Ten experiences in learning

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  34

Ten experiences in learning

Talking about foreign language learning, Hungary has a person named Kamo Lombu said: "I have used the 16 languages ​​in the past 25 years, 10 kinds of levels can be said, and the other 6 can meet the translation professional book , Reading and appreciate the level of literary works. "" I summarize the experience of my own roaming foreign language world: 1, learning foreign languages ​​can not be interrupted one day. If there is no time, even if you squeeze 10 minutes every day; morning It is a good time to learn foreign languages. If you have a hate, you don't have to be too reluctant, but don't throw it down. At this time, you can change your way of learning; for example, put your book to listen to the broadcast, or temporarily put a textbook The practice goes over the dictionary, etc. 3, never leave the context isolation to death. 4. You should write down the "Slice" in the top day. 5, as much as possible " 'You are touching, such as a flatable advertisement, occasionally heard the words, this is also a way of rest. 6. Only the teacher's modified things is worth remembering. Don't repeatedly see those do not The practice of others modified, I will not consciously remember in my mind, if you are purely self-study, then you will be able to remember those things that are definitely correct. 7, transcribe And memory sentences and idioms should be used to use the first person, such as "I am only punning your leg" (I just want to tease you) 8, foreign language is better than the bunker, must be siege from all directions: reading newspaper, listening to radio, see Original movie, listening to foreign language speaking, studying textbooks, communicating with foreign friends, calling, talking, etc. 9. To speak, don't be afraid of mistakes, please ask others to correct mistakes. Especially important when others do correct mistakes, Don't be embarrassed, don't be discouraged. 10, I must firmly believe that you must achieve the purpose. I have to believe that I have a strong and unyielding perseverance and language extraordinary talents ... How to break through the English speaking, measuring a population level is mainly related to the following Aspect: 1. Voice, tone is correct, is clear; 2. Fluent; 3. Whether the syntax is correct, whether it is appropriate, whether it meets English expression habits; 4. Whether the content is enriched, the logic is clear. These is measurement. The main standards of the session. For the above standards, the corresponding training methods are taken, which can be roughly divided into two stages. The first stage: preparation stage, mainly for imitation. Back. Review exercises. The purpose is to train the correct voice. Tone. Increase fluency, cultivate English in mind. At the same time, through various ways, such as reading. Doing exercises, listening to English tape, watching English video and movies, to expand vocabulary. Master English habits, expand knowledge and training English logic thinking, before preparation session, to master the commonly used words (group), phrase and other skills, "skilled" is the premise with people's sessions, only skilled, in the session, can be fluent during the session. Skilled criteria is not added Survey out of mouth. The second stage: practice Segment, mainly conduct a large number of session exercises, dialogue with others, discussion, good exercise interpretation, speak English stories, etc. (1) Imitation imitation is one of the main methods of learning foreign languages, the principle of imitation: one must imitate. This is very important. When implants, it is clear, clear, one board and one eye, the mouth is in place, can not twist down, inexplicably muttered in the eyes. When I first imitated, the speed was slow, so that the sound was sent in place, and after the sound was issued, the speed was accelerated. Until you can easily say the sentence in normal speech, out of mouth.

