Computer special terminology summary - turn

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  25

This article helps some novices say some # ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ... ... ... ... 看 看 人 人 人 人 人 总 总 总 总 总 总 总 总 总 总 总 总This summary is that everyone needs to be perfected, I hope this post should not irry.

1, CPU 3DNOW! (3D NO WAITI) ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit, Arithmetic Logic Unit) AGU (Address Generation Units, Address Matter) BGA (Ball Grid Array, Spherical Matrix) BHT (Branch Prediction Table, Branch Prediction Table BRACH PEDICTION (Branch Prediction) CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, Complex Instruction SET Computing, Complex Command Set Computer) CLK (Clock Cycle, Clock Cycle) COB (Cache On Board, Cache) COD (Cache On Die, Chip Integrated Cache) CPGA (Ceramic PIN Grid Array, Ceramic Needle Raster Array) CPU (Center Processing Unit, Central Processor) Data Forwarding Send) DIB (Dual Independent Bus, Dual Radio) EC (Embedded Controller, Embedded Controller) Embedded Chips (Embedded) EPIC (EXPLICITLY Parallel Instruction Code, Parallel Instruction Code) Fadd (FLOATIONG POINT ADDITION, Floating point plus) FCPGA (Flip Chip Pin Grid Array) FDIV (Floationg Point Divide) FDIV (FLOTIONG POINT DIVIDE, floating point) FEMMS: Fast Entry / EXIT MULTIMEDIA State, fast access / exit multimedia State FFT (Fast Fourier Transform , Fast thermal ohm conversion) FID (FID: FREQUENCY IDENTIFY, FRY Idmity Number) FIFO (First Input First Output, First Infine Queue) FLIP-CHIP (Floating Point Operations Per Second, Floating Point Operation / Second ) Fmul (Floationg Point M Ultiplication, floating point multiplication) FPU (Float Point Unit, floating point arithmetic unit) FSUB (Floationg Point Subtraction, floating point) GVPP (

Generic Visual Perception Processor, General Visual Processor) HL-PBGA: Surface Adhesive, High Heat Resistance, Lightweight Plastic Spherical Matrix Package IA (Intel Architecture, Intel Architecture) ICU (Instruction Control Unit, Command Control Unit) ID: Identify, Differentiation number IDF (Intel Developer Forum, Intel Developer Forum) IEU (integer execution units, integer execution unit) IMM: Intel mobile module, Intel mobile module instructions cache, instruction cache instruction Coloring (command classification) IPC (instructions Per Clock Cycle, instruction / Clock cycle) ISA (INSTRUCTION SET Architecture, instruction set architecture) KNI (Katmai New Instructions, Katmai New Instruction Set, That is, SSE) LittleTency LDT (Lightning Data Transport, Lightning Data Transfer Bus) Local Interconnect (Local Interconnection Mesi (Modified, Exclusive, Shared, Invalid: Modify, Excluded, Share, Abandoned) MMX (MultiMedia EXTENSIONS, Multimedia Extension Instruction Set) MFLOPS (Million FloationG Point / Second, Million) Floating point operation) MPS (MultiProcessor Specification) MSRS (MultiProcessor Specification) MSRS (Model-Specific Registers, Special Module Register) NAOC (no-account overclock , Invalid overclocking) Ni: non-Intel, non-Intel Olga (Organic Land Grid Array, Substrate Raster Array) OOO (Out of Order, Distress) PGA: Pin-Grid Array (Pin Grid Array), Power consumption Large POST-RISC PR (Performance Rate, Performance Ratio) PSN (Processor Serial NumBers, Processor Series) PIB (Processor In A Box, Box Package Processor) PPGA (Plastic PIN Grid Array) PQFP (Plastic Quad Flat Package,

Plastic square flat package) RAW (Read after Write, Write) Register Contention Register Press REGISTER RENAMING Remark Remark (Chip Frequency Religable) Resource Contention Retirement (instruction) Tropsetting) RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) Sec: Single Edge Connector, Unilateral Connector Shallow-Trench ISOLATION (Single Instruction Multiple Data) SiO2F (Fluorided Silicon) Oxide, Dioxide Silicon) SMI (System Management Interrupt) SMM (SYMMEMENT MODE, System Management Mode) SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processing, Symmetric Multiple Processing Architecture) SOI: Silicon-On-Insulator, Insulator Silicon SONC (System ON A Chip, System Integrated Chip) SPEC (System Performance Evaluation Corporation, System Performance Evaluation) SQRT (Square Root Calculation, Square Root Calculation) SSE (STREAMING SIMD EXTENSIONS, single instruction Multi-data stream extension) SuperScalar Structure of TCP: Tape Carrier Package, Heat THROUGHPUT TLB (Translate Look Side Buffers, Translation Side Buffers) USWC (UncaCheabled Speculation Write Combination, Uncuffed Random Joint Writing) VALU VECTOR ARITHMETIC LOGIC Unit ITS, vector processing unit, place for SIMD instructions such as MMX, SSE) 2, motherboard ADIMM (Advanced Dual In-line Memory Modules, Advance Double Inclusive Memory Module) AMR (Audio / Modem Riser; Sound / Modem Motherboard Additional set up card) AHA (

