33 military orders conquering English

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  28

33 military orders conquering English

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33 victory rules for collating English! 33 good habits of successful English! 33 beautiful and smooth English paragraphs! Every day, you have a law! Practice a rule every day. 33 days to get the huge success! You can INOT IMPROVE THE PAST BUT You CAN IMPROVE The FUTURE! WHEN TIME IS WASTED, Life IS Wasted! You can't change the past, but you can make the future better! Waste time, waste life! Exit, the following method, create a great miracle! Become a English learning expert admiring! 1, Tapes are the best teachers and learning companions.They will never get bored, never get tired, and never charge you more! Love your English tapes. Make the most of this wonderful learning tool! Audiotape is the best teacher, and most Good learning partner. The recording tape will never be tired, never tired, never reach out to you more money! Love your English audio tape, give play to this excellent learning tool to maximize! 2, Try to pronounce everything just like the speaker on the tape.Imitation is the first and most important step. It's much easier to imitate another speaker than it is to sound out each word according to phonetics in a dictionary! Try to talk like on tape The person pronounces. Imitation is the first step and the most important step. Compared to reading each word according to the dictionary, imitate the other person's speech is much easier! 3, Listen to Crazy English Professional Tapes as a as Possible.many Tapes Don't Have Standard Pronunciation. Don't wasot your Time Following and practice POR PRONUNUNCITION! Be sure to listen to professional crazy English tapes as possible. Many pronunciations on the tape are not standard. Don't waste time and practice bad pronunciation! 4, Listening and Imitation Should Always Go Together. Use the lip method! Listen, iMitate, Practice! Listening and imitation must be done at the same time. Use "LIP" method: listen, imitate, practice! 5, Language Speaking Is Like Singing. Try to Learn ENGLISH The Same Way You Learn A Song. Spect And Rhythm Will Make Your English Perfect and flunt. Lookling like singing. How do you learn to sing, how to learn English. Tell your English, pay attention to tone and rhythm, which will make your English perfect. 6, The Best Way to Learn New Words Is To Learn The Correct Pronunciation. Try Your Best To Pronounce Every Word As Accurately As Possible. Remember the best way to make words to read the word! Do your best to send every word in place.

7, Repeat The Words in Useful Sentences As Many Times As Possible. That Is The The Only Way To "OWN" a Word and make it it yours forever! Repetition is the mother of learning! Try to put words in useful sentences in useful sentences. This is the only way to "Have" a word and turn it into your forever wealth! Repeat is the mother of learning! 8, Try to find as many good English sentences as possible and yell them as loudly and quickly as possible using correct pronunciation. There are three P's to mastering a sentence! First Pronounce each word in the sentence accurately and with exaggeration. Next, Practice each Sentence As Many Times as Possible with the three-ly and one -breath methods! Last, Perform Each Sentence by Saying It Natural and Acting It Out with Emotion! A large number of simplicity, with the most pronunciation, the fastest drill! To master a sentence, there are three major requirements: first, accurate and exaggeratedly emit each word in the sentence. Second, use the "three most" and "one-sighted gas law" to exercise each sentence as much as possible! Finally, show each sentence, naturally, full of emotional life! 9, The number of sentences is more important than the number of words. Your English level will depend on the number of sentences you can speak. You can communicate much more with ten sentences than you can with one hundred isolated words! Sentences than words The amount is more important. Your English level depends on the quantity you can say. Ten sentences can make you communicate with others than one hundred words! 10, Set specific goals that you know you can achieve. Success breeds success! Set more challenging goals as you make progress. Even if you only start with three sentences a day, you will know twenty-one new sentences by the end of the week ! Clearly clear, you know the goals that can be reached. Successfully created! It is more challenging targets for a progress. Even if you start with three sentences one day, you will have 21 new sentences after a week! 11, Try to use what you've learned in everyday life. Dare to show off your English, especially to people who do not speak English! The more you use English, the more fluent your English will become. To live in a day Use what you have learned.