The purpose of the loud mimic is to make the muscles of the oral cavity, change the muscles of the muscles in the years (the motion model of Chinese pronunciation), making the mouth and the brain coordinated, establish a new oral muscle movement mode (English Motion mode of pronunciation). If you are in the exercise, you always be tuned in your eyes. Second, you should always prepare you to correct your words. Phrase, etc. With this kind of consciousness, you will not feel monotonous when you imitate. Body can take the initiative. I have a consciousness, there is a destination to imitate, this imitation is real imitation, in order to achieve the imitation, that is, try to figure out, experience. Third, we must adhere to long-term imitation. Generally, pure is pure. Beautiful voice, the tone is not the short-term imitation, which is the case for the American English foundation. This is the case. Excessive takes a period of time, the length of time is short to the degree of concentration from the scholars. Practice imitation is a bitter thing, often practicing the mouth, and then must insist, drink saliva and continue to practice. Practice imitation and water is a truth. Today, I burned fire, the water is just hot, I will take the fire, and tomorrow is the case, the water will always burn. Mimic standard: What is the extent to which it wants to achieve? Simple he said is to "like", if it can be "yes", it is better, but it is not necessary to reach "Yes". "Image" refers to the emulator's voice, tone, etc. very close to the imitational language, "Yes" is not only speech. Touching is very close to the imitated sound, and very realistic. Even the voice is basically, it is simply fake. We don't require this extent. The specific method of imitating, the first step, imitating the voice of the honesty. When implacing, you have to be a eye, the mouth is correct, the oral muscle should be fully mobilized, when you start to imitate, the speed should not be too fast, use slowly imitated, so that you will be in place. The speech speed repeatedly said a few times, until you reach you don't want to use normal speed to say it (out of mouth), you have to repeated much more words for your own reading or more snaps, then repeatedly imitated, A word is practiced in a word, and the common words are tried to imitate like some. In the second step, imitate the reading of the phrase. With the first step, this step is much easier. The focus should be placed in proficiency and fluency, and practice more. Lost speaking, incomplete blasting, assimilation, etc. In the fourth step, paragraphs and chapters imitate, focusing on improving fluency. Open the recorder or the radio follow imitations, "he" said that you imitate, synchronize. Objective To improve the reaction speed of oral muscles, making muscles and brains more coordinated. Pay attention to a problem when imitating exercises is shy psychology. The shy psychology is derived from the personality, the general personality, and it is easy to whisper when speaking, which is very unfavorable to learn English speech. Pay attention to overcome. On the other hand, it is derived from inferiority, always thinks that the level of English is too bad, not dare to open, especially when talking to the speaking level than his own people, it is more likely to happen. Overcoming this psychological barrier is the premise of learning oral English. (2) Review learning English is inseparable from memory, memory is not hard, and there is flexibility. Reprinted is a good self-training, memory word. The form of the sentence. There are two common methods to review. First, after reading, one is to listen to the tape. I think the post-type method is better, this method is both practicing hearing, and practicing oral expression.

At the same time, it can improve the concentration of attention, improve the effect of listening, and can also improve the memory, and overcome the problems that I will forget. Specific method: To step by one, you can start with one or two sentences. After listening to yourself (English), you can't talk, you can't repeated it, you can listen to it a few times, the more hearing the heels. less. When practicing exercises, due to language expressions, skills, etc., often recording, but after gradually playing, it will slowly release, and "dead" to "live". Under the premise of ensuring the correct language, the review can have increasing flexibility, such as changing the sentence structure, deleting something unaware of the useful or more difficult things, long sections can be shortened, even repeatedly reviewed or made content narrative . The contents of the repeater must be selected. In general, the content of the selected information should be specifically vivid, clear circumstances, and the amount of birth is not too large. Optionally, those known small texts are available. At the beginning, you can practice the story of the story. After you have the foundation, you can expand the subject matter. Reterting the surface is slow, in fact, it is very helpful for the cultivation of English integrated capabilities. If time is more sufficient, on the basis of oral review, then repeat it with a pen, do this can deepen the accuracy of the language and improve written expression.

The first focus: sentence is everything! The sentence is wealth! Li Yang · Kryz advocated English learning unit is sentence, sentence simple and clear, easy to master, and can be used for communication! I feel good! Tastes great! Sad reality: From junior high school English to now, Xin Xi has studied the intensive reading of hundreds of lessons, but how is the ending? Everyone is the clearer: learning intensive reading, analyzing the text, clear, full of accomplishment, seems to have learned a lot of knowledge, many words, many grammar, many "language points", but in actual application, it is modeled, It seems that it doesn't have a few correct sentences! Almost all gave textbooks! Strong appeal: When learning is intensive, be sure to sum up the sentences in the text, and take off! This is the real learning language! Refusion of the sky: There is nothing in learning English! Your conquest object is just a sentence, the most is one, two grammar, ten words! Anyone can learn English! Crazy achievements: Be started from the fourth grade of primary school, if you have five sentences every day, you can already get out of 5,5500 words, you can have nearly 20,000 practical sentences, 20,000. English wealth has long been reached a realm of free communication! A first student's English ability will far more than a college student, because the vast majority of people read ten years will only say: My English is poor! 1, A: how are you doing? (The most authentic hitting "B : I'm doing great.2, I hope you're enjoying your stay here. 3, you have my words (to you) 4, I think exactly the Same Way.5, Tell Me All About your Troubles.6 , IT Is Never Too Late to Learn.7, Nothing Down, Nothing Up.8, To Get Ahead (Out of Head) You'll Have to Work Long Hours and Take Short Vacations. (Sweat, Less Enjoy) 9, No Sweet WITHOUT SWEAT.10, HE Who Makes No Mistakes, Makes Nothing (not mistaken, will not be angry) 11, I've Heard So Much About You (Hiroshi!) 12, He's BEEN OUT OF A Job for Months. (He has been unemployed For a few months.) 13, Would You Care for a Cup of coffee? (Do you want to come to the cup of coffee?) 14, my intents were good. (I am so good.) (American movie is common) 15, Would you mindiff I TOOK a day off? (I invite a holiday?) 16, There WERE 15 VOTES in Favor of My Suggestion, And 23 Against. (15 votes in favor, twenty-three votes opposition.

