Windows XP registry modified essence [Complete Works]

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  25

Windows XP Registry Modify the essence [Complete Works] 1. Hide Recycle Bet Hide Recycle Bin, means that it is not displayed in the desktop and resource manager, hidden is not equal to stopping this feature, such as using login file changes, please refill Login file for backup, login file changes (for Windows XP home and commercial version): In [Start] -> [Run] -> Type [Regedit] -> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] -> [Software] - > [Microsoft] -> [Windows] -> [CurrentVersion] -> [Explorer] -> [Desktop] -> [Namespace], will [{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}]] deleted It can take effect after logging in. 2, stop "disk space" notification function When the disk drive is less than 200MB, Windows XP will issue a notification of "Insufficient Disk Space". If you need to stop this function, you can press the program to change the login file: in [Start ] -> [Run] -> Type [Regedit] -> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] -> [Software] -> [Microsoft] -> [Windows] -> [CurrentVersion], under [policies] Add an item name [Explorer] (if you have no added), add a DWORD value in [Explorer], [NOLOWDISKSPACECHECKS] numerical data is [1] = stop notification, value information is [0] = default value start notification . 3. Cancel the default value of the Windows Pictures and Fax Viewers When you look at the Windows and resource manager, you can use the Windows image and the fax viewer as the default value. If you want to cancel this default value, you can press the modification: in [ Start] -> [Run] -> Type [Regedit] -> Selection [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] -> [Software] -> [CLASSES] -> [CLSID] -> [{E84FDA7C-1D6A-45F6 -B725-CB260C236066}] -> [shellex], delete [mayChangeDefaultMenu] can be. 4. Thoroughly delete a custom hidden icon in the task bar, there is a hidden inactive icon in the notification area, there are a lot of revenues that have been left before running the software, some software is removed, this There is also its shadow. Ways to completely delete: Run regedit to open HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerTrayNotify delete the value IconStreams and PastIconsStream while pressing the DEL ALT CTRL or right-click the taskbar / task manager, open the task manager / process, the end of EXPLORER.EXE program, leave it alone of Warning, press OK. At this time, the taskbar was invisible. Then, click the "File" / New Task of the Task Manager, enter Explorer.exe, then restore the taskbar, then, it is best to restart.

5, delete shared sharing and user-leaf clamping normal [My File] and [Shared Folder], each user will have a separate binder, as follows, will only keep my binder, the rest Will not appear: in [Start] -> [Run] -> Type [Regedit] -> Selection [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] -> [Software] -> [Microsoft] -> [Windows] -> [CURRENTVERSION] -> [Explorer] -> [MyComputer] -> [namespace], remove [{59031A47-3F72-44A7-89C5-5595FE6B30EE}] under [delegateFolders]. 6. Turn off automatic restart function When Windows XP encounters serious problems, it will suddenly restart. Press Change to cancel this feature: in [Start] -> [Run] -> Type [Regedit] -> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] -> [System] -> [CurrentControlSet] -> [Control] -> [CrashControl], change the [Autoreboot] DWORD value to [0], restart to take effect. 7. The IE window becomes small solution Sometimes somehow, whenever IE opens a new window, it is a small window, even if you click the "Maximize" button, it is still no. In fact, this is a "memory" effect of IE itself, that is, the next re-open window defaults to the status of the last time close. For each open IE windows restored to the normal state, according to the following steps: entering the registry editor, to the lower HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain, delete "Window_Placement" key in the right window; expand the registry to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDesktopOld Work-Areas Next, remove the "OldWorkareArects" key in the right window; turn off the registry, restart your computer, maximize the IE window twice ("maximize" → "restore" → "maximize"), then restart IE again OK .

8, IE can not open a new window solution Recently, I don't know why, my IE can't open a new window, the specific expression is: Use the left mouse button to click the hyperlink without reacting, with the mouse button to click the hyperlink, in the pop-up menu The choice "Open in the new window" is not moving, this is anxious, reloading IE, it is too much trouble, after some information, finally let me find a solution, if you have encountered and I can try this way: Click "Start" → "Run", enter "Regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll" in the "Run" dialog pop-ups (Note When entering the input, then click "OK" button. Then there will be an information dialog "DllRegisterServer in actXprxy.dll succeed"; click "OK" button in this dialog; click "Start" → "Run", enter "Regsvr32 in the" Run "dialog box SHDOCVW.DLL "(Note When entering the input, then click the" OK "button, then a message dialog" DllRegisterServer In ShDocvw.dll succeeded ", click" OK "button in the dialog; restart Windows, Run IE, just open a web page, click on a hyperlink to try. You will find IE and open a new window! Try again with the right mouse button to select "Open in a new window", still no problem! 9. Uninstall useless dynamic link resource manager often leaves a useless dynamic link in memory. In order to eliminate this phenomenon, you can open the registry editor, set the key value: hkey_local_machine\ Software \Microsoft \Windows \currentversion \Exploreral AirwaysunloadDll = DWORD: 1 Set it to 0, this feature will be turned off. Note: To make the settings take effect, you need to restart your computer. 10, XP pre-read settings Windows XP sets a pre-reading technology to increase system speed. If you have a PIII 800, 512M or more memory, recommend modification: Run "regedit" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementPrefetchParametersEnablePrefetcher>; set the value 0,1,2,3.0-Disable, 1- pre-reading application, start pre-read 2- All the two are pre-read ("3", recommending it). 4. Restart. Clear a pre-read file When XP is used for a while, the file in the pre-read folder will become large, and there will be a deadline file in it, which will slow down the system time. Recommendation: These files are deleted regularly. (WindowsPrefetch) 11. Delete the excess DLL file "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWINDOWSCALRENTVERSIONSHAREDLS" Remove the shared DLL information, and the number of rear numbers indicates that the current DLL file is shared by several applications. If it is 0, it means it is extra, You can delete it.