Boldly sell your English, especially those who don't understand English! The more you have, the more fluent in your English will. 12, Try to create your own English environment. Practice with your friends, family and people you see every day. If you do not have anyone to practice with, talk to yourself in a mirror! It sounds crazy but it will work! Create Your own language environment. Every day and your friends, family and people who have seen. If you can't find someone, you will speak for your mirror! This sounds crazy, but it is very effective! 13, Pretend you do not speak Chinese when you are traveling on an airplane, staying in a hotel, or even ordering at McDonald's. The employees in these places do not know you and most speak some English! Forget about your face! You Really Will Only Be Losing Face For Overseas Chinese WHO Don't Know How To Speak Their Mother Tongue! When you travel, you can pretend that you don't understand Chinese when you are in a hotel. Employees in these places don't know you, and most of them speak English! Forget your face! Even if you lose your face, you are just a face that you don't know how to say the mother tongue! 14, Make your own English study cards and carry them wherever you go. You will make the best use of spare time every day and reinforce your memory. This small action will produce a great result. Make your own English study cards and carry. You can maximize the daily free time, but also enhance your memory. This small action will have a huge effect. 15, to Remember The New Words and Phrases You've Learned, Carry A Small Notebook to Record and Review The New Materials. To remember the student words and phrases, carry a small notebook, record, and review new materials. 16, Collect English learning material everywhere! English magazines and newspapers are a great choice. Writing down sentences while watching American movies is another great source of reallife learning material! English learning material everywhere! English magazines and newspapers are all very good choices.

In addition, there is a good way to collect a living learning material: Write down the sentence when you look at the American movie! 17, Any spare moment can be a great opportunity to exercise your English skills. One minute is enough to read a 20 times sentence. Remember, one minute can also produce miracles. Never say that you do not have enough time to learn English! Any chance to train English skills! One minute is enough to read a sentence 20 times. Remember: I can create a miracle one minute. Never say you don't have time to learn English! 18, Try to read a short English passage every day to build up your language sense This is extremely important and helpful if you want to score high on your exams Try your best to form this great habit We must change this situation:... Reading Is The ONLY WAY TO IMPROVE YOURE READIBLE! Read a English essay every day to cultivate a sense. This is extremely important if you want the exam to be high, it is also very useful. Be strive to develop this good habit. We have to change this situation: Chinese students have the most in reading. The only way to improve reading ability is to read! 19, Keep an English journal.Try to write a few sentences about your day and then blurt them out as many times as possible before you go to sleep. This will teach you to "think" in English. This habit will also help you live A Move Organized and Fruitful Life. Besides, You Will Score Higher on your composition exams! Stick to English diary. Write a few sentences to describe your day, then exercise as much as possible before going to bed. This method can teach you to "think" in English. This habit can also help you live more, more productive. In addition, you can also take a higher points when you have a higher score! 20, Reading Loudly Will Great Improve Your Fluency And Concentration. You Will Also Hear Your Own Mistakes and Be Aable To Improve Them. Loud reading greatly increases your fluency and makes you more focused. You can also hear your own mistakes and can be corrected. 21, Choose Materials That Interest You! Reading About Things That You Like Will Natural Make Learning More Enjoy and effect. Everything is Easier if you enjoy doing it! Choose information that you are interested in! Reading what you like will naturally make learning more enjoyable, more effective.

You like to do it, things will be easier! 22, Speak crazily not lazily. Always speak with zeal, pride and confidence. You will not only improve your English greatly this way, but also totally reshape your life. You will become more energetic, charming, and popular. A successful person inspires everyone Around Him To Become Successful! All Great Achievements Begin with enthusiasm! To be crazy, don't be lazy. When you say it, you have to be passionate, you have to proud, you have to be confident. In this way, you can not only greatly improve your English, but you can completely reshape your life. You will be more energetic, more attractive, more popular. Successful people will encourage people around you become successful! Everything is derived from enthusiasm! 23, Make your parents proud by teaching them some English sentences. You can become an excellent teacher through tutoring your parents. Teaching is a great way to learn! Also remember, learning English can make people happier, feel younger and live longer! Teach you Parents English make them proud. In the process of teaching parents, you will become an excellent teacher. Teaching is a great way to learn! Don't forget, English learning will make people happier, younger, live longer! 24, Don't Be Afraid to ask for help. The more of the more put, the more power. Never heSitate to ask! Learn as much as you can! An eager Student Will Always Find A Teacher! Don't be afraid to seek help. You ask your more you will be busy, your English will get more. Don't hesitate, despite you! To learn more from different people as much as possible! Students who know the desire will always find teachers! 25, Practice English for at least 5 minutes before and after every meal. Your English will naturally grow as your body grows. If you can form this habit, you will be a very successful English learner! You will not only speak good English, but Also Become A fanTic Test-Taker! Drill at least five minutes before and after each meal. Your English will grow naturally as your body.