Accelerated Hub Architecture, Acceleration Center Architecture) ASK IR (Amplitude Shift Keyed Infra-Red, Long Waveform Movable Input Infrared) ATX: AT Extend / Output System, Basic Input / Output Systems) CSE ( Configuration space Enable, can allocate space) DB: device Bay, equipment bay DMI (Desktop management Interface, Desktop management Interface) EB (expansion bus, expansion bus) EISA (enhanced industry standard architecture, enhance shaped industry standard architecture) EMI (Electromagnetic Interference (Extended System Configuration Data) ESCD (Extensible System Configuration Data) FBC (FireWire, IEEE1394) FIREWIRE (FireWire, IEEE1394) FSB: Front Side Bus, front bus, external bus FWH (Firmware Hub, Firmware Center) GMCH (Graphics & Memory Controller Hub, Graphics & Memory Control Center) GPIS (General Purpose INPUTS, Normal Operation Input) ICH (Input / Output Controller Hub, Input / Output Control Center) IR (Infrared Ray, Infrared) Irda (Infrared Ray, infrared communication interface) ISA: Industry Standard Architecture, Industrial Standard Architecture ISA (Instruction Set Architecture, Industrial Settings Architecture) MDC (Mobile Daughter Card, Mobile Subscriber) MRH -R (Memory Repeater Hub, Memory Data Processing Center) MRH-S (SDRAM REPEATER HUB, SDRAM Data Processing Center) MTH (Memory Transfer Hub, Memory Conversion Center) NGIO (Next Generation Input / Output, New Generation Input / Output) P64H (64-bit) PCI Controller HUB, 64-bit PCI Control Center) PCB (Printed Circuit Board, Printed Circuit Board) PCBA (Print Circuit Board Assembly, Printed Circuit Board) PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect,

Interconnected Peripherals PCI SIG (Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group, Interconnected Peripherals) POST (Power On Self Test) RNG (Random Number Generator, Random Digital Generator) RTC: Real Time Clock Real Time Clock) KBC (KeyBroad Control, Keyboard Controller) SAP (Sideband Address Port, Sideband Address Port) SMA: Share Memory Architecture, Share Memory Structure STD (Suspend to Disk, Disk Wake-up) STR (SUSPEND TO RAM, Memory Wake up) SVR: Switch Voltage Regulator (Unified System Diagnostic Manager, Unified System Diagnostic Manager, Unified System Monitoring Manager) VID (VOLTAGE identification Definition, voltage identifying authentication) VRM (voltage Regulator module, voltage regulator module) ZIF: zero insertion force, zero insertion force motherboard technology Gigabyte ACOPS: Automatic CPU overHeat prevention system (CPU overheating prevention system) SIV: system information Viewer (system information Observation) 英 ESDJ (Easy Setting Dual Jumper, Simplified CPU Double Jumper Method) Hout UPT (USB, PANEL, LINK, TV-OUT Digital) Chipset ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, advanced settings and power management) AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port, Graphics Acceleration) I / O (Input / Output, Input / Output) MIOC: Memory and I / O Bridge Controller, Memory and I / O Bridge Controller NBC: North Bridge Chip PIIX : PCI ISA / IDE Accelerator (Accelerator) PSE36: Page Size Extension 36-Bit, 36-bit page Size Extension Mode PXB: PCI Expander Bridge, PCI Enhanced Bridge RCG: Ras / Cas Generator, Ras / Cas Generator SBC: South Bridge Chip South Bridge Chip) SMB: System Management Bus SPD (Serial Presence Detect,

