Head attribute full contact

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  26

All of the following code is all between ... , the specific content is: 1, ... </ title> Title element, help users better identify files, and only one. Make a file name when making a homepage or a collection. 2, <link> ... </ link> Display the relationship between this document and other documents: <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "s.css"> and external style sheet connections. REL illustrates the relationship between HTML files and URLs, HREF illustrates the document name. 3, <style> ... </ stop> can include the style page in the document. The interior style of the document itself. 4, <base> ... </ base> Define absolute path URL for relative paths, after the reader downloads your document, you can also know which URL format: Communication protocol: // hostname / path / file name 5, < Script> ... </ script> is used to include a script (a series of scripting language written) can be JavaScript or VBScript. 6, <meta> ... </ meta> Meta tag FAQ: 1. Help home page Login 2, define the use of the page, automatically refreshes and points to the new page 4, the animation of web page conversion Effect 5, webpage grade evaluation 6, control page buffer 7, control web page displayed window. Meta is a response head message used to simulate the HTTP protocol in the HTML document. There are two properties of Meta: Name and Http-Equiv. The Name property is primarily used to describe the web page, corresponding to Content (web content), to search for engine robots to find, classification (currently almost all search engines) use online robots to automatically find meta values ​​to web page categories). This is the most important thing about Description (Site on search engine) and keywords, so you should add a meta value per page.</p> <p>Name attribute 1, <meta name = "generator" Contect = "editplus"> To illustrate the generated tool (such as Microsoft FrontPage 4.0), etc.; 2, <meta name = "keywords" contect = "cnbruce, cnrose"> to search engines Describe the keywords of your web page; Search the author of your site; 5, <meta name = "robots" Contect = "all | none | index | noindex | follow | nofollow"> where the properties are as follows: Set to all: File will be retrieved And the link on the page can be queried; set to none: The file will not be retrieved, and the link on the page cannot be queried; set to index: file will be retrieved; set to Follow: Link on the page Can be queried; set to noIndex: The file will not be retrieved, but the link on the page can be queried; set to NOFOLLOW: File will not be retrieved, the link on the page can be queried.</p> <p>HTTP-Equivi Attribute 1, <meta http-equiv = "content-type" contert = "text / html"; charSet = GB_2312-80 "> and <meta http-equiv =" Content-Language "Contect =" ZH-CN "> Using the text and language used by the home page; another English is the ISO-8859-1 character set, as well as BIG5, UTF-8, Shift-Jis, EUC, KOI8-2 and other character sets; 2, < Meta http-equiv = "refresh" content = "n; url = http://>"> Time to let the webpage in the specified time n second, jump to the page http: // YourLink; 3, <meta http-equiv = "Expires" Contect = "MON, 12 MAY 2001 00:00 GMT"> Can be used to set the expiration time of the web page, once expired, you must re-call on the server. Need to note that you must use the GMT time format 4, <meta http-equiv = "pragma" contert = "no-cache"> is used to set the ban on the browser from the cache of the local machine, and the page will not be from Cache once it is set. Reparat from; 5, <meta http-equiv = "set-cookie" contect = "MON, 12 MAY 2004 00:20:00 GMT"> cookie setting, if the web is expired, the cookie of the store will be deleted. Need to pay attention It is also necessary to use GMT time format; 6, <meta http-equiv = "PICS-Label" Contect = "> page level assessment, there is a content setting in IE's Internet option, which prevents browsing some restricted websites, And the restriction level of the website is set by META attribute; 7, <meta http-equiv = "windows-target" contect = "_ TOP"> Forced page display in a stand-alone page in the current window to prevent its own web page from others Wood as a frame page; 8, <meta http-equiv = "Page-enter" Contect = "RevealTrans (duration = 1.0, transport = 12)">, <meta http-equiv = "Page-exit" contect = " ReveAlTrans (duration = 1.0 , transtion = 12)> Set the special effects of entering and leaving the page, this function is "Format / Web Transition" in FrontPage, but the added page cannot be an Frame page.</p> <p>The value of Duration is a web page dynamic transition time, and the unit is second. Transition is a transitional way, its value is 0 to 23, corresponding to 24 transition methods, respectively. As shown in the table: 0 box-shaped shrinkage 1 box-shaped radiation 2 round contraction 3 round radiation 4 from the upper 5 from the left to right 7 from right to left 8 vertical shutters 9 horizontal shutters 10 horizontal lattice shutters 11 Vertical Strip 12 Assembly 13 From the left and right ends to the intermediate deployment 14 from the intermediate to the left and right ends 15 from the upper and lower ends 16 from the intermediate downstream unders 17 from the upper right corner to the lower left corner 18 The lower right corner is expanded to the upper left corner 19 to expand from the upper left corner 20 to expand the 21 horizontal linear expansion 22 vertical linear expansion 23 randomly generate a transition manifold from the lower left corner of the upper left corner. ShowArticle.asp? 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