If you develop such habits, you are a very successful English learner! Not only can you talk about English, but also try it out! 26, Keep English constantly in your mind by listening, speaking of reading every day! Constant exposure will make it much easier to master this language. If you review only once a week, you will have a hard time remembering what you've learned. Listen every day, talk every day, read every day, let English always stay in your brain! Continuous contact will make you easier to master this language. If you are just reviewing a week, you have to remember what you have learned is too difficult. 27, Always remember:. The more times you move your mouth, the more developed your muscles will become, and the more fluent your English will be Open your mouth whenever you have a second Do not be afraid of being laughed at You!! Know, Great People Are Are Always Laughed at by Fools. Always remember: You have the number of your mouth, the more developed your muscles, your English will be more fluent. When you have time, you will open your mouth! Don't be afraid that others laugh! You know, successful people are always laughing by fool. 28, Use all your senses to learn English. You must hear English, read English, touch English, smell English, and taste English. Feel English with your heart. Immerse yourself in this language. Begin to think in English. Use all your senses to learn English language. You have to listen to English, speak English, touch English, smell English, and taste English. Use your heart to feel English. Let yourself immerse yourself in this language. Learn to think in English. 29, Keep a positive attitude about English. If you think of English as a burden, it will be one! If you think of English as fun and exciting, you will practice more often and make progress more quickly! Keep a positive learning English attitude. If you think English is a burden, it is a burden! If you think English is interesting and stimulating, you will practice more often, progress faster! 30, Practice The 3-ly and one-breath methods asfrequently as possible. THESE TWO MAGIC MEQUTODS WILL TURN Your Chinese Muscles INTO INTERNATIONAL MUSCLES Try most of the "Three Mature" and "One Tone Training Law".

These two magical methods will train your Chinese muscles into international muscles! 31, I Will Blurt Out 10sentes Every Day. I Swear! I Well Blurt Out 1 Passage Every Week. I Swear! I WILL READ ENGLISH AT Least 10 Times A Day! I Swear! I Always Know Actions Speak Louder Than Words. I have a day To take out 10 sentences! I swear! I have to get out every week and have 1 news! I swear! I have to read 10 English at least one day! I swear! I won't forget that action is more loud than words. 32, I Will Read Inspiring Stories To Encourage Me To Go on. Teacher Li YANG IS A Great Model. I Always Remember His Words: Nothing in The World Can Take The Place Of Persistence! I want to read the story of people to encourage me constant Forward. Teacher Li Yang is a great example.

I will always remember his words: In this world, there is nothing to replace it! 33, Last but not least, try your best to help as many people as possible! In this way, you will make a great contribution to China, and you will be the happiest person in the world! Remember, true happiness comes from serving other People! Your Success Should Contribute To The Success Others! Last but equally important In this case, you have made great contributions to China, you are the happiest people in the world! Remember: Really happiness comes from serving others! Your success should help others' success! Learning method: 30 consecutive days, read all the morning and evening! Reading loudly, a sentence, a sentence is out of mouth! No two times! It's not on, then it is time! At the beginning, it is certainly difficult, slow! But must insist, be done! Please think about people who insist on repeated exercises, overcome heavy difficulties, and win the world champion (the world's first), you must get energy! I believe you can create a miracle! Start crazy! Always remember:. Great hopes make great men dedicate additional 110 Useful Questions to Ask Foreigners ask 10 questions of foreigners Note:!! China becomes more international every day Talking with foreign visitors is a great way to use and improve your English One quick word of advice:.! Try to ask open-ended questions, or questions that require more than a 'yes' or' no 'answer This type of question keeps a conversation flowing and give you more chance to practice Avoid questions like,' Do you know how to use chopsticks? 'Or' do you like Chinese food? 'Li Yang's words: China has become more international! Talk to foreigners is an excellent way to use and improve English! My advice: Try to ask some open problems, or you can't just use "Yes" or "not" to answer questions. This problem will continue to continue, give you more opportunities to practice! Avoid asking "Do you use chopsticks?" Or "Do you like Chinese food?" Such a problem.