Memory internal serial number detection device) SSB: Super South Bridge, Super South Bridge Chip TDP: Triton Data Path TSC: Triton System Controller (System Controller) QPA: Quad Port Acceleration (4 Interface Acceleration) 3, Display Device ASIC : Application Specific Integrated Circuit ASC (Auto-Sizing and Centering, Auto Sands Screen Size and Center Location) ASC (Anti Static Coatings, Anti-Static Coating) AGAS (Anti Glare Anti Static Coatings, strong Light, anti-static coating) BLA: Bearn Landing Area (Electronic Board) BMC (Black Matrix Screen, Super Black Matrix Screen) CRC: CYCLICAL Redundancy Check (Cathode Ray Tube, Cathode Ram) DISPLAY DATA CHANNEL, Display Data Channel Dec (Direct Etching Coatings, Surface Etrance) DFL (Dynamic Focus Lens, Dynamic Focus) DFS (Digital Flex Scan, Digital Scanning) DIC: DIGITAL Image Control DIGITAL MultiScan II (Digital Light Processing, Digital Light Processing) DOSD: DIGITAL ON Screen Display DPMS (Display Power Management Signalling, Show Energy Management Signal) Dot Pitch (Dista) DQL (Dynamic Quadrapole Lens, Dynamic Signal Processing, Digital Signal Processing) EFEAL (Extended Field Elliptical Aperture Lens) FRC: Frame Rate Control HVD (High Voltage) HVD (High Voltage) Differential, high score differential) LCD (L iQUID Crystal Display, LCD screen) LCOS: Liquid Crystal On Silicon (Light Emitting Diode) L-Sagic (Low Power-Small Aperture G1 Wiht Impregnated Cathode, Low Voltage Aperture Cathode) LVD (

Low Voltage DiffERENTIAL, Low Voltage) LVDS: Low Voltage DiffERENTIAL SIGNAL (Low Voltage Differential Sign) MALS (Multi ASTIGMATISM LENS System, Multi-Radiation Optical Focusing System) MDA (Monochrome Adapter, Monochrome) MS: Magnetic Sensors (Magnetic Field Induction POROUS TUNGSTEN RSDS: Reduced Swing Differential Signal SC (Screen Coatings, Screen Coating) SINGLE Ended SHADOW MASK (Timeing Detection Table, Data Measure Table) Ticrg: Tungsten Impregnated Cathode Ray Gun (Tungsten Transmitting Crossing Ram) UCC (Ultra Clear Coatings, Ultra Clear Coating) VAGP: Variable Aperature Grille Pitch (Variable Spacing Raster VBI: Vertical BLANKING Interval (Vertical White Gap) VDT (Video Display Terminals, Video Display Terminal) VRR: Vertical Refresh Rate 4 Video 3D: Three Dimensional, 3D Subsystem, 3D Subsystem) AE (Atmospheric Effects, Atomization Effect) AFR (Alternate Frame Rendering, Alternating Rendering Technology) Anisotropic Filtering APPE (Advanced Packet Parsing Engine) AV (Analog Video, Analog Video) Back Buffer, The rear buffer BACKFACE CULLING (Visible Elimination) Battle for Eyeballs (Eye 3D Graphic Chip Company) Bilinear Filtering CEM (Cube Environment Mapping) CEM (Cube Environment Mapping) CG (Cube Environment Mapping) CG Compute R graphics, computer generated image) Clipping (Clippers) Clock Synthesizer, Clock Getcher compressed Textures, CONCURRENT COMMAND Engine, Collaboration Command Engine Center Processing Unit Utilization,

Central Processor Occupation DAC (Digital To Analog Converter, Digital Moder) Decal (Printing Law) Decal (Printing Law) Decal (Printing Method) DFP (Digital Flat Panel, Digital Plane Display) DFS : Dynamic Flad Shading, can be used as acceleration DITHERING DIRECTIONAL LIGHT, DREF Source DME: DIRECT MEMORY EXECUTE DOF (Depth of Field, Multi-Main Deext) Dot Texture Blending type texture blending) double Buffering (double buffer) DIR (direct rendering Infrastructure, direct rendering Infrastructure) DVI (digital video Interface, digital video interface) DxR: DynamicXTended resolution (dynamically scalable resolution) DXTC (direct X texture Compress, DirectX Texture compression, based on S3TC) Dynamic Z-Buffering (Dynamic Z-axis buffer), display objects are far close, can be used as a vision E-DDC (Enhanced Display Data Channel, enhanced video data channel protocol, defining display output and main The communication channel between the system can improve the picture quality of the display output) Edge Anti-AliaSing, the edge anti-aliasing Data E-EDID (Enhanced Extended Identification Data), enhanced identity identification data, defines the data format of the computer communication video main system EXECUTE BUFFERS, perform buffer Environment Mapped Bump Mapping (Environmental Concluded Mapping) Extended Burst Transactions, Enhanced Burst ProFffr Scene anti-aliasing, panoramic anti-aliasing) FOG (atomization effect) Flip double buffered (reverse dual cache) FOG TABLE Quality (graphic address remappng table, graphic address redrawing table Gouraud Shading, Gao Luode Draw, also known as the interpolation, uniform color GPU (Graphics Processing Unit, Graphics Processor) GTF (Generalized Timing Formula, General Procedure Time, Defining the time required to generate the screen, including Such as picture refresh rate, etc.) HAL

