A new development language C #

zhaozj2021-02-11  245

In the past two decades, C and C have become a wide range of applications in the development of commercial software. However, both C and C provide some feature that makes it easy to generate errors, or the flexibility of C and C is sacrificed development efficiency. If compared to other development languages ​​(such as VB), the same function C / C software usually requires a longer development cycle. It is because of the complexity of C / C development and requires a longer development cycle, many C / C developers are looking for a development language that improves more balance between functionality and development efficiency.

There are currently some development languages ​​to exchange efficiency by sacrifice flexibility in the C / C language (some necessary flexibility). Some languages ​​have excessive restrictions on developers (such as limiting using underlying control code) and provides fewer universal naming capabilities (translator: may refer to variables, functions of functions). These languages ​​cannot be easily combined with existing systems and cannot be combined with current web development.

A reasonable C / C alternative language should provide efficient and powerful support for efficient development on existing and potential platforms. And allows Web development to be combined with existing application development. Moreover, both C / C developers tend to use the underlying code when necessary.

M $ launched C #

On this issue, the M $ solution is to introduce a development language named C # (pronounced C Sharp). C # is an advanced, object-oriented language that allows developers to quickly build a wide range of MS network platform applications, and provide a large number of development tools and services to help developers to develop various applications based on calculation and communication. .

Since C # is an object-oriented development language, C # can be widely used for the development of high-level commercial applications and underlying systems. Even through a simple C # configuration, it can be easily transformed into a web-based application through the Internet, and can be called by Internet by Internet.

Even if you leave the advantages mentioned above, C # can also provide fast development methods for C / C developers without sacrificing any of the characteristics / advantages of any C / C language. From the inheritance perspective, C # re-realizes C / C at higher levels, familiar with C / C developers can change to C # developers.

Development efficiency and security

Currently, various web-based software development makes challenges to traditional commercial applications. Developers have organized to develop a variety of applications with shorter development cycles, and need to provide better correction, not Create a software system that can use long.

The design of C # is a full consideration of these factors. C # helps developers complete the same function through fewer code, and better avoid errors.

Combined with Web development

The new development model means a better use of existing WEB standards, such as HTML, XML, SOAP (simple object access protocol). The existing development tool is before the Internet or before the application is not fully applied, so it does not adapt to the development needs of the current Web technology.

C # Developers can easily extend their own applications on the M-network platform. C # can convert any components into a web service, and any application calls for any platform that can be running on the Internet. It is important that C # provides built-in support for this feature.

More importantly, the Web service framework allows any Web services to look similar to the C # built-in object, so you can continue to use the object-oriented development methods and techniques they already have during development.

In addition, C # also has many other features to make themselves the most excellent Internet development tool. For example, XML is currently a standard for data structures transmitted in the network, in order to improve efficiency C # will allow the XML data map to be mapped directly into a structure. This kind of data can be effectively processed. Reduce the mistake in the development

Even excellent C / C developers are difficult to avoid some common errors in the encoding process, such as erroneous initialization a variable, and this error will result in various unpredictable errors and is difficult to discover. If the error is put into the production environment before discovering, exclude these errors will pay an expensive price. The advanced design idea of ​​C # can eliminate many common mistakes in C / C development, such as:

Garbage collection mechanisms will alleviate developers' burden on memory. The variable in the C # will automatically be initialized according to the environment. Variables are types safe.

Using C # will make developers more easily develop and maintain a variety of business applications.

Provide built-in version support to reduce development expenses

The component (module) in the update software system will be an easy way to generate errors, which may have an existing software during code modification. In order to help developers handle these issues, C # has built-in version control functions in the language. For example: Function overload must be explicitly declared (this situation often occurs during C and Java), which prevents code-level errors and retains versionized features. Another related feature is support for interfaces and interface inheritance. These features ensure complex software that can be conveniently developed and upgraded.

Summary, these features can help develop more strong software succession and reduce development costs.

Strong function, easy performance, flexible

Better process and software implementation in commercial applications

In order to better realize the company's various business plans, there must be a close relationship between business processes and software implementations in the software system. But most of the development languages ​​cannot easily link various application logic to the code. For example, developers use various annotations to indicate that the abstract business objects representative of various classes. C # Allows the use of predefined data or expanded metadata on any object. Regional properties can be used in the system structure (translator: similar to NT network domain structure), and these attributes are added to class, interfaces, or other elements. Developers can independently test properties on various elements. This will make some similar work in the area where the object attributes like the collection area, or the automatic tool is written, and the interface is simply defined.

Scalable collaborative capabilities

Although the management is strong, the transparency is good, the type-safe development environment is suitable for most commercial applications, but the experience of reality tells us that some reasons for combining execution efficiency or with existing application interface API needs to use the original The development method is encoded. Also, many C / C developers prefer to give up using some development tools that can improve development efficiency. C # solves these problems by the following method:

Built-in supports COM models and Windows platform APIs. Allows the limit of use pointers.

Any objects in C # automatically become COM objects, developers no longer need explicit implementation IUnknown and other COM interfaces, can also be convenient and naturally using existing COM objects, without having to care if these COM objects use C # Development.

For developers using C #, C # allows developers to call OS provided by the API. Use a pointer in the labeled code area and manually manually manually manually manage the memory allocation. This allows C / C developers to familiarize and turn to C # and do not need to abandon the development habits formed in previous development, and the previous C / C code can still be reused. Whether it is support for COM or support for API calls to provide adequate development control capabilities for developers.

to sum up

C # is an advanced, object-oriented development language, and can easily and easily and quickly build a variety of applications and build web services that can be called inter-network. From the perspective of development language, C # can help developers to avoid errors, improve work efficiency, and have a powerful function of C / C . This article is here: msdn.microsoft.com

Translator: C #, is it a development revolution, just like VB. However, C # may be separated from the designer's control, and become a malformation. (Perhaps from me, I don't agree with the development of the language to bundle in the operating system.) But C # ultimately does not jump out of the current development model, maybe it is a more suitable MS platform. Processing C . But C # is a development language that has been made after deep thinking, which is more advantageous than other development languages. Because many languages ​​are the product of the experiment. For example, C and Java. No matter how the results are C # is worth looking forward to.

Although MS is now facing a heavy crisis, the MS is not hidden at all the ambition of the world. :-D


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