1. Have you been to china before? Are you going to China? 2. Are you here for business or pleasure? Are you coming to travel? 3. How do you like it? So far? How do you think so so far? 4, what impresses you MOST CHINA? China What makes you the most impressed? What Bothers You Most About China? What is the most troublesome? 5. What's your favorite chinese food? What is your favorite Chinese food? 6. Have you learned Any Chinese? Do you have learned Chinese? 7. How many placees have you been to in China? How many places have you been to China? 8. Which Places Do you like best? What is your favorite place? 9. What is your hometown like? What is your hometown look? 10. How is China Different from you country? What is the difference between China? Additional dedication 2Reading the Most Important Way to Learn English Reading - the most important way to learn English 1, Before you can start speaking and writing in English, your brain must get enough correct English sentences You can not speak English if you have never. Seen an English Sentence in Your Life. this is obvious. and you can't speak english Well if you have not seen a large number of english callences. You must have a lot of correct English sentences, you can start Say, write English. Obviously, or in the hands of the English sentence, you can't speak English; no more English sentences, you can't say good English. 2, There are two ways to get correct English sentences: listening and reading Both are good, but reading is usually much easier than listening With the help of a good dictionary you will be able to understand English texts much more easily than, for.. EXAMPLE, ENGLISH Television or Movies. There are two ways to get English: listening to reading. Both are all, but read usually more easier than listening. Understand the English article by means of a good dictionary, more probably more than understanding, such as English TV or movies.

3, If you read just one book in English you will feel that your English has become much better. You will start using lots of new vocabulary and grammar in your school compositions and e-mail messages. You will be surprised, but English phrases will just come to you when you are writing or speaking! Things like the past simple tense and how to use the word "since" will become part of you. you will use them automatically, without thinking. Correct phrases will just appear in your head. As long as you have read a book, you will feel your English has been greatly improved, you will start using a lot of new words and syntax in school essays or emails. You will be surprised that the English wording is such a letter of hand when you write or talk. Things like "general past" and how to use words "Since" have been integrated with you. You will use them automatically to use them; the correct expression will emerge in your mind. 4, It will be easy to use English, because your brain will only be repeating the things that it has seen many times. By reading a book in English, you have fed your brain with thousands of English sentences. They become a part of you How can you make a misteake and say "i feled bad", if you have seen the correct phrase ("i felt bad" 250 Times in the last book You'VE Read? You Simply Cannot Make That Mistake Anymore. It will be relaxed in English, because your brain is just a lot of things that have been seen many times. By reading a book, you will inject thousands of English sentences into your mind, they have become part of you. If you have seen 250 correct expression "I felt bad" in a recently read a book, how can you say "I Feeled Bad"? You must never make a mistake.

5, This is true for hundreds of words and grammar structures. If you read in English, you can forget about grammar rules. Throw away your grammar book! You do not need to know the rules for the present perfect tense. You don ' t even have to know what "present perfect" means. Instead, read a few books in English and soon you will feel that "I have seen Paul yesterday" is wrong, and "I saw Paul yesterday" is correct. How? Simple. Your Brain Has Seen The Second Kind of Sentence 192 Times, And The First Kind 0 Times. This (method) applies to complicated words and syntax structures. If you read English, you will put the grammar rules after your brain. Throw away your grammar! You don't have to understand the usage of now, you can even don't know what "complete" is meant. What should I do, go to read a few English books, you will find "i have seen paul yesterday" is wrong, and "I Saw Paul Yesterday" is right. why? It is very simple: your brain has exposed the second sentence type 192, and the first is 0 times. 6, This is what we call grammar intuition. This is how native speakers know what is correct. It's no magic. You can do it, too. The only difference between you and native speakers is that they have heard and read more English sentences than You have. This is the symptory intuition we said. People who say that the text is to distinguish what is correct. Not mysterious at all, you can do it. There is only a difference between you and people who say that the words are, the English sentence they listen to than you is more than you.