Hardware Abstract Layer, Hardware Examination Layer) Hardware Motion Compensation HDTV (High Definition Television, High Definition TV) HIGH: Hardware Emulation Layer High Triangle Count (complex triangle count) ICD (Installable Client Driver, a client driver can be installed) IDCT (Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform, non-continuous anti-Sucoid transformation, GeForce DVD hardware strengthening technology) Immediate Mode, Direct Patter IPPR: Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (Image Processing and Mode Identification) Large TEXTURES LF (Linear Filtering, Linear Filtration, Type Bad Filtering) Lighting (Light) LOCAL Peripheral BUS (Local Edge Bus) MOPMAPING (MIP Map) Motion Compensation, Dynamic compensation Motion Blur MPPS: Million Pixels Per Second, Million Pixels Per Second, Multi-Pixel / Second Multi-Resolution MESH, Multiple Resolution Combination Multi Threaded Bus MULTITEXTUREXTURE (Multi-texture) NErest MIPMAP (neighboring MIP mapping, called point sampling) the overdraw (overdraft, panoramic rendering waste) partial texture downloads (texture parallel transmission) parallel Processing perspective Engine (parallel perspective processor) PC (perspective correction caused by perspective correction) PGC (parallel Graphics Configuration, a parallel image Set) Pixel (Picture Element, Image Element, Also known as P Pixel, Pixel Point on Screen) Point Light (General Point Light) Point Sampling (Point Sampling Technology, also adjacent MIP Map) Precise Pixel Interpolat ION, precise pixel interpolation Procedural Textures (programmable texture) RAMDAC (Random Access Memory Digital To Analog Converter, Random Memory / Model Converter) Reflection Mapping Render (Coloring or Rendering) S Terminal (SEPERATE)

S3 (SIGHT, SOUND, SPEED, Video, Audio, Speed) S3TC (S3 Texture Compress, S3 Texture Compression, only S3 graphics card) S3TL (S3 Transformation & Lighting, S3 Polygon Conversion, Source Processing) Screen Buffer SDTV (Standard Definition Television, Standard Definition TV) SEM (Spherical Environment Mapping, Spherical Environment Map) Shading, Video Single Pass Multi-Texturing, Single Channel Multi-Texture SLI (Scanline Interleave, Scanning Units, 3DFX Double Voodoo 2 Teamwork Technical) SMART Filter Soft Shadows Soft Reflections SPOT Light SRA (Symmetric Rendering Architecture, Symmetric Rendering Architecture) Steencil Buffers (Template Buffer) Stream Processor SuperScaler Rendering, over-scale Rendering TBFB (Tile Based Frame Buffer, Debriscask) Texture Fidelity TEXTURE FIDELITY TEXTURE SWApping (TRANSFORM AND LIGHTING) T & L (Transform and Lighting, Polygon Conversion T-buffer (t-buffer, 3DFX VOODOO 4 effects, including panoramic anti-Scene anti-aliasing, dynamic blur motion blur, focus blur), soft shadow Soft Shadows, soft reflection Soft Reflections TCA (Twin cache architecture, double buffer structure) transparency (transparent effect) Transformation (delta conversion) trilinear filtering (trilinear filtering) texture modes, material mode TMIPM: trilinear MIP mapping (three linear MIP textures) UMA (Unified Memory architecture, Unified Memory Architecture) Visualize Geometry Engine, Visual Geometry Engine Vertex Lighting (Vertical) Vertical Interpolation (Vertical) VIP (Video Interface Port, Video Interface) Virge: Video and Rendering Graphics Engine

Video Description Graphics Engine) VOXEL (Volume Pixels, Stereo Pixels, Novalogic) VQTC (Vector-Quantization Texture Compression, Vector Texture Compression) VSI (Video Signal Standard, Video Signal Standard) V-SYNC (Synchronous Refresh) Z Buffer (Z Cache) 5, Audio 3DPA (3D Positional Audio, 3D Positioning Audio) AC (Audio Codec, Audio Multimedia Digital Signal Codec) AUXILIARY INPUT CS (Channel Separation, Sound Separation) DS3D (DirectSound 3D Streams) DSD (Direct Stream Digital, Digital Signal) DSL (Download Sample, Download Sampling) DLS-2 (Downloadable Sounds Level 2, Second Generation Download Sound) Eax (Environmental Audio Extensions, Environmental Sound Effect Extension Technology) extended stereo (Extensible stereo) FM (frequency modulation, frequency modulation) FIR (finite impulse response, finite impulse response) FR (Frequence response, frequency response) FSE (frequency Shifter effect, frequency conversion effect) HRTF (Head Related Transfer Function, Head-related Transport Function) IID (Interartain INTENSITY DIFCERENCE, Sound Strength Difference) IIR (Infinite Impulse Response, Unlimited Response) Interactive Around-Sound (Interactive Surround) Interactive 3D Audio (Interactive 3D Sound Effect) ITD (Interartain Time Difference, Sound Time Delayed Differences) MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface (Musical Digital Interface) NDA: Non-Dword-Aligned, Non DWORD Arrangement RAW PCM: Raw Pulse Code Moduted (Metal Code Modulation) RMA: Realmed IA Architecture RTSP: Real Time Street Sacd (Super Audio CD, Super Music CD) SNR (Signal To Noise Ratio, Sign Noise) S / PDIF (

