What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a new description language that can be clamped into the HTML file.
You can do any network without any network through JavaScript.
Retrieving the information, so when an user enters a material, it does not have passed to the servo (Server)
The process of processing, retrnating, and can be processed by the client (client). You can also
Imagine an executable program to perform the same as your customer! There are some way to write some
On the Internet, you can connect to see, there are some calculators, on Nescape.
JavaScript and Java are very similar, but it is not the same! Java is a more complex than JavaScript
Many programming languages, while JavaScript is quite easy to understand. JavaScript creator
You can not focus on program techniques, so many Java features are not supported in Java Script.
For more information on related information, you can read Netscape JavaScript introduction.
How to perform Javescript?
How does JavaScript execute? Netscape 2.0 Beta 3 editions, you can perform JavaScript features, we have tested at least Beta 3 editions, other types of WWW browsers such as Internet Expore 3.0 also have this feature.
Example 1:
Let's take some example to tell you how to write JavaScript in the HTML file, and experience
In the first example of the new language, we start from the first example: How to print a string of text with JavaScript
HTML files:
My First JavaScript!
THIS I Normal HTML Document.
Document.write ("This is printed in JavaScript!")
Back in html again.
If you use the WWW browser is Netscape 2.0 beta 3 or above, then you can
See the relevant results, and if your browser is not to support JavaScript, then look
There will be some weird, the results of the above examples are as follows:
This is printed with JavaScript! Back in html again.
This example is not too much to use, it just wants to tell you how to use the "label of