Additional dedication 3A Story about Lu XunLu Xun was one of the great writers in China Once Lu Xun spoke to some young people about the study of foreign languages ​​He said:... "You must not give up studying foreign languages ​​for even a day To master a language, words, and grammar rules are not enough. you must do a lot of reading. Take a book and read it until you finish it. At the same time look up the words in the dictionaries and study grammar rules. When you read a book, very often you find it hard to understand Never mind Put it away and start another one In a few months or half a year, go over the first book once again;... you are sure to understand much more than before . Young people have good memories. If you learn a few words every day and keep on reading all the time, in four or five years, you will certainly be able to read books in the foreign language. "Lu Xun was a story Great Chinese writer. Once he talked to some young people, he said: "Learn language can not be intermittent every day. To master a language, there is not enough words, you have to read it. Take this book to read, Until reading. At the same time, check the words in the dictionary and learn the rules of speech. When you read a book, you often feel very difficult. Don't be tight, put it on one side, change it. For a few months or half a year later Look at the first book, you will definitely understand more than before. The young man's memory is very good. If you remember a few words every day, you will be able to read the foreign language book after each day, four or five years. "★ The 33 Golden English Learning Rules Stimulated Me To Study English with Great Passion. I am a first two students. "33 military regulations" mobilized my ability to learn English and let me form a good study habit. Not only English, I also applied them to other subjects, and the academic performance is greatly improved. My results have raised the 38th in the exam to the 12th place. I am full of confidence! I will soon become the first first, the whole school! - Sichuan students ★ I am English learner from the Guangxi Autonomous Region, studying English has been ten years, but it is always in place, just when I think it is incomparable to disappointment, Li Yang crazy English "conquer English 33 military regulations brought me new hope to learn English. I am full of fighting spirit again! - Guangxi students ★ "33 military regulations" conquer English "let me abandon, throw away the shame, show yourself, I really grate this kind of crazy spirit and learning method to me. It not only has a great help to my English, but also changes my attitude. I sincerely say: "Thank you".

- Hunan students ★ I have learned for more than ten years, and I have taught me English. I have confirmed my English or quite excellent, but "33 military regulations" gave me an unprecedented shock! I was very excited when I first read it! As an attempt, I took the 33 military rules all in 5 days. I didn't expect this that it was a great improvement: I suddenly felt a lot more than before! I must share these 33 military regulations with my students. I believe this can help them solve the problem of English old difficulties! - Jiangsu English Teacher ★ They're Inspiring! They're Terrific! They're Just Great Even for a Native Speaker Liker Me! I've Been Teaching ENGLISH for Years In China. I think Now I've Found A New, Effective Way to TEACH ENGLISH! - James Wilson Conquer English 33 military standards 33 victory in English! 33 good habits of successful English! 33 beautiful and smooth English paragraphs! Every day, you have a law! Practice a rule every day. 33 days to get the huge success! Dear English learners, Please practice the following golden rules as much as possible! You will not only improve your English, but also become an English teaching professional! When you put your energy into something, the results will be powerful! These rules will help you reach all of your English learning goals. Have patience with yourself and remember, when you do the best you can, you can create miracles! you can not pay someone to practice for you. you are responsible for your own success. I am always here to support and encourage you along the way With each rule you practice you will take a step closer to your goal Trust yourself Believing in yourself is the first step to improving yourself Dear English learners:!!! Please much practice as possible These gold definitions are below! You can not only improve your English level, but also become an English teaching expert! When you concentrate on do something, the results will be very powerful! These rules will help you reach all your English learning goals. Patience to yourself, remember: When you try your best, you can create a miracle! You can't spend money, please practice. The success of your own success is yourself. I will always support you and encourage you.