SONY / Phillips Digital Interface, Sony / Philips Digital Interface) SRS: Sound Retrieval System Surround Sound SUPER Intelligent Sound ASIC (Super Smart Audio Integrated Circuit) THD N (Total Harmonic Distort Plus Noise , Total harmonic distortion plus noise) QEM (QSound Environmental Modeling, QSound Environment Construction Temperator Group) WT (Wave Table, Wavelength Synthesis) 6, RAM & ROM ABP: Address Bit Permuting, address Bit sequence changes ATC (Access Time From Clock, Clock Access Time) BSRAM (Burst Pipelined Synchronous Static Ram, Burst Pipeline Synchronous Static Memory) CAS (Column Address Strobe, Column Address Controller) CCT (Clock Cycle Time, Clock Cycle DB: DEEP BUFFER DDR SDRAM (Double Date Rate, Double Divob Rate SDRAM) DIL (DUAL-in-line) DIMM (Double In-Line Memory Modules) DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory, Dynamic Random Memory) DRDRAM (Direct Rambus DRAM, Direct Rambus Memory) ECC (Error Checking and Correction, Error Check Correction) EEPROM (Electrical EraSable Programmable ROM, Electric Writing Programmable Read-On Semire) FM: Flash Memory Memory) FMD ROM (Fluorescent Material Read Only Memory, Fluoresm Read Only Memory) Pirom: Processor Information ROM, Processor Information ROM PLEDM: Phase-State Low Electron (Hole) -Number Drive Memory QBM (Quad Band Memory, quad With memory) RAC (Rambus Asic Cell, Rambus Integrated Circuit Unit) RDRAM (Rambus Direct Ram, Direct Rambusram) RIMM (Rambus In-Line Memory Modules, Rambus Embedded Memory Module) SDR SDRAM SINGLE DATE RATE,

Single data rate SDRAM) SGRAM (Synchronous Graphics RAM, Synchronous Graphics RAM, Synchronous Graphic Random Substance) SO-DIMM (Small Outline Dual In-Line Memory Modules, Small Double Inclusive) SPD (Serial Presence Detect, Serial Existence Check) SRAM (Static Random Access Memory, Static Random Memory) SSTL-2 (Thin Small Outline Packages, Ultra Small Package) USWV (Uncacheable, Speculative, Write-Combining Non-buffered Random Hybrid Writing) VCMA ( Virtual Channel Memory Architecture, Virtual Channel Memory Structure 7, Disk AAT (AVERAGE Access Time, Average Access Time) ABS (Auto Balance System, Automatic Balance System) ASMO (Advanced Storage Magneto-Optical, Enhanced Optical Memory) AST (Average) AST (AverageAge Seek Time, Average Swing Time) ATA (ATTachment, AT Extension) Atomm (Advanced Super Thin-Layer And High-Output Metal Media, Enhanced Ultra-thin High Speed ​​Metal Media) BPS (Bit Per Second, Bit / Second) CAM (CommON Access Model, Public Access Model) CSS (CommON Command Set, General Instruction) DMA (Direct Memory Access, Direct Memory Accommoding) DVD (Digital Video Disk, Digital Video CD) EIDE (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics) EIDE (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics) Electronic Integrated Drive) FAT (File Allocation Tables, File Allocation Table) FDBM (FLUID DYNAMIC Bearing Motors, Liquid Bearing Mad) FDC (Floppy Disk Controller, Flop Drive Control Device) FDD (Floppy Disk Driver, Flop Drive) GMR (Giant MagnetORESIS e, giant magnetoresistance) HDA (Head Disk Assembly, Tottles) HIFD (HIGH-CAPACITY FLOPPY DISK, High Capacity Flop) Ide (Integrated Drive Electronics, Electronic Integrated Drive) LBA (Logical Block Addressing,

