STR1 is a multi-dimensional number of respective dimensional lengths
STR2 is the subscript in the elastology in the multidimensional array
Public int GET1D (String Str1, String STR2)
INT D1 = 0;
INT LENSTR1 = str1.length ();
String DSTR1 [] = new string [lenstr1];
String DSTR2 [] = new string [lenstr1];
For (int i = 0; i
DSTR1 [I] = Character.Tostring (Str1.Charat (i));
DSTR2 [I] = character.tostring (str2.charat (i));
For (int i = 0; i
INT DQ = 1;
For (int m = i 1; m
DQ = Integer.Parseint (DSTR1 [M]) * DQ;
D1 = (Integer.Parseint (DSTR2 [I]) * DQ) D1;
D1 = D1 Integer.Parseint (DSTR2 [LENSTR1-1]);
Return D1;