Oracle problem, 10 questions every day (3)

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  26

21. How to grab the MEMO type field as an empty data record in Oracle Table?

Select Remark From OMS_FlowRec Where Trim ('' from remark) is not null;

22. How to use the data of the BBB table to update the information of the AAA table (associated field)

Update aaa set bns_snm = (SELECT BNS_SNM from BBB WHERE AAA.DPT_NO = BB.DPT_NO) Where bbb.dpt_no is not null;

23. P4 computer installation method

Change Symcjit.dll to Sysmcjit.OLD

24. Which query server is OPS?

Select * from V $ Option;

If Parallel Server = True has OPS

25. Which is to check the permissions of each user?

Select * from DBA_SYS_PRIVS;

26. How do I move the table space?

Alter Table Table_name Move TableSpace_name;

27. How do I use the index mobile watch space?

Alter Index Index_name Rebuild TableSpace TableSpace_name;

28. How to activate DBA Studio under Linux, UNIX?


29. Is the subject of query lock?

V $ LOCK, V $ locked_Object, V $ Session, V $ SQLAREA, V $ Process;

The method of querying the lock table:

Select s.SID session_id, s.username, decode (LMODE, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'NULL', 2, 'ROW-S (SS)', 3, 'ROW-X (SX)', 4, 'Share', 5, 'S / ROW-X (SSX)', 6, 'Exclusive', TO_CHAR (LMODE)) MODE_HELD, DECODE (Request, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'ROW -S (ss) ', 3,' row-x (sx) ', 4,' share ', 5,' s / row-x (ssx) ', 6,' exclusive ', to_CHAR (REQUEST) mode_requested, O. Wener || '.' || O.Object_name || '(' || O.Object_type || ')', S.Type Lock_Type, L.ID1 LOCK_ID1, L.ID2 LOCK_ID2 FROM V $ LOCK L, SYS .Dba_objects o, V $ session s where l.sid = s.SID and L.ID1 = O.Object_ID;

30. How to unlock?

Alter System Kill Session 'SID, Serir #';


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