Introduction to RSS Technology

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  25

RSS Introduction

The English full name of RSS is a real simple syndication, a format for agglometing a collection of news titles or providing web content, based on XML extended marking languages. Today, RSS is used to use the latest headlines or content of the website, and provide demand references. And it is also a simple way of sharing content between websites and websites. That is, RSS can not only describe the news format on the website, as well as the Web Loggers or Bloggers. More than RSS makes others easier to discover your website and track the source of news. Some big websites such as BBC, CNET, CNN, Disney, Wired, etc. are all media transmitted by RSS.

The emergence of RSS solves many of the issues that the website management must face, which makes it more convenient to pass and collect messages on the Internet. On the one hand, the speed of network transmission has increased the quality of the network online. When you see such an icon or wait, you can use the service of RSS on the website.

Development history of RSS

The earliest origin is used from Netscape to provide news channels. To this end, Netscape defines a set of languages ​​that describe news, that is, the most original RSS (Version 0.90), is a data model based on RDF. It is considered a complex goal. However, as the Netscape is more, the RSS has no new version. Until Userland software re-established RSS development development, it also used to define the RSS definition to use Web logging or software written by web pages.

At that time, I tried to advocate the Dave Winer President also said the following words: "There is no consens on what RSS Stands for, SO it's not an acronym, it's a name. Later Versions of this Spec May Say's An Acronym, And Hopefully this Won't Break Into Too Many Applications. r 是 r r 只 一 只时 只,, but there is no real set of standards. When USERLAND is added to RSS (Version 0.91) to RSS (Version 0.91) in its own draft language. It also helps RSS quickly develop under this standard.

RSS main purpose

The RSS development purpose is to provide information to different backup data descriptions based on XML-based ways. In other words, the website can spread messages through RSS, allowing partner websites to get the desired information through simple software. And now the main main use application of RSS is as follows:

Distribute the latest news: such as headline news, the latest news. Website Description: Incounting the exposure of the visitors through RSS, increasing visitors visits. Database query: Different previous email active spreads, RSS provides searching features, and can choose RSS feed in accordance with their own interests.

Dynamic Management of Website: For information on timely updating the information on the site, managers can easier management of information on the website and the latest developments. You can also use the RSS as a single-point response mechanism, you can immediately reply to the problem on the website. Latest file: If there is a modification or new file on the website, you can quickly know. Business Value: RSS also has a huge influence in the field of online sales, such as product messages on eBay and RSS link together, through the RSS reader and other tools to understand the product information interested in real-time. RSS makes consumers and products more convenient, and their business value is not small.


What is RSS technology

RSS is English Really Simple Syndication, which is an Internet content publishing and integration technology based on XML technology. At the end of the 1990s, it was proposed by Netscape (Netscape Company) and made an Internet browser Navigator. At that time, it was called "push" technology, but it was not successful in commercial applications. Due to the promotion of blog culture, and BLOG has used RSS as information exchange technology, the content of RSS is greatly enriched, and RSS technology is constantly popular. One of the core concepts brought by RSS technology is aggregating. The so-called aggregation means that the RSS reader can operate in many RSS sites, using RSS technology, can automatically help you aggregate you interested. --------------------------------------------- RSS aggregator

What is an RSS aggregator?

The RSS reader is a software or a program that can be freely read the documentation of the RSS and ATOM. The RSS reader that can read the RSS and Atom documents is like a newspaper that you have a book. Everyone can focus on the website and column address of their own interest in a page, this page is the interface of the RSS reader. Through this page, you can browse and monitor these websites. Once you have new content, you can report it at any time, show the title and summary of new information (feed), even full, so you can share more information. The RSS reader brings new information to the user's desktop, without the user to go to each website, the user can wait for the information "to come to the door" as long as the user opens the set RSS reader.

Polymer version

At present, the popular RSS reader has RSSReader, Free Demon, which is suitable for use in Windows systems, Net News Wire under the Mac OS X system (Apple more uses this system), and Bloglines, etc. for mobile wireless devices such as handheld computers. . In May of this year, the first Chinese version of the RSS reader - "See the world", the Chinese version of the RSS reader "see the world news reader" is almost the same, functions, functions, frames, etc. of the RSSReader.

Main features of "see the world" aggregator

(1) Channel management: Users can add their favorite URLs to the channel group, which automatically prompts users to have new news when there is an update. The news of users reading and the news that have not read have different tags.

(2) Tag management: means that users can classify their favorite articles, and look for convenience in the future.

RSS essence

RSS is a dialect of XML, all RSS must comply with XML1.0 norms issued on the W3C website, with a variety of specific versions, developed to date from 0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0 and 2.0. "See the World News Reader" reader supports RSS2.0. The following complete RSS2.0 documentation can be divided into small pieces. We use it as an example to analyze it interact with Blog. -




Peach home











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About BLOG and RSS technology


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- 1. Background introduction 2. Simple use 3.RSS specification introduction 4. Example analysis 5. Summary of knowledge (to be updated)





Cute twin (reposted)


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Specific explanation is as follows:

(1) The first line is the head declaration of the standard XML file, determine the version number and the character set used.

(2) second line

For the root element of the entire document, with the namespace RDF, the URL of the RDF and the URL of the default space are given later.


The element is the element necessary in the RSS document. It has multiple child elements below, respectively




,>. The URL of its About property must be unique to distinguish other

The performance is different in the blog.



Character data in the element is to display the Blog title.


Character data in the element is displayed in the introduction of Blog.


The data in the element is a language that can be polymerized using a polymerizer.


The element is an appearance mode for controlling blog. among them

The content of the element is an alternative text that needs to be clicked with the browser.

The content of the element is the address that needs to be linked;> The content is the home page address of the website where the web is located.

5> The content is the URL of the page.


Elements are also Elements that RSS must have, and its child elements are mainly

,>, And

. The content in the property is is the URL corresponding to the project. same

The content is the title of the project;> The contents of the content and the content specified by the About property are consistent, referring to the address of the item;

The content is the summary of the article displayed on the web page, and the user has wanted to learn more about the article content to click "Read the full text". And we raised two in the documentation.

Example, the second is a picture, its

The content is the address of the upload picture.

There are other elements in the RSS that are not involved here, for example

The element is a bit mystery, which can be used to determine a search engine, but most of the aggregat do not do this. Its child elements



,> All must be, the use of the first three elements and the substantially similar to the front,> content is the URL capable of performing processing input requests.

There are also some elements that are not often used, interested readers can refer to

to sum up


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