12, "Recycling Station" to change the recycle bin of Microsoft, long time, we want to give this special object to take a different name, to do this is not difficult, as long as we open the registry editor program, and Open {hkey_classes_rootclsid [645ff040-5081-101b-9f08-00aa002f954e>} branch, change the "recycle bin" under its favorite name, such as "trash". When you refresh it on your desktop, a "trash" appears on the desktop. 13. Accelerating Window Display Speed ​​We can change the window from the task bar to change the window by modifying the registry, and minimize the movement of the registry, steps: Open the registry editor, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USERCONTROL PanelsktopWindowMetrics sub-branch, in the window Find the MINANIMATE key value, which is REG_SZ. By default, the value of this health is 1, indicating that the animation that opens the window, change it to 0, prohibit the display of animation, next to the start menu Select "log out" from the start menu Command, activating the modifications you just made. 14. Remove the "Update" option: For most users, Windows XP's Windows Update function seems to have no big effect, we can remove it, the steps are as follows: Open the Registry Editor, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USERSEFTWARE MicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciexPlorer sub-branch, choose The "New" command under the "Edit" menu, create a value of the type REG_DWORD, named NOCOMMONGROUPS, double-click the new NocomMONGROUPS subkey, enter the key value "1" in the Edit String text box, then click " Determine the button and restart the system. 15. Modify the login background pattern of Windows XP: Facing a long-lasting monotonous login pattern, you may have been born for a long time, we can change it to your favorite pattern through the registry: Open the Registry Editor , Find the HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTCONTROL Panelsktop sub-branch, double-click WALLPAPER, type the path to your choice of pictures, such as: cocuments and settingsmy documentsmy PicturesMyPic.bmp, click "OK", then find TileWallpaper, double-click it to enter key value "1", Restart the system to see the effect. 16. Modify the background color of the login: If you want to modify the background color of the login, you can follow the steps below: Open the Registry Editor, find the HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTCONTROL PANELCOLORS sub-branch, double-click the background key value under the branch of the subkey branch. Name, the "Edit String" dialog box appears, enter the key value representing the color in the "Numerical Data" text box (such as the black RGB value of 000, white RGB value is 255 255 255, the system default value is 58 110 165 ), Click the "OK" button to restart the system.

17. Set the startup information or add a warning message: If you start Windows XP, you want to display some own defined personalized information, you can follow the steps: Open the registry editor, find the hkey_local_machine_softwarewinlosoftwindows ntcurrentversionwinlogon sub-branch, double click on it The following LegalNoticeCaption health name, open the "Edit String" window, enter the title of the information dialog box in the "Numerical Data" text box, such as "Hello, welcome to use this machine", then double-click LegalNoticetext, then appear " Edit String Window Enter the warning message you want to display, such as "Please do not invite the settings of this level, thank you!", Click the "OK" button, restart to see the modified effect. 18, keep the desktop settings at a time: We can protect our desktop settings by modifying the registry, no matter what modifications do, as long as the desktop will restore the original sample after restarting. The steps are as follows: Open the Registry Editor, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USERSSOFTWAREMICROSExPlorer sub-branch, find the NOSAVESETTINGS below it, and the type is REG_SZ, change its key value to "0", or directly delete the key value item, restart the system to set the system Take effect. 19, any custom button color: Although Windows XP itself has a variety of window display schemes, but users want to define the color of a part, such as change the color of the button from black to blue or red, and then modify the registry The steps are as follows: Open the registry editor, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USERCONTROL PANELCOLORS sub-branch, double-click the bottontext below it, change its key value to the value you want color, such as red 255 0 0 in the open dialog box. Click the "OK" button and restart the system to see the effect. The text color on the button will turn red, and you can also modify the width and height of the button and the background. 20. DR.Watson is prohibited: Dr.Watson is a self-contained system maintenance tool, which will display when the program load fails or crashes, we can cancel it by the registry: Open the Registry Editor, find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWS NTCURRENTVERSIONAEDEBUG sub-branch, double-click the auto key value name below, change its "numerical data" to 0, and finally press F5 refresh to make the setting take effect. 21. Improve the XP response speed to find the HKEY_CURRENT_USERCONTROL PANELDESKTOP sub-key to modify the HungappTimeout value. HungAppTimeOut value indicates that the system requires the user to manually end the time limit of the suspended task, the default value 5000, the type is REG_SZ, and the value can reduce the response delay in certain special circumstances, for example, can set this value to 1000 . When adjusting this key value: If you have the running speed of some software on your system, it is too small to set this key value that may make XP mistakes that are running. If this happens, you can gradually increase the hungapptimeout value, increase 1000 each time until XP no longer misses the running software to "stop response".

