
xiaoxiao2021-03-05  23

The task of this topic is to develop a "data structure" secondary exercise system running on the browser, so that the practitioner can randomly generate an exercise question and prompt to calculate the answer.

Requirements that do not use the server-side Web technology, the practitioner does not need to use the system through the server. The calculation type of the hope includes (as much as possible): KMP's nextval vector calculation, the conversion of the two-dimensional array submitted, the two-fork tree, the sequence of the bifurcation, the Hafman tree structure, Figure Traverse, minimum span calculation, strong communication component calculation, joint point calculation, critical path, shortest path, hash function, binary sort tree construction, balance binary tree construction, insertion, exchange sort, rapid sort, pile sort, return Sort, the base is sorted.

Add one of the requirements of the claim: the nature of the stack. It is assumed that the stack sequence is 1 2 3 ... n, give a stack sequence, calculate the operation sequence (represented by the P, Q sequence), or give the operation sequence, and calculate the stack sequence.


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