Every time you exercise a rule, you will take a step towards your goal! believe in yourself! I believe I am the first step in improving myself! You can INOT IMPROVE THE PAST BUT You CAN IMPROVE The FUTURE! WHEN TIME IS WASTED, Life IS Wasted! You can't change the past, but you can make the future better! Waste time, waste life! Exit, the following method, create a great miracle! Become a English learning expert admiring! 1, Tapes are the best teachers and learning companions.They will never get bored, never get tired, and never charge you more! Love your English tapes. Make the most of this wonderful learning tool! Audiotape is the best teacher, and most Good learning partner. The recording tape will never be tired, never tired, never reach out to you more money! Love your English audio tape, give play to this excellent learning tool to maximize! 2, Try to pronounce everything just like the speaker on the tape.Imitation is the first and most important step. It's much easier to imitate another speaker than it is to sound out each word according to phonetics in a dictionary! Try to talk like on tape The person pronounces. Imitation is the first step and the most important step. Compared to reading each word according to the dictionary, imitate the other person's speech is much easier! 3, Listen to Crazy English Professional Tapes as a as Possible.many Tapes Don't Have Standard Pronunciation. Don't wasot your Time Following and practice POR PRONUNUNCITION! Be sure to listen to professional crazy English tapes as possible. Many pronunciations on the tape are not standard. Don't waste time and practice bad pronunciation! 4, Listening and Imitation Should Always Go Together. Use the lip method! Listen, iMitate, Practice! Listening and imitation must be done at the same time. Use "LIP" method: listen, imitate, practice! 5, Language Speaking Is Like Singing. Try to Learn ENGLISH The Same Way You Learn A Song. Spect And Rhythm Will Make Your English Perfect and flunt. Lookling like singing. How do you learn to sing, how to learn English. Tell your English, pay attention to tone and rhythm, which will make your English perfect. 6, The Best Way to Learn New Words Is To Learn The Correct Pronunciation. Try Your Best To Pronounce Every Word As Accurately As Possible. Remember the best way to make words to read the word! Do your best to send every word in place.

7, Repeat The Words in Useful Sentences As Many Times As Possible. That Is The The Only Way To "OWN" a Word and make it it yours forever! Repetition is the mother of learning! Try to put words in useful sentences in useful sentences. This is the only way to "Have" a word and turn it into your forever wealth! Repeat is the mother of learning! 8, Try to find as many good English sentences as possible and yell them as loudly and quickly as possible using correct pronunciation. There are three P's to mastering a sentence! First Pronounce each word in the sentence accurately and with exaggeration. Next, Practice each Sentence As Many Times as Possible with the three-ly and one -breath methods! Last, Perform Each Sentence by Saying It Natural and Acting It Out with Emotion! A large number of simplicity, with the most pronunciation, the fastest drill! To master a sentence, there are three major requirements: first, accurate and exaggeratedly emit each word in the sentence. Second, use the "three most" and "one-sighted gas law" to exercise each sentence as much as possible! Finally, show each sentence, naturally, full of emotional life! 9, The number of sentences is more important than the number of words. Your English level will depend on the number of sentences you can speak. You can communicate much more with ten sentences than you can with one hundred isolated words! Sentences than words The amount is more important. Your English level depends on the quantity you can say. Ten sentences can make you communicate with others than one hundred words! 10, Set specific goals that you know you can achieve. Success breeds success! Set more challenging goals as you make progress. Even if you only start with three sentences a day, you will know twenty-one new sentences by the end of the week ! Clearly clear, you know the goals that can be reached. Successfully created! It is more challenging targets for a progress. Even if you start with three sentences one day, you will have 21 new sentences after a week! 11, Try to use what you've learned in everyday life. Dare to show off your English, especially to people who do not speak English! The more you use English, the more fluent your English will become. To live in a day Use what you have learned.

