china) C # Forum Hong Kong (Juliet Choy) Korea

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Csharpindia (MSN India) INDONESIA

C # Indonesia (Csharpindonesia.net) Thailand

Thaisharp.Net (Thaisharp.Net) Other Programming Languages ​​for .NET



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