It's not amazing - a famous saying of blood in 2004 (online collection, not my original)

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  28

1. People don't make stupid, I don't make stupid, if people are criticized, I will be more excited.

Columnist Shen Hong is outlined.

2. The princes began to hit, and women saw white horses.

A columnist said that the era of the prince of the White Horse seems to have ended, only the instinct of the animal is left.

3. People, enterprises.

A private enterprise owner said that "enterprises" go to people, it is "stop", so people are the most critical.

4. Only fake is true, others are fake.

Consumers complain that there is everywhere in counterfeit and shoddy goods.

5. The New Year is like a pot for thousands of years, although there is constant fresh job added, but the original taste is getting smoother.

With the continuous increase in modern elements such as tourism, bubble, exercise, traditional Chinese New Year seems to be more and more far from people in the city.

6. Whoever is like pregnancy, it can take a long time.

A well-known boy writer said in an interview.

7. You can never rest, otherwise you will stay forever.

Beijing CBD white-collar real feelings.

8. Women may have not ruled the whole world yet, but at least a large part of it.

The most powerful women in the business world is the development of development.

9. Anti-smoking is a custom, but habits are not equal to rights. Before the founding of New China, women are also customary.

A netizen talked about fireworks.

10. People with interest pay the bank interest, and there is no interest to pay the bank interest.

A female actor said. She also said that her favorite reading is bank passbook.

11. Doctor, please take the child after picking out the child.

A woman in Guangzhou said to the doctor before the caesarean section.

12. Song people Huang Tingjian once said that three days did not study, and the face is awkward. Zhang Ailing said this, but I haven't bought a book for 4 years.

A reader said on April 23th World Reading Day.

13. My elementary school, secondary school, university, now it is not the name of my school, I have to write a resume. I have a long annotation.

A graduate student who is looking for is dissatisfied with the unity of the university that is hot.

14. White island.

Someone is so calling unmarried older female white collar.

15. Where should we kiss?

Two students in Chengdu have kissed and hugs in the classroom, and they were taken from the school with "illegal behavior". A college student in Nanjing arrogant, and publicly issued the above questions.

16. Where to fall down.

someone said.

17. Please pay attention to the passengers on the car. The next stop will come up with a few thieves. Everyone must look at the items that can be carried with you.

The bus ticket seller in a city is like this.

18. The usual professional class, experiment, degree, and English are busy, even if there is no time to find a girlfriend, how does it still have time and energy to learn what "University language"?

In the face of criticism of college students' Chinese use ability, college students have their own complaints.

19. People want to know the truth of the real estate industry, which is all available.

A real estate manufacturer has made "China's first most complete and professional real estate research report", the price will be 3,000 yuan per book.

20. Don't take the company as a home.

- A company has conducted the largest layoffs in its company's history, and the employee of an intimate event published a message on the Internet.

21. I don't understand the foreign language, but I love to see foreign languages.

- A magazine's beauty this explains an alternative reading of the reading age.

22. If you want to see, it is actually "poor father to change your father."

- A laughter says that "rich father and poor father" have been so popular these years, because everyone misses a word in the title.

23. The beauty is a bliss world, which is hell for his mind, and it is a purgatory to the pocket.

- A media referred with a French writer to the beauty's description to warn a man.

24. A group of people who have no economic ability supports a large group of people.

- College students have become a common phenomenon in today's society, and the "Love Cost" has also become a hot problem. A university professor is so summary to college love consumption.

25. The computer can save time, improve work efficiency, for example, it does not use the card when playing card games. A white collar talked about the computer.

26. Calling a stimulant, can't find high technology.

- In the "faster and more stronger" slogan, the athlete broke through the limits of human beings in advance. "New Weekly" reports this phenomenon in this title.

27. The opportunity is like a thief, and there is no sound, but you lose weight when walking.

A father's advice on the son who belovers at home.

28. Men no longer help your wife to wash your dishes, but starting with yourself.

- Honeymoon ending sign.

29. Some people don't know their neighbors, but there is no alien in the world to pay attention to.

- Online comments.

30. If Li Wei hosted "reading time" ...

- A reader is advised to face the crisis in the TV reading program.

31. In fact, from the evolution of people, now it is still in progress, so we can enjoy the acts of non-animal non-people.

- For those in society, those who have been to be called by the eye, and the critics are so wonderful.

32. Born on February 29.

- On February 29th, once every four years, some pregnant women can celebrate their birthdays for their children, and specially in order to collament early.

33. His handsome, chic, and there is a tank gasoline.

- In the context of global oil prices, a new choice of a woman in the United States.

34. From now on, it is unqualified by the expression of deago or any show that exposes the teeth.

- An official of the British Ministry of Internal Affairs said that the reflection of the teeth in the passport photo will make the new scanning device fail, and the mouth should be closed when taking pictures.

35. Put a brand of a brand that is not aware of reading, it is really awkward.

- A US housewife talks about the impression of a well-known home appliance enterprise product in China when I accept the "Business Week" interview, which just reminds Chinese companies with internationalized ambitions, do not underestimate the difficulty of entering Western developed markets.

36. Even if used in the Hollywood cover, I can also pull 10 guys from this office, put them on the cover.

- "Mingri" Editor-in-chief Golden Carter monitors the whole American name, if anyone doesn't want to board the cover as required, he will immediately turn the opportunity to others.

37. No matter what you believe, the regulations for the ban on smoking will be beneficial to our business, because it will force people to drink alcohol.

