UCLinux compilation method (uclinux-dist-20041215.tar.gz + S3C44B0X)

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  26

Download arm-elf-tools-20030314.sw.uclinux.org/pub/uclinux/Arm-elf-tools-20030314.sh

Download Uclinux-Dist-20041215.Tar.gz in http://www.uclinux.org/pub/uclinux/dist/

Execute ./ARM-elf-tools-20030314.sh, install the tool chain, perform TAR ZXVF UCLINUX-DIST-20041215.TAR.GZ and enter the uclinux-dist directory.

l Adding an Image target in the Vendors / Samsung / 4510b / makefile file, adding a statement: ARM-ELF-LD -R -R -O $ (Rootdir) / $ (LinuxDir) /Romfs.o -b binary $ Romfsimg)

The following is an increased increase:


[-D $ (imagedir)] || MKDIR -P $ (ImageDir)

GenRomfs -V -V "Romdisk" -f $ (romfsimg) -d $ (ROMFSDIR)

Arm-elf-ld -r-ot /Root/uclinux/uclinux-dist/linux-2.4.x/romfs.o -b binary /Root/uclinux/uclinux-dist/images/romfs.img

(/ root / uclinux is the directory I store UCLinux-distth)

l Modify Linux-2.4.x / Drivers / Char / Serial_SAMSUNG.C, find the UART_CONFIG array, as the next item:

{"S3C4510B", 1, 0}, / * Samsung S3C4510B UART Support * /

change into:

{"S3C4510B", 128, 0}, / * Samsung S3C4510B UART Support * /

l Execute make Menuconfig

Set to S3C44B0X here

l Modify config / .config, comment out config_user_old_passwords

l Execute Make Dep

l Execute Make LIB_ONLY

l Execute Make User_only

l Execute make ROMFS

l Modify Linux-2.4.x / Arch / Armnommu / Mach-S3C44B0X / Arch.c

Change 23 line S3C44B0X to S3C44B0

Add "}" at the end of the code

Modify Linux-2.4.x / Arch / Armnommu / kernel / head-armv.s

Change 206 rows and 439 rows of S3C44B0X to S3C44B0

l Execute Make

After Make is successful, the image of the file system will appear in uClinux-Dist / Images, the kernel image will appear under /uclinux-dist/linux-2.4.x.


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