SOLIDWORKS Secondary Development -03-Access Feature Data

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  27

SOLIDWORKS Secondary Development -03-Access Feature Data

'CODER ARDEN' FileName: getchoosed.swp'date: 2005-03-22'USED to get the Simple Hole Infomation Dep & Dia'Finished Lucky !! ---------------- --------------------------------------------

Option ExplicitDim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorksDim Model As ModelDoc2Dim curfeature As featureDim boolstatus As BooleanDim featdata As SimpleHoleFeatureData2 'declare a simple hole Object Dim component As Component2 Dim dep As DoubleDim dia As DoubleDim SelMgr As SelectionMgrDim ncount As Integer

Sub getselected ()

Set swapp = application.sldworks

Set model = swapp.activedoc

SET SELMGR = Model.SelectionManager

Set curfeature = sleelmgr.getSelectedObject5 (1) 'Get the first characteristic of the currently selected

Msgbox set featdata = curfeature.getDefinition 'Definition of Features

BoolStatus = featdata.accessSelections (MODEL, Component) can access data

ncount = featdata.getfeaturescopebodiescount

Msgbox ncount

Dep = featdata.depth dia = featdata.diameter

MSGBOX DIA & "*" & dep

'MsgBox "Error Arden"' can use swapp.sendmsgtouser2 'featdata.releaseseelectionAccessModel.Savemodel.editRebuildendeModel.editRebuildend Sub


Before running the program, it is assumed that you have selected a simple straight pore feature. Then get some of this Confar.

Hole depth, diameter, etc.

Although SolidWorks's API is E text. The introduction is still detailed, and there are many examples. You can look at the code more.

To access a feature, you need to experience this step:

Define a feature object: DIM .... AS ...

This feature is obtained, for example, using getSelectedObject5 and SELECTEBYID, etc ...

Get the definition: getDefinition

Visit: AccessSelections

The above program does not have the fault tolerance mechanism for IF, you need to add it.


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