Logic block addressing) MBR (Master Boot Record, Main Boot Record) MTBF (Mean Time BEFORE FAILURE) PIO (Programmed Input Output, Programmable Input Output) PRML (Partial Response Maximum Likelihood, Maximum Possible Partial Reaction, Used to improve disk read / write transmission rate) RPM (rotation per minute, rotation / division) RSD: Removable Storage Device SCSI (Small Computer System Interface, Small Computer System Interface) SCMA: SCSI Configured Auto Magically, SCSI Automatic configuration of Smart (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, Automatic Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) STA (SCSI Trade Association, SCSI Association) ULTRA DMA (Ultra Direct Memory Access, Ultra High Speed) Direct memory Access) LVD (Low Voltage Differential) Seagate Hard Disk Technology DST (Drive Self Test, Disk Self-Test Program) Seashield (Anti-Static Anti - impact Shell) 8, CD-ROM ATAPI (Atttachment Packet Interface BCF) BCF (Boot Catalog file -Rewritable, Reproducible Recurrent Disc) CLV (Constant Linear Velocity, Constant Line Speed) DAE (Double Dynamic Suspension System, Double Suspension Dynamic Suspension) DDSS II (Double Dynamic Suspens) DDSS II (Double Dynamic Suspension ION SYSTEM II, Second Generation Double Dynamic Suspension System) PCAV (Part Constant Angular Velocity, Part Constant angle speed) VCD (Video CD, Video CD) 9, Printer AAS (Automatic Area Seagment?) DPI (Dot Per Inch,

Print pixels per inch) ECP (Extended Capabilities Port, Extended Parallel Port, Enhanced Parallel Port) IPP (Internet Printing Protocol, Internet Print Protocol) PPM (Paper Per Minute, Page / Split) SPP (Standard Parallel Port, Standard Parallel Port) Tet (Text Enhanced Technology, Text Enhance Technology) USBDCDPD (Universal Serial Bus Device Definition for Printing Devices, General Serial Bus Standards) VD (Variable Dot, Variable Point Print) 10. Scanner TWAIN (Toolkit Without An Interesting Name) Agreement 11, computer company Ali: Acer Lab (Macro Lab) ASF: Applied Science Fiction AMD: Advanced Micro Device AMI: American Megatrends Incorporated EAR (EXTreme Audio Reality) HP: Hewlett-Packard, United States HP IBM: International Business Machine, International Business Machine IDG (International Data Group, International Data Group) IMS: International Meta System MLE: Microsoft Learning and Entertainment, Microsoft Teaching and Entertainment Company MS ( Microsoft, Microsoft) NAI: NetWork Associates Incorporation, predecessor McAfee.

NS (National Semiconductor, National Semiconductor) PMI: Pacific Magtron International SCE (sony computer entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment) SGI: Silicon Graphics SiS: Silicon Integrated Systems, Integrated Systems wafer UMC (United Microelectronics Corporation, Taiwan's United Microelectronics Corp. , Semiconductor Manufacturer) ZD (Ziff-Davis Publishing Company) 12. Organizational CBF: Cable Broadband Forum, Cable Broadband Forum CEMA (Consumer Electronics Manufacturing Association) CPE: Customer Premise Equipment CSA: Canadian Standards Association (Canada Standards Association) DCA: Defense Communication Agency, Ministry of Defense Communications Communication Bureau DoJ: Department of Justice DSP: Delivery Service Partner (Delivery Service Partner) DVB: digital video broadcasting, digital video broadcasting E3: electronic Entertainment Expo, electronic Entertainment Expo EFF: electronic Frontier Foundation (electronic Frontier Foundation) EPA (environmental Protection Agency, US environmental Protection Agency) FCC: Federal communications Commission (Federal communications Commission ) FTC: Federal trade Commission, the Federal trade Commission GDC (game Developer Conference, game developers conference) ISSCC (international Solid-State circuits Conference, international transistor circuit Symposium) ICSA: international computer security Association (international computer security Association), it of Formerly known as NCSA (National Computer Security Association, the National Computer Security Association) IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Institute of Electrical circuit Engineers) IFWP: International Forum White Paper, International White Paper Forum ISO / MPEG: International Standard Organization's Moving Picture Expert Group ( International Conditional Organization of International Organizations Group) ITAA: Information Technology Association of American,

United States Information Technology Association MAC (Mobile Advisory Council) MCSP: Microsoft Certified Solution Providers, Microsoft Certified Solution Provider MJPEG (Motion Joint Photographic Experts Group, a mobile continuous Picture Experts Group) MMA: MIDI Manufacturer Association (MIDI Manufacturers Alliance) NCTA : National cable television Association, the American cable television Association NIA: Networking Interoperatility Alliance (network interoperability Alliance) NBITD (National Board for Industrual and technical development, the Swedish National Collections of industrial and technical development Committee to develop) OAAF: open Arcade Architecture Forum, open Arcade system Forum OEM (original equipment manufacturer, original equipment manufacturers) OIF: optical Internetworking Forum, fiber optic interconnection network forum RIAA (Recording industry Association of America, RIAA) RIO: Redistributed Internet Object (Internet assigned) SIA (The semiconductor industries Association, the semiconductor industry Association) SPA: software Publishers Association, the software Publishers Association TSOWU (the Swedish office worker's union, Confederation of Swedish office staff to develop TCO standard known) UAWG: universal ADSL working group (universal ADSL working group) Ucaid: UNIVERSITY CORPORATION for Advanced Internet Development Ul: Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (New Product Commitment Lab) VAR: Value Added Resellers W3C (World Wide Web Consortiu m, World Wide Web Consortium) WHQL (Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Lab, Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs) WinHEC: Windows Hardware Engineering Conference, Windows Hardware Engineering Conference 13, the programming API (Application Programming Interfaces, application program interface) ASCII (American Standard Code For Information Interchange, National Standard Information Exchange Code) ATL: ActiveX Template Library Basic: Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