(Super Practical Boutique Sentence) 17, IT WAS Not As Good As I Had Expected. (That's better as I imagined), come back to a beautiful six-star sentence (higher than the highest star hotel) 18, You'd Have "If you are not walking, if you are not a walk, you are more likely to catch the train) The second focus: Three most intracard muscle training ! Learning foreign languages ​​is training oral muscles, making it easy to make unfamiliar foreign sounds, become flexible international muscles; learning foreign languages ​​are hard to get out of mouth! Only this is really a language! Klitz original "three most" oral muscle training law will be complex, cold foreign language learning has become a simple exciting game! Practice: Repeated sentence or short text until you use the maximum, the clearest, and fastest way. Each time you record time, strive to break the last grade, or you can match each other. ENGLISH HAS BECOME An International Language. Wherever You Go, English Is Always Commonly Used. It is Convenient to Know The Language. Third Focus: One-breath Training Law! One breath of breath is the training method: this method is mainly trained to speak English. It's very simple, you just need to take a deep breath, then read more in one breath. After a period of training, it is necessary to change a few short text or conversations, you can read it again! A: Mary, This Is Stone's Brother Jim. (Mary, this is the brothers of the Shi Tong Jim.) B: I'm Very Glad to meet you. (I am very glad to meet you.) C: it's pleasure to meet you. / The PLLEasure Is Mine. (Knowing you is my honor.) [Advanced] B: How do you like China So Far? / what's your impression of China? / what do you think of china? (Do you like China? / You What is impression on China? / How do you think China?) C: It's real diffrom what I expected. (This is very different from I imagined.) [The smartest answer] B: don't worry. You ' Ll Get Used to it in no time. (Don't worry, you will adapt to / habits.) This drill, not only speak English enough, and it is very good for your health! Fourth Focus: Five pronunciation points! Li Yang · Kreth, summed up complex voice rules into five pronunciation points, so that ordinary people can master it quickly. They are: the longevity sound double tone is full; the short volume is urgent; the sound; the slogan and the tongue.

Hereinafter, several examples: 1, I don't-know what-to do. (Two consonant connections, only one after reading) 2, I'm working on-it. (连 音) 3, ask-BOB- To Sit-Behind-Me. (音) 4, Mike Likes to Write by the Nice Bright Light At Night (Extreme full of vowels) 5, A: What Are you planning to do? b: i'm hoping to go to go to go China.6, Neither Father Nor Mother Likes this weather. (Bite five tongue) fifth focus: oral biography of syntax! Grammar is a problem with the Chinese people. Li Yang · Kregs' solution is: a sentence breaks through a grammar! The symptoms of English are dozens of symptoms, that is, it is necessary to get out of dozens of words, you can basically master the essence of English grammar, and you can get out, live in living, and give a contrast! The syntax that is not used is temporarily do not learn. The system is fully learning syntax only forgetting, and it is very hard because the human brain is not computer 1, and if she could help you, She 10 Help you. (If she can help you, she It will be sure) 2, john stopped studying. = John is not going to study anymore.3, john stopped to study. = John stopped doing something. In Order to Study.4, i Have Just Finished My Work. (Indicating just completed Action) 5, He Has Gone to America. (He went to the United States.) (Indicating the result "6, He Has Been to America. (He has been to the United States.) (To the experience that once has been experienced) 7 He Has Lived Here for a year. (Indicating that continues to the present behavior) 8, i enjoyed the movie very much. I wish i had read the book from Which it was make. (Movie is good, I hope I have read the original) (Selected from foreign authority test) Syntax: Wish subject in the past = desire to happen before Wish. Special reminder: Be sure to use the sentence to learn the syntax, this pro-learning can establish a deep feeling with grammar, in order to be full of exciting, can be shocked! 1, I Sometimes Stay Up Till Midnight. (General Today) 2, She'S Always Helping People. (Today) 3, He is Going to Change His Job. (General In the Future) Sixth Focus: Speaking Breakthrough Words! Broken through words! The quantity is more important than the amount of words! "Isolate memorial words" is almost unrequited! A word has a lot of meaning, only in a specific sentence, there is a specific meaning, the verb has a fixed match, and it is meaningless to learn verbs separately. More importantly, the most basic unit of people and people is sentenced, not words.

