Read the database data and control the display length!

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  26

Public void bindgrid ()


OLEDBCONNECTION myconnection = CN;

DataSet DS = New DataSet ();


Adapter.Fill (DS, "Document");


For (int i = 0; i


IF (ds.tables [0] .ROWS [i] ["title"]. Tostring (). Length> 6)

DS.Tables [0] .ROWS [I] ["Title"] = cutstring (ds.tables [0] .rows [i] ["title"]. Tostring (), 6);


MyDataGrid.datasource = ds.tables ["document"]. DefaultView;

MyDataGrid.databind ();

Showstats ();


#Region string intercept function

Public Static String Cutstring (String InputString, INT LEN)


Asciiencoding ascii = new asciiencoding (); int Templen = 0; string tempstring = ""; byte [] s = ascii.getbytes (InputString); for (int i = 0; i

If (Templen> Len) Break;} // If you cut, add half a omitted number byte [] mybyte = system.text.encoding.default.getBytes (InputString); if (mybyte.length> len) Tempstring = "... "

Return Tempstring;} #ENDREGION

My method is that after reaching a certain length, taking the binder string, when the mouse moves to top, displaying all content. private void dgAll_ItemDataBound (object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs e) {if (e.Item.ItemType! = ListItemType.Header && e.Item.ItemType! = ListItemType.Footer) {e.Item.Cells [ 0] .attributes.add ("onMousemove", "JavaScript: moveinfo ();"); E.Item.cells [0] .attributes.add ("OnMouseOver", "JavaScript: showinfo (this, '" e. Item.cells [0] .text "','" E.Item.cells [2] .text "','" E.Item.cells [3] .Text ");"); E.Item.cells [0] .attributes.add ("onmouseout", "JavaScript: clearinfo ();"); if (E.Item.cells [0] .Text.gength> 4) {E.Item.cells [0] .Text = E.Item.cells [0] .text.substring (0,4) "...";} if (E.Item.cells [2] .Text.length> 4) {e .Item.cells [2] .text = E.Item.cells [2] .text.substring (0, 4) "...";}}} I feel that your code is complicated, I will give me Method PUBLIC STRING STRCUT (String Str, INT Length) {String Str = Str; IF (Str.Length


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