Generator General Communication Code) COM: Component Object Model DNA: Distributed Internet Application MFC: Microsoft Foundation Classes (Software Development Kit, Software Development Kit, Software Development Kit) 14, Windows CE (consumer Electronics, consumer electronics) DCOM: Distributing Component object Model, configuration object module DHCP: dynamic host configuration protocol, dynamic host configuration protocol DMF: distribution Media Format GDI (graphics device Interface, graphics device interface) GUI (graphics User Interface, Graphical User Interface) GPF (General Protect Fault, General Protection Error) HTA: Hypertext Application, Hypertext Application INF File (Initialization File, Initialization File) NDIS: Network Driver Interface Specification, Network Driver Interface Specification NT (New Technology, New Technology) QoS: Quality Of Service, Service Quality RRVP: Resource Reservation Protocol RTOS (Real Time Operating Systems, Real Time Operating System) SBFS: SIMPLE BOOT FLAG Specification Simple Boot Tag Specification VEFAT: Virtual File Allocation Table (VMS Distribution Table) (VXD, Virtual Device Drivers, Virtual Device) WDM (Windows Driver Model, Windows Driver Module) Winsock: Windows Socket, Windows Set WHQL: Windows Hardware Quality Labs, Windows Hardware Quality Lab WHS: Windows Scripting Host, Windows Script Program Zam: Zero Administration for Windows, Zero Management Windows System 15, Encrypted ECC: ELLIPTIC CURVE CRYPTO (Elliptic Curve Encryption) Set: Secure Electronic Transaction 16, Language CSS: Cascading Style Sheets, laminated format table DCD: Document Content Description for XML: XML file content description DTD: Document Type Definition, file type definition HTML (

HyperText Markup Language, HTML) JVM: Java Virtual Machine, Java Virtual Machine OJI: Open Java VM Interface, an open JAVA Virtual Machine Interface SGML: Standard Generalized Markup Language, Standard Generalized Markup Language SMIL: Synchronous Multimedia Integrate Language (Synchronized Multimedia integration language) VRML: virtual reality Makeup language, virtual reality structured language VXML (voice eXtensible Markup language, voice extensible Markup language) XML: extensible Markup language (extensible Markup language) XSL: extensible Style Sheet language (extensible language) 17, Network ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, Asymmetric Digital Subscription Lines AH: Authentication Header ATM (asynchronous Transfer mode, ATM) BOD (Bandwidth On Demand, a bandwidth elastic use) CBR (Committed burst rate, Committed burst rate) CCIRN: coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networking, intercontinental Research network coordinating Committee CCM (Call Control Manager , Dial-up Control Management) CDSL: Consumer Digital Subscriber Line (COMMON GATEWAY INTERFACE, Universal Gateway Interface) CIEA: Commercial Internet Exchange Association, Committed Infomation Rate, Conventive Infomation Rate CTS (Clear TO Send, Clearing) DBS -Pc: Direct Broadcast Satellite PC (Satellite Direct Broadcasting PC) DCE: Data Circuit Terminal Equipment, Data Communication Device DES: Data Encryption Standard, Data Encryption Standard DMT: Discrete Multi - Tone, Disconnect Multi-Based Frequency Mode DNS Name System, Domain Name System) DOCSIS (Data over Cable Service Interface Specifications, Cable Services Interface Data Specifications) DTE: DATA TERMINAL EQUIPMENT, Data Terminal EBR (