22. Improve the display speed of the submenu of the "Start" menu reduces the MenushowdeLay value (where the location is above). This value type is REG_SZ, the default 400, can set it to 50. If this value is set too small, for example, the mouse pointer is displayed immediately when the menu is used, and the submenu will be displayed immediately, interfere with the user's selection operation. After testing, it is set to 50 to allow the submenu to appear as soon as possible, and can avoid quickly jump out of the submenu interference sight. 23. Decrease the delay time of browsing local area networks, like Windows 2000, XP also has annoying latency in the browsing local area network, but it is difficult to find information on this issue. If you browse a WIN 9X machine, for example, enter "ComputerName" in the address bar of the online neighbor, the XP machine will check the Task Plan on the machine it is being connected. This search process may cause a delay of up to 30 seconds. If you open a shared resource directly, for example, in the address bar of the online neighbor, you will not have this latency process. To avoid the XP search "Task Schedule" operation, improve the speed of the browsing network, you can delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONEMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONEMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONEXPLORREMOTECMOMPUTERNAMESPACE {D627790-4C6A-11CF} sub-key. The type of this button is REG_SZ. 24. Prohibiting the balloon pop-up information finds the HKEY_CURRENT_USERSERSEFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONEXPLORERERADVANCED sub-key to set the hexadecimal enableballoontips to 0. 25. Display hidden files In the HKEY_CURRENT_USERSERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENT VERSIONEXPLORERADVANCED sub-key, there are several values ​​that affect the display of files and folders. To make XP display hidden files and folders, set Hidden to 1. To display the extension of the file, set the HIDEFILEXT to 0. To display the protected operating system file, set ShowSuperHidden to 1. Note: This section can also modify the "View" tab of the Folder option dialog. 26. Display the button of the mapping network drive to find the HKEY_CURRENT_USERSERSFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONEXPLORERERADVANCED sub-key to set the MapnetDrvbtn to 1. The mapping network driver will appear on the toolbar of Windows Explorer and "My Computer". 27, clean up the "Start" menu to find HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer sub-key, if you want all user files in addition to the "My Documents" folder to clear, then, the NoStartMenuMyMusic, NoSMMyPictures, NoFavoritesMenu and NoRecentDocsMenu set to 1. If you still want to disable the My Document menu, then the NOSMMYDOCS is also set to 1. 28. Prohibit the modification of the user folder to find HKEY_CURRENT_USERSEFTWAREMICROFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONPOLICESEXPLORER.

If you want to lock the "Picture", "My Documents", Favorites, "My Music" These user folders, set the following keys to 1: DisableMyPicturesdirchange, DisablePersonaldirchange, DisableMusicDirchange, DisableMusicDirchange. .. DISABLEMYMUSICDIRCHANGE. 29 When shutdown, clear the virtual memory page file This modified registry is mainly for data security, but in many occasions are not very practical. Find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINTROLSESSION ManagerMemory Management sub key to set ClearPageFileatShutdown to 1. 30. Run the program in different memory spaces to find the HKEY_CURRENT_USERSERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONPOLICROSoftWindowsCurrentVersionPolicRosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPolicRosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciexPlorer subkey, set MemcheckBoxInrundlg to 1, "Start" menu "Run Dialog" adds a "Run in a stand-alone memory space" option. Finally, I don't forget to use the favorite of the XP Registry Editor. You can mark a location with the "Favorites" feature in Regedit, and you will not have to look back in the next layer. Specific usage is: Running regedit, find the target key (such as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWS), select the subkey (for example, CurrentVersion) you want to add to your favorites, click on the menu "Favorites Add to Favorites", to make a favorite name for this collection , Click "OK". It is recommended to adopt a naming scheme that can help you identify sub-key positions, such as "HKLM ... CurrentVersion", or "HKLMSMSWINCV". 31. Let the document are completely hidden on our computer, there are always some secret documents. For these files, we certainly don't want others to see, even if we set the properties of the file to "hide", on the surface The file is not seen, but well known, by clicking the Folder option command in the "View" menu, then select "Show all the files" in the "View" tab, so your hidden file is exposed, then How can I close the file thoroughly? Let's tell you a more secure method. Enter "regedit" in the Run dialog, open the registry editor; expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONEXPLORER ADVANCEDFOLDERHIDDENSHOWALL, CheckedValue key value, modify its key value to "0", if there is no health, you can create a new name yourself "CHECKEDVALUE" "DWORD Value" and then modify its value to "0". Finally, I quit the registry editor, restart the computer, then you will find that the file set to "hide" attribute can be completely invisible, even if you select "Show all files" in the Folder option window, we hide the file It will not be exposed. 32. Change the general icon size (pixels): Change [HKEY-CURRENT-UserControl PanelsktopWindowMetrics], so that shell icon size = "32" can. 33. To create a CD-ROM drive, we know that Windows 98 provides the function of the CD-ROM drive, ie, right-click the CD-ROM, and "pop-up (J)" menu item.

