LINUX MYSQL source package installation brief description

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  28

LINUX MYSQL Source Pack Installation Brief 1. Download the Mysql version (source package) required from (source package) such as mysql-xxxx.tar.gz2. Unzip, install CD / OPTTTAR -ZXVF MySQL-XXXX. Tar.gzcd mysql-xxxx./configure --prefix = / opt / mysql-xxxxmake; make install clean3. Configuration Add User UserAdd -m -d / dev / null -s / sbin / nologin mysql initialization mysqlcd / OPT / Mysql-xxxx / bin. / mysql_install_dbcd ..chown -r mysql: MySQL VARCHGRP ROOT VAR4. Test CD / OPT / MySQL-XXXX / BIN Launches Mysql./mysqld_safe & (Note: The earlier version is here SAFE_MYSQLD) Netstat -an | GREP LISTEN | GREP 3306 If you see TCP 0 0 Description Installation Configuration OK If you don't have this line or start the MySQL Times, check / OPT / Mysql-xxxx / var (here the host name refers to the name of the host, can be viewed by the hostname command) 5. Write the startup script echo "#! / bin / sh"> /etc/init.d/ MySQLDecho "" >> /etc/init.d/mysqldecho "case /" / $ 1 / "in" >> /etc/init.d/mysqldecho "start) >> /etc/init.d/mysqldecho" ECHO / "Starting MySQLD /" >> /etc/init.d/mysqldecho "/ opt / mysql-xxxx / bin / mysqld_safe" >> /etc/init.d/mysqldecho ";;" >> / etc / init .d / mysqldecho "stop) >> /etc/init.d/mysqldecho "echo /" shutting down mysqld / ">> /etc/init.d/mysqldecho" killall / opt / mysql-xxxx / libexec / mysqld ">> /etc/init.d / mysqldecho ";; >> /etc/init.d/mysqldecho" rest | services ">> /etc/init.d/mysqldecho" / $ 0 stop && / $ 0 start ">> /etc/init.d/ Mysqldecho ";;" >> /etc/init.d/mysqldecho "*)" >> /etc/init.d/mysqldecho "echo /"


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