Excess Burst Rate, excess burst rate) ESP: Encapsulating Security Payload, Encapsulating Security Payload FDM: Frequency Division Multi, frequency separation Flow-control Flow control FRICC: Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee, federal investigators Internet Coordinating Committee for FTP (File Transfer Protocol , File Transfer Protocol) GHOST: (General Hardware Oriented System Transfer, Full Hardware Guide System Transfer) HDSL: High Bit Rate DSL, High Bit Rate Digital Subscription Line HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol) ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol , Internet Information Control Protocol) IK (Internet Engineering Task Framework, Internet Engineering Task Group) IKE: Internet Key Exchange, Internet Key Exchange Protocol IMAP4: Internet Message Access Protocol Version 4, Fourth Edition Internet Information Acquisition Protocol Internet (Internet) IP (Internet protocol, Internet protocol) ISDN (integrated service digital network, integrated services digital network) ISOC: Internet Society, the Internet Association of ISP (Internet service Provider, Internet service Provider) LAN (Local Area network, Local Area network) LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access protocol, lightweight directory access protocol Lom (LAN-ON-MONTHERBOARD) IAB: Internet Activities Board, Internet Working Committee IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force, Internet Engineering Job Push L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol, Secondary Channel Agreement) LMDS: Local MultiPoint Distributed System , Local multipoint distribution system MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions protocol MNP: Microcom Networking Protocal MODEM (Modulator Demodulator, a modem) NAT (Network Address Translation, network address translation) NC (Network Computer, network computer NDS: Novell Directory Service, Novell Directory Service NNTP: NetWork News Transfer Protocol, Network News Transfer Protocol MSN: Microsoft Network, Microsoft Network OFDM

orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) P3P (Privacy Preference Project, privacy security platform) PDS: Public Directory Support, public directory support PGP: Pretty Good Privacy, good confidentiality agreement PICS: Platform for Internet Content Selection , Internet Content Select Platform POF: Polymer Optical Fiber, Polymeric Fiber POP3: Post Office Protocol Version 3, Third Edition E-mail Agreement PPTP: Point To Point Tunneling Protocol, Point-to-Point Channel Protocol Radsl: Rate Adaptive DSL, Rate Adaptive Digital Subscription line RARP (reverse address Resolution protocol, reverse address Resolution protocol) RDF: resource description framework, resource description framework RSA (Rivest Shamir Adlemen, an Internet encryption and authentication system) RTS (Request To send, transmission needs) SIS: Switched Internetworking Services S / MIME: Secure Mime, Security Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension Protocol SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) SKIP: Simple Key exchange Internet protocol, simple Internet key exchange protocol SUA (single user account, a single user account) TCP (transmission control protocol, transmission control protocol) UART (universal asynchronous receiver / Transmitter, a universal asynchronous receiver / transmitter means) UDP (user Datagram protocol , User Data News Agreement) ULS: User Location Service, User Location Service VOD: Video ON Demand, video on demand VPN: Virtual Private Network, virtual LAN WWW (World Wide Web, Way Web, is part of the Internet) 18, Communication CTI: Computer Telephone Integration, Computer Telephone Comprehensive Technology DBS: Direct Broadcast Satellite, Direct Satellite Broadcasting DWDM: DENSE WaveLelength Division Multiplex, Wavelength-intensive Multipoint Technology MMDS: Multichannel MultiPoint Distribution Service, Multi-Band Multi-Distribution Service PCM: Pulse Code Modulation, Pulse Code Modulation PSTN (

Public Switched Telephone Network, a public switched telephone network) TAPI: Telephony Application Programming Interface, Telephony Application Programming Interface TSAPI: Telephony Services Application Programming Interface, Telephony Application Programming Interface WDM: WaveLength Division Multiplex, wavelength division multiplexing 19 games ACT (Action, Action Games) ARPG (Action Role Play Games, Action Role Play Game) AVG (Adventure Genre, Adventure Game) Dan (Dance, Dancing Game, Including Dancing Machine, Ji Type Machine, Drum Machine, etc.) DC ( Dreamcast, Sega 64-bit game machine) ETC (ETC, other class games, including simulation flight) FFJ: Force Feedback Joystick (FRST PERSON GAME, first person game) FTG (Fighting Game, Fighting GB (GAME BOY, Nintendo 4 hand game machine) GBC (Game Boy Color, Nintendo Portable 16-color Gaming Machine) GG (Game Gear, Sega Color Hand Game Machine) FC (Famicom, Nintendo 8 Game Machine) FPS ( Frames Per Second, Frames Rate, Runput Frame of Frames Rate N64 (Macintosh, Apple Computer) N64 (Nintendo 64, Nintendo 64-bit Game Machine) SFC (Super Famicom, Super Nintendo 16 Game Machine) SLG ( SIMULATION GAME, Simulated Class Games) SPG (SPORTS GAMES, Sports Games) SRPG (Strategies Role Play Games, Strategic Role Play Game) STG (Shoot Game, Shooting Game) SS (Sega Saturn, Sega Saturn 32-bit Game Machine) PC (Personal Computer, Personal Computer) PS (Play Station, Sony 32-bit Game Machine) PS (Pocket Station, Sony Hand Game Machine) RAC (Race, Racing Game) RTS (REAL TIME Strategies, Real Time Strategy) RPG (Role Play Games , Role playing tour Drama) Tab (Table Chess, Table Chess Game) 20, Server C2c: Card-to-Card Intergelaving,


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