But I don't know if I don't have Microsoft, I don't provide a menu for the corresponding soft gate closure. Although many small software (such as CD-ROM, my assistant, etc.) have functions of soft switching optical drives, but running these software, it is necessary to take up a lot of system resources, and it is not necessarily convenient to operate. Is there a simpler way? Have. We only need to transplant this function in related software, the author uses Windows XP as an example. Users who have used super bunny magic settings must know that it has soft shutdown of the optical drive, huh, huh! Take it transplant. After the expert pointing, the Super Rabbit Magic Settings that implements this feature is the Srcd.dll file in its installation directory, this file is only 16kb (version 1.1). However, it is an ActiveX control, not registering, the system does not identify and use it. So we need to use the system's own ActiveX (reverse) registration tool Regsvr32. Copy srcd.dll in the system folder C: WindowsSystem32, then click "Start → Run", enter "Regsvr32 C: WindowsSystem32SRCD.DLL" in the "Run" input box, click "OK", then pop up the file registration Successful dialog. After registering the file, use it, you can write a REG file and import the information directly into the registry. Open Notepad, would enter the following: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesDriveshellexContextMenuHandlersMagicset CDROM Eject] @ = "{F0479943-AA1D-49DD-86F4-6035E068260C}" Note: Windows 9x user simply "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "Replace" regedit4 ";" Windows ... "and" HKEY ... "must have a hollow line. Then saved the text as a registry file in the REG format. The method is to select "All Types" in "Save Type" in the Save Dialog box, such as "CD-ROM Eject.REG", click OK. Run this file, import the information into the registry, then right click on the light-drive icon, ha! "Close (C) CD-ROM drive" menu, try it. 34. The last crazy dedication of the registry changes to change the small icon size (pixels): in [HKEY-CURRENT-UserControl PanelsktopWindowMetrics]], change or create a new shell small icon size = "16". Prohibit System Right-click Pop-up menu: In [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONPOLICIESEXPLORER], the key value noviewContextMenu = 01 00 00 00 is established. Prohibiting task bar right-click pop-up menu: In [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONPOLICIESEXPLORER], new NotrayContextMenu = 01 00 00 00 is set.

Hide [Settings] menu [Control Panel] and [Printer] menu item: In [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONPOLICESEXPLORER], the new key value NOSETFOLDERS = 01 00 00 00. Hide [Settings] menu [Taskbar and Start Menu] menu item: in [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer], the new key NoChangeStartMenu = 01 00 00 00, NoSetTaskbar = 01 00 00 00. Hide [Settings] menu [Folder Options]: In [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer], the new NoFolderOptions = 01 00 00 00. Hide [Settings] menu [Active Desktop] Item: In [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONPOLICESEXPLORER], new NOSetActiveDesktop = 01 00 00 00 00 00. Hide [Windows Update] item in the [Set] menu: In [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONPOLICIESEXPLORER], create a new NOWINDOWSUPDATE = 01 00 00 00. Prohibit "Document" recording function: In [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONPOLICESEXPLORER], new NoreCentDocShistory = 01 00 00 00 is set. Automatically clear the documentation when exiting: In [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONPOLICESEXPLORER], create a new ClearRecentDocsoneXIT = 01 00 00 00. The data disc is prohibited automatically: In [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONPOLICESEXPLORER], new NODRIVETYPEAUTORUN = 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. Prohibit CD CD Auto Operation: In [HKEY-CLASS-ROOTAUDIOCDSHELL], new key value @ = "" Remove "shortcut" string to automatically add new shortcut: in [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONEXPLORER], let Link = 00 00 00 00. It is forbidden to use MS-DOS mode: in [HKEY-CURRENT-USERSOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWSCURRENTVERSIONPOLICIESWINOLDAPP], the key value disabled = 01 00 00 00 is established.


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