Most of the traditional web BBS is implemented in CGI mode. Its implementation requires that the programmer must master the programming language such as Perl or C, and understand the technical content of the CGI mode, so it is really difficult to make your own web BBS. Not small. The appearance of the ASP (Active Server Pages Dynamic Server Home) makes our eyes bright, can you use the ASP to implement web BBS? The answer is of course affirmative. The tempting of ASP is that it provides an easy-to-learn script and has many built-in objects that provide a simple programming path.
This BBS is mainly registered (browser), user registration (server side), plus sub-(browser), plus subscription (server side), post specific content display and reply, and all posts show six parts Where the user information is stored in the database author.mdb, the post is stored in the database bbs.mdb. They are all ACCESS databases, as shown in Table 1, respectively, Table 2. Table 1 Author.mdb
Field Name Data Type Length Description Authname Text 24 User Name Password Text 10 Password
Table 2 bbs.mdb
Field name data type length Description ID text 4 Posts number authname Text 24 User name Subject text 80 Topic Content Remarks Content AddDate Date / Time Adaption Date Num Digital Long Total Number Answernum Text 4 Reply Post Number (Default The number for itself) AddTIME Date / Time PAC TOPNUM text 4 First Layer number Reply Post No
The specific implementation method is as follows, in which the ASP file and data inventory are placed in "/ hosp / asp", other HTM files are stored in the "/ hoSP" file, the IMG file is stored in "/ hosp / images".
1. User registration (browser) login.htm: Enter relevant information by the user to transfer to the server via a form.