- The boss of a bar in New York said that New York will be fully smoking in public places.

38. Walking in Wall Street, those clothes are all workers who go to work there, and they are not worn out, they are all bosses holding stocks.

- Remind people who don't take people in the United States.

39. In addition to the business meeting, no one is willing to have a phone call and dress up.

- This is likely to be the cause of visual calls in 1964 that cannot be popular.

40. The more irritability, the more you need to live in the life.

- Specially search for the publication of the famous current life "OK! "The rule is: you ok, I ok; you are not OK, I OK!

41.E-mail man: He said that there were 9 sentences in 10 words; Windows man: He has a lot of shortcomings, but you can't live without him; Excel man: people say that he is more art, but you can Only use him to do the most basic thing; server type man: When you need him, he is always busy; mouse man: You must pull him, you will work.

- Newspaper use computer terminology to classify men.

42. The Mars map we draw is more detailed than our bed map, which is really no reason.

Earl, US marine biologists, said humans should first explore resources on earth.

43. The automotive industry is a "scorpion" industry, not the "horse racing" industry. In this competition, it is possible to win the minimum of defects rather than the most purest animals.

Nissan CEO Carlos Gon said.

44. The bad meeting made people suffer great suffering, making everyone discouraged, sleet, cynical, hit self-esteem, affecting the family, impact outlook. The new book "Because" will "die", it will say the harm of the meeting.

45. Take a look at your home in your home, you can't see any important artificial equipment in the 1960s. Since then, no products can feed their children, washing clothes, and cleaning them more relaxed.

"Times" weekly article said that the most important results in the past 30 years are the decline in information, but this is invading life.

46. ​​If you don't even have love, don't talk about politics.

The lines in the German TV drama "Prime Minister a kiss". It is said that this drama spreads Schroede.

47. People go to the corresponding doctors based on the organs they think of the problem, but no one thinks that their brain has a problem.

A psychiatrist describes the frustration in the society.

48. Life is unfair, you have to adapt to it.

A magazine in Mexico published 11 advice from Bill Gates to the employment student.

49. A person who has given them five dozen women and puts the list of people who publish the list, can't be called a woman who knows a woman, but can only be called rogue.

"New York Guest" magazine said that the vintage is not necessarily suitable for judging the quantitative standards of fixed generalization.

50. Some customers say that this car is ugly, I will ask him to sit down to the driver, tell him that I can't see the car.

Los Angeles a salesperson said a new car.

51. We just want to find drug dealers, but did not expect to have met UFO.

The Mexican Air Force spokesperson confirmed that 11 mobile luminous bodies were recorded under routine anti-drug reconnaissance.

52. If you earn $ 50,000 a year, don't you want to look like a $ 80,000?

A auto design office says they must satisfy our customers' psychology, and the value of others is more important.

53. Many places will not send "whirlpool" sound, but if you spend enough money to advertise, they can learn.

Whirlpool company CEO Whitwarm said.

54. The Eden is so simple, and contemporary human society is incomparable.

The general designer of "Virtual Life" feels that the creation of virtual future is much more complex than God's 7 days in the century.

55. Some music is unclear, because it is unclear, it is necessary to listen more, listen more, and naturally it is clear.

The front BBC Music show host John Peil holds a lot of people who don't enter the stream.

56. We just strive to bring our customers, just like the other things we do.

The world's largest warehouse member store Costco started 6 different models of stainless steel coffins in Chicago branch, spokesperson Gina Bi'an, said that this is the reflection of the store "from the cradle to the grave" strategy.

57. Obviously, it likes Rainier Beer, but is not interested in Busch beer.

A black beaker steals a canned beer from the tourist tent, 36 cans of the real estate Rainier beer is drunk, but only drink a canch beer.

58. This (money) is not important. ...... Whether you have money, happiness is the most important.

The most residents of the United Kingdom - Indian Iron and Steel King Tital said in an interview with media.

59. It seems that we can land on Mars, but not on the earth.

On September 8th, NASA cost $ 264 million "origin" sun detects with sun material samples crashed in the desert, and the director of the Department of Space Policy Research Institute, George Washington University. This evaluation.

60. The meaning of the name is very significant. If a child knows that his name is like someone's pet, he is too depressed.

- Brazilian Members have recently proposed a bill not allowing common names for employers to name their pets.

61. Every scientific truth will experience three stages: First, people say that it is contrary to the Bible; then, they say that someone discovered this. Finally, they said that they have been thinking. A ancient biologist said.

62. They said that their unique sports is surfing on the Internet. This kind of saying is not a joke.

- A newspaper in the United States said that the network has created "extraordinary generation" - this generation of young people is obese.

63. The public hopes that there is a fairy to come to them, as long as her fingers are gently, everything will become gold.

- A plate of Diana Wang Hao's secret vomiting of the secret vomits revealed that Wang Hao himself was suffering from the heart, because she always felt that she was not perfect enough.

64. Typically, the time in the car is a only leisure time that spends together, or the only time to play some calls.

- A study of the British is explained on "Why so many people can tolerate traffic jam" - people use traffic jars as a leisure time that temporarily escapes the office and home.

65. She easily out of excess my own, and enjoying the time of 12 hours of normal people.

- Dominica double-headed baby Raiba Martin said, although Reba killed due to large bleeding after removing excess branches, his mother is still grateful for the doctor who is doing surgery.


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