This method is the 9CBS of the orangutan self-answering, even only to sort out him, the original post:
1. Add a method to net.sf.hibern8ide.hibern8ide, the code is as follows
public static void setUIFont (javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource f) {java.util.Enumeration keys = UIManager.getDefaults () keys ();. while (keys.hasMoreElements ()) {Object key = keys.nextElement (); Object value = uimanager.get (key); if (value instanceof javax.swing.plaf.fontuiresource) {UIManager.put (key, f);}}}
2. Add a line in the same class, the same class, the code is added, the code is as follows:
Setuifont (New Javax.swing.Plaf.Fontuiresource ("Song", Font.Plain, 12);
3. Compile operation, good luck.
P.S. In order to compile hiberna8ide, change in build.xml, this must be studied by himself.