Boldly sell your English, especially those who don't understand English! The more you have, the more fluent in your English will. 12, Try to create your own English environment. Practice with your friends, family and people you see every day. If you do not have anyone to practice with, talk to yourself in a mirror! It sounds crazy but it will work! Create Your own language environment. Every day and your friends, family and people who have seen. If you can't find someone, you will speak for your mirror! This sounds crazy, but it is very effective! 13, Pretend you do not speak Chinese when you are traveling on an airplane, staying in a hotel, or even ordering at McDonald's. The employees in these places do not know you and most speak some English! Forget about your face! You Really Will Only Be Losing Face For Overseas Chinese WHO Don't Know How To Speak Their Mother Tongue! When you travel, you can pretend that you don't understand Chinese when you are in a hotel. Employees in these places don't know you, and most of them speak English! Forget your face! Even if you lose your face, you are just a face that you don't know how to say the mother tongue! 14, Make your own English study cards and carry them wherever you go. You will make the best use of spare time every day and reinforce your memory. This small action will produce a great result. Make your own English study cards and carry. You can maximize the daily free time, but also enhance your memory. This small action will have a huge effect. 15, to Remember The New Words and Phrases You've Learned, Carry A Small Notebook to Record and Review The New Materials. To remember the student words and phrases, carry a small notebook, record, and review new materials. 16, Collect English learning material everywhere! English magazines and newspapers are a great choice. Writing down sentences while watching American movies is another great source of reallife learning material! English learning material everywhere! English magazines and newspapers are all very good choices.

In addition, there is a good way to collect a living learning material: Write down the sentence when you look at the American movie! 17, Any spare moment can be a great opportunity to exercise your English skills. One minute is enough to read a 20 times sentence. Remember, one minute can also produce miracles. Never say that you do not have enough time to learn English! Any chance to train English skills! One minute is enough to read a sentence 20 times. Remember: I can create a miracle one minute. Never say you don't have time to learn English! 18, Try to read a short English passage every day to build up your language sense This is extremely important and helpful if you want to score high on your exams Try your best to form this great habit We must change this situation:... Reading Is The ONLY WAY TO IMPROVE YOURE READIBLE! Read a English essay every day to cultivate a sense. This is extremely important if you want the exam to be high, it is also very useful. Be strive to develop this good habit. We have to change this situation: Chinese students have the most in reading. The only way to improve reading ability is to read! 19, Keep an English journal.Try to write a few sentences about your day and then blurt them out as many times as possible before you go to sleep. This will teach you to "think" in English. This habit will also help you live A Move Organized and Fruitful Life. Besides, You Will Score Higher on your composition exams! Stick to English diary. Write a few sentences to describe your day, then exercise as much as possible before going to bed. This method can teach you to "think" in English. This habit can also help you live more, more productive. In addition, you can also take a higher points when you have a higher score! 20, Reading Loudly Will Great Improve Your Fluency And Concentration. You Will Also Hear Your Own Mistakes and Be Aable To Improve Them. Loud reading greatly increases your fluency and makes you more focused. You can also hear your own mistakes and can be corrected. 21, Choose Materials That Interest You! Reading About Things That You Like Will Natural Make Learning More Enjoy and effect. Everything is Easier if you enjoy doing it! Choose information that you are interested in! Reading what you like will naturally make learning more enjoyable, more effective.

You like to do it, things will be easier! 22, Speak crazily not lazily. Always speak with zeal, pride and confidence. You will not only improve your English greatly this way, but also totally reshape your life. You will become more energetic, charming, and popular. A successful person inspires everyone Around Him To Become Successful! All Great Achievements Begin with enthusiasm! To be crazy, don't be lazy. When you say it, you have to be passionate, you have to proud, you have to be confident. In this way, you can not only greatly improve your English, but you can completely reshape your life. You will be more energetic, more attractive, more popular. Successful people will encourage people around you become successful! Everything is derived from enthusiasm! 23, Make your parents proud by teaching them some English sentences. You can become an excellent teacher through tutoring your parents. Teaching is a great way to learn! Also remember, learning English can make people happier, feel younger and live longer! Teach you Parents English make them proud. In the process of teaching parents, you will become an excellent teacher. Teaching is a great way to learn! Don't forget, English learning will make people happier, younger, live longer! 24, Don't Be Afraid to ask for help. The more of the more put, the more power. Never heSitate to ask! Learn as much as you can! An eager Student Will Always Find A Teacher! Don't be afraid to seek help. You ask your more you will be busy, your English will get more. Don't hesitate, despite you! To learn more from different people as much as possible! Students who know the desire will always find teachers! 25, Practice English for at least 5 minutes before and after every meal. Your English will naturally grow as your body grows. If you can form this habit, you will be a very successful English learner! You will not only speak good English, but Also Become A fanTic Test-Taker! Drill at least five minutes before and after each meal. Your English will grow naturally as your body.