We firmly alternately memorize words! Teacher Li Yang advocated "using practical sentence memories words", only this is meaningful, in order to truly establish feelings, long lasting days! In the crazy English breakthrough method of Li Yang, there is no "single quantity" this statement. Instead, it is "quantity", which is really meaningful. A person who has more than 300 sentences is already an English communication expert, a successful person of an English learning! Master the words in the sentence! 1. Stop Dreaming and get to work! (Don't do daytime, go!) 2. You Won't get anywhere unless you try. (Unless you are constantly working, you will not work.) [Note] Get Anyway : There is progress; there is achievement. 3. We Must Focus Our Attention on Urgent Problems (We must focus on urgent problems.) [Advanced Usage: FOCUS ON] 4. There's a lot of pressure and anxiety in this Kind of Work. There are a lot of pressure and worries.) [Many people have the same feeling] 5. She Has Made remarkable "extraordinary; significant" Progress in English. (Her English progressivity.) 6. I think you misunderstood [American commonly used Chinese common but do not know how to use words] Me On this point. (At this point, I think you are mistaken.) 7. I've got a developmenthile job, and i enjoy doing it. Money ISN ' T the only real, you know, now there is a job worth spending time, and I like it very much. You know, money is not the only purpose of work.) 8. I assure "guarantee; guarantee; guarantee "You '' s Quality. (I have to succeed. (I must succeed." I must learn English.) 10. What impressed You the Most About Guangzhou? ( What is your deepest impression in Guangzhou?) Seventh focus: speaking breaks through hearing! You must understand what you can say! You only take a lot of practice to practice, as long as the pronunciation is pure, usage authentic, your hearing is naturally broken! Moreover, it is super three most. It is faster than foreigners. Is it afraid to understand? 1, if ONLY Our Team Had Scored One More Point. (If our team is more points.) 2, She Began Playing The Violin When She Was Nine.3, Nobody Likes Grapes More Than I do. (I am the most Like Grapes) 4, The Outdoor Concert Was Called Off Due To The Weather. (Outdoor concert is canceled due to the weather.).

) 5, Ann Prefers Cold Weather to Hot Weather.6, I Was So Angry That I Could Hardly Speak. (Missile Can't come out) Eight Focus: Speaking breaks through the exam! Summarize the exam questions into oral words, out of the three most ways! You will definitely become a master of the exam. More importantly: You gain real English communication skills. This is the ability to reform and opening up and economic construction in the motherland. This is a method of "a number of people" and "rival benefits". 1, You WERE LATE AGAIN This MORNING. I think You Had Better (Start Being) on ​​time. (You are late, I think you are best starting.) (TOEFL) 2, I Left Very Early Last Night, But I Wish I (Hadn't LEFT) SO Early. (I went very early, I hope I have not left so early) 3, He Insisted That We All (be) in His Office At One O'Clock. (he requests Everyone goes to his office) (Virtual Virtue) (College English 4) 4, I Gave Her (My) Address and She Gave Me (HERS) (Jiu Six Guangzhou Junior High School Work Test) 5, (What) We can't Get Seem Better Than (What) We Have. (Nine Six National College Entrance Examination) Ninth Focus: Learn a sentence to count, say a sentence! If you have a sentence, you have to go out, you don't understand it, just don't understand, but it's just a confusion! I don't have to learn, forget, forget the boring game! And it is said that the word is a corner, not a foreigner, and a foreigner! The momentum is crushing, high people first! Say a top ten sentences! Not to mention ten sentences, others also put you the actors! 1, How long Have you been studying english? (How long do you learn English) (this most basic sentence is almost no longevored) 2, happiness in my work is most important to me. (The most important thing in work) 3, I'm Afraid I Won't becomle to come. (I am afraid you can't come) 4, I'm feeling Under the weather. (I feel uncomfortable) 5, i see your point, but i still can't agree with "I know what you mean, but I still can't agree with you) The tenth focus: a year's zero time is enough to overcome English! A large amount of small paper, which can be carried with time, can repeatedly stimulate the brain, enhance memory, can make full use of zero-breaking time, can effectively control lazy. It is very easy to get rid of ten words a day, and the zero fragmentation is really taking English, and English has become your hobby. 1, I don't thinking your plan will work (= succeed). (I think your plan is not available.) 2, Great Minds Think Alike, (Hero Wen, Don't meet.) 3, HE Always Keeps His Words. (He always keeps promise.


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