Use the OwnerDraw style to achieve the above purposes.
1. Run AppWizard Generate a dialog-based TEST project and add a CButton control in the dialog. CAPTION changes to IDC_3DTextBTN, caption changes to IDC_3DTextBTN, CAPTION changes to "Who and Crazy", and the remaining settings remain default.
2. Create a new class with ClassWizard: C3DTextButton, the base class is CButton.
3. Add a protected function Void Draw (CDC * PDC, Const CRECT & Recorplication to the C3DTextButton class. Writing code as follows:
Void C3DTextButton :: Draw (CDC * PDC, Const CRECT & Recorpted UINT STATE)
Cstring text; getWindowText (Text);
INT L = text.getlength ();
CRECT RectClient = Rect;
// Get the font of the control
Cfont * pfont = getFont ();
/ / Determine the efficient height and width of the selected font
Logfont logfont;
PFONT-> GetObject (Sizeof (Logfont), & logfont;
IF (logfont.lfheight == 0) logfont.lfheight = 20;
Logfont.lfwidth = 0; // The width is set to 0, the width value is determined by the height
Logfont.lfWeight = 1000;
Logfont.lfescapement = logfont.lforientation = 0;
CFONT TRYFONT; VERIFY (Tryfont.createFontIndirect (& logfont));
CFont * pfontold = PDC-> SelectObject (& tryfont);
/ / According to the size of the control, adjust the height of the font, make the text and control coordination
IF (RectClient.width () *> RectClient.Height () * TextSizeClient.c
X) {
Logfont.lfheight = :: muldiv (logfont.lfheight, RectClient.Height (), TextSizec;
Else {
Logfont.lfheight = :: muldiv (logfont.lfheight, RectClient.width (), Textsize;
// Create and select a coordinated font
CFont Font; Font.createFontIndirect (& Logfont);
TextsizeClient = PDC-> GetTextExtent (Text, L);
/ / Determine the distance between the text and the control border Minx, Miny
INT minx = RectClient.Left (RectClient.width () - / 2;
INT miny = (RectClient.Height () - / 2;
INT OLDBKMODE = PDC-> setbkmode (transparent);
ColorRef textcol = :: getSyscolor (color_btntext); colorref oldtextColor = PDC-> setTextColor (Textcol);
INT CX = minx;
INT CY = Miny;
INT S = (State & ODS_SELECTED "- 1: 1;
CX = 3; CY = 3;
// Implement 3D effect
PDC-> SetTextColor (: getSyscolor (color_3ddkshadow);
PDC-> Textout (CX-S * 2, CY S * 2, Text);
PDC-> Textout (CX S * 2, CY-S * 2, Text);
PDC-> Textout (CX S * 2, CY S * 2, Text);
PDC-> SetTextColor (:: getSyscolor (color_3dhilight));
PDC-> Textout (CX S * 1, CY-S * 2, Text);
PDC-> Textout (CX-S * 2, CY S * 1, Text);
PDC-> Textout (CX-S * 2, CY-S * 2, Text);
PDC-> setTextColor (: getsyscolor (color_3dshadow);
PDC-> Textout (CX-S * 1, CY S * 1, Text);
PDC-> Textout (CX S * 1, CY-S * 1, Text);
PDC-> Textout (CX S * 1, CY S * 1, Text);
PDC-> SetTextColor (:: getsyscolor);
PDC-> Textout (CX, CY-S * 1, TEX);
PDC-> Textout (CX-S * 1, CY, TEXT);
PDC-> Textout (CX-S * 1, CY-S * 1, Text);
PDC-> SetTextColor (Textcol);
// Output title
PDC-> TextOut (CX, CY, Text);
// Restore device description table
PDC-> SetTextColor (OldTextColor);
PDC-> setBkmode (OldBkmode);
PDC-> SelectObject (pfontold);
4. Rebate the DrawItem function of the C3DTextButton class with the ClassWizard. The write code is as follows:
Void C3dTextButton :: DrawItem (LPDrawItemstruct LPDrawItemstructure)
CDC * PDC = CDC :: fromHandle (LPDrawItemstruct-> HDC);
CRECT RectClient = lpdrawItemstruct-> rcitem;
Draw (PDC, RectClient, LPDRAWITEMStruct-> itemState);
5. Create a C3DTextButton control variable m_3dtextButton1 with ClassWizard for IDC_3DTextBTN.
6. Add "3DTextButton.h" to the TestDLG header file.
7. Compile and test the application. Ok, you can enjoy the work of labor.