If you develop such habits, you are a very successful English learner! Not only can you talk about English, but also try it out! 26, Keep English constantly in your mind by listening, speaking of reading every day! Constant exposure will make it much easier to master this language. If you review only once a week, you will have a hard time remembering what you've learned. Listen every day, talk every day, read every day, let English always stay in your brain! Continuous contact will make you easier to master this language. If you are just reviewing a week, you have to remember what you have learned is too difficult. 27, Always remember:. The more times you move your mouth, the more developed your muscles will become, and the more fluent your English will be Open your mouth whenever you have a second Do not be afraid of being laughed at You!! Know, Great People Are Are Always Laughed at by Fools. Always remember: You have the number of your mouth, the more developed your muscles, your English will be more fluent. When you have time, you will open your mouth! Don't be afraid that others laugh! You know, successful people are always laughing by fool. 28, Use all your senses to learn English. You must hear English, read English, touch English, smell English, and taste English. Feel English with your heart. Immerse yourself in this language. Begin to think in English. Use all your senses to learn English language. You have to listen to English, speak English, touch English, smell English, and taste English. Use your heart to feel English. Let yourself immerse yourself in this language. Learn to think in English. 29, Keep a positive attitude about English. If you think of English as a burden, it will be one! If you think of English as fun and exciting, you will practice more often and make progress more quickly! Keep a positive learning English attitude. If you think English is a burden, it is a burden! If you think English is interesting and stimulating, you will practice more often, progress faster! 30, Practice The 3-ly and one-breath methods asfrequently as possible. THESE TWO MAGIC MEQUTODS WILL TURN Your Chinese Muscles INTO INTERNATIONAL MUSCLES Try most of the "Three Mature" and "One Tone Training Law".

These two magical methods will train your Chinese muscles into international muscles! 31, I Will Blurt Out 10sentes Every Day. I Swear! I Well Blurt Out 1 Passage Every Week. I Swear! I WILL READ ENGLISH AT Least 10 Times A Day! I Swear! I Always Know Actions Speak Louder Than Words. I have a day To take out 10 sentences! I swear! I have to get out every week and have 1 news! I swear! I have to read 10 English at least one day! I swear! I won't forget that action is more loud than words. 32, I Will Read Inspiring Stories To Encourage Me To Go on. Teacher Li YANG IS A Great Model. I Always Remember His Words: Nothing in The World Can Take The Place Of Persistence! I want to read the story of people to encourage me constant Forward. Teacher Li Yang is a great example.

I will always remember his words: In this world, there is nothing to replace it! 33, Last but not least, try your best to help as many people as possible! In this way, you will make a great contribution to China, and you will be the happiest person in the world! Remember, true happiness comes from serving other People! Your Success Should Contribute To The Success Others! Last but equally important In this case, you have made great contributions to China, you are the happiest people in the world! Remember: Really happiness comes from serving others! Your success should help others' success! Learning method: 30 consecutive days, read all the morning and evening! Reading loudly, a sentence, a sentence is out of mouth! No two times! It's not on, then it is time! At the beginning, it is certainly difficult, slow! But must insist, be done! Please think about people who insist on repeated exercises, overcome heavy difficulties, and win the world champion (the world's first), you must get energy! I believe you can create a miracle! Start crazy! Always remember:. Great hopes make great men dedicate additional 110 Useful Questions to Ask Foreigners ask 10 questions of foreigners Note:!! China becomes more international every day Talking with foreign visitors is a great way to use and improve your English One quick word of advice:.! Try to ask open-ended questions, or questions that require more than a 'yes' or' no 'answer This type of question keeps a conversation flowing and give you more chance to practice Avoid questions like,' Do you know how to use chopsticks? 'Or' do you like Chinese food? 'Li Yang's words: China has become more international! Talk to foreigners is an excellent way to use and improve English! My advice: Try to ask some open problems, or you can't just use "Yes" or "not" to answer questions. This problem will continue to continue, give you more opportunities to practice! Avoid asking "Do you use chopsticks?" Or "Do you like Chinese food?" Such a problem.


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