CheckStyle is a Java code specification check tool. Use Checkstyle to force programmers to follow some code specification. CheckStyle provides support for Sun programming specifications by default. By writing a configuration file, you can add your own inspection specification.
Checkstyle's latest version is 3.5. Starting from 3.0, Checkstyle supports more code checks including code style, code structure, code redundancy, typical errors, etc.
Checkstyle is usually used in conjunction with ANT. There are many CHECKSTYLE third-party plugins, including the Eclipse plugin.
Checkstyle's official website:
Checkstyle defaults Sun specification See:, this document has Chinese translation.
Checkstyle Download address: Group_id = 29721
Checkstyle's Eclipse plugin download address: http://prdownloads.SourceForge.Net/eclipse-cs/ Download
After installing the Checkstyle plugin in the Eclipse environment, start ECSLIPSE, and you can import and configure the Checkstyle configuration file in the preference. Checkstyle defaults to the Sun's Java code specification.
Information "Instant" does not comply with CheckStyle Check Standard "Instant" in the "Question" view.
You can click the "Filter" configuration display of the problem view.
Checkstyle's inspection rules are included in the configuration file in XML format. CheckStyle default Sun specification check file is: sun_checks.xml.
Checkstyle's configuration file consists of Module. The structure of the Module is a tree. The root module of the tree is Checker.
About the author: Zhang Wei can contact the author through