Now the web page-based HTML editor is used in the news system, the article system is getting wider and wider, and a web page can maintain the original style, while the picture can be kept in this page. But during use, if the picture in the paste page is deleted, you will leave a big "X" on your own page, affecting the beautiful view. I had to save this picture before, and then upload it to the server, so it is really troublesome. Can you let the server download the image to save the link on the server and replace the link on the page? The answer is yes. To achieve this feature requires three steps: 1. Get the address of the image in the home page. There are many ways, you can use a split string or by regular matching. Practice has proved that the regular match is the most simple. The address of the analysis picture is saved in the tab. We can get all this label first. The process is as follows: set objRegexp = new regexp 'Settings Configuration Object ObjRegexp.IgnoreCase = true' ignore the case = true 'Settings to Full-text Search ObjRegexp.pattern = "
tab inside, then remove the getImgs function behind the image address inside is the implementation of the implementation. STRS = TRIM (STR) SET MATCHES = ObjRegexp.execute (strs) Start Performing configuring for Each Match in matches? Retstr = Retstr & GetImgs (match.value) 'Execute the second round of matching next to all pictures in this way the src = "http: // address of the picture", so it can be to get the exact address of the picture: function getimgs (str) getimgs = "" Set objRegExp1 = New RegexpobjRegExp1.IgnoreCase = TrueobjRegExp1.Global = TrueobjRegExp1.Pattern = "http : //. ? "" "Remove the address in the address set mm = objRegexp1.execute (str) for each match1 in mmgetimgs = Getimgs &" || "& left (match1.value, len (match1.value) -1) ' The address of the inside is backed up with the Nextend function to get the address of all pictures, and we can perform the second step. Second, download the picture and save it on the server. This can also be divided into two steps: one is the content of the picture and the other is saved on the server.
The content of the picture is implemented by the following functions: all pictures are in such a src = "http: // picture address, so the exact picture address can be obtained: Function Getimgs (STR) Getimgs = "" Set objRegExp1 = New RegexpobjRegExp1.IgnoreCase = TrueobjRegExp1.Global = TrueobjRegExp1.Pattern = "http: //. " "" 'taken inside the address set mm = objRegExp1.Execute (str) For Each Match1 in mmgetimgs =? Getimgs & "||" & left (match1.value, len (match1.value) -1) 'puts the address of the address into the NEXTEND Function to get all the addresses of all pictures, we can perform the second step. Second, download the picture and save it on the server. This can also be divided into two steps: one is the content of the picture and the other is saved on the server. The content of the picture is implemented by the following functions: all pictures are in such a src = "http: // picture address, so the exact picture address can be obtained: Function Getimgs (STR) Getimgs = "" Set objRegExp1 = New RegexpobjRegExp1.IgnoreCase = TrueobjRegExp1.Global = TrueobjRegExp1.Pattern = "http: //. " "" 'taken inside the address set mm = objRegExp1.Execute (str) For Each Match1 in mmgetimgs =? Getimgs & "||" & left (match1.value, len (match1.value) -1) 'puts the address of the address into the NEXTEND Function to get all the addresses of all pictures, we can perform the second step. Second, download the picture and save it on the server. This can also be divided into two steps: one is the content of the picture and the other is saved on the server. The content of the picture is implemented by the following functions: all pictures are in such a src = "http: // picture address, so the exact picture address can be obtained: Function Getimgs (STR) Getimgs = "" Set objRegExp1 = New RegexpobjRegExp1.IgnoreCase = TrueobjRegExp1.Global = TrueobjRegExp1.Pattern = "http: //. " "" 'taken inside the address set mm = objRegExp1.Execute (str) For Each Match1 in mmgetimgs =? Getimgs & "||" & left (match1.value, len (match1.value) -1) 'puts the address of the address into the NEXTEND Function to get all the addresses of all pictures, we can perform the second step. Second, download the picture and save it on the server. This can also be divided into two steps: one is the content of the picture and the other is saved on the server.
The content of the picture is implemented by the following function: obtaining the address of all pictures, we can perform the second step. Second, download the picture and save it on the server. This can also be divided into two steps: one is the content of the picture and the other is saved on the server. The content of the picture is implemented by the following function: function gethttppage (URL) on error resume nextdim httpset http = server.createObject ("msxml2.xmlhttp") 'Using XMLHTTP method to get the picture of the picture "Get ", url, falsehttp.send () if http.readystate <> 4 THEN EXIT functionEND IFETHTTPPAGE = http.responsebodyset http = Nothingif err.number <> 0 Then Err.Clear End Function gets the picture content to save, give one The feeling is that it can be used in FSO, but it is actually not, so that the save program will be wrong because the FSO does not support streaming files, so we have to call another object: ado.strem. Specific process is as follows: function process with Hugh content saveimage (from, tofile) dim geturl, objStream, imgsgeturl = trim (from) imgs = gethttppage (geturl) 'get the picture Set objStream = Server.CreateObject ( "ADODB.Stream" ) 'Establish AdoDB.Stream objects, you must have ADO 2.5 or above ObjStream.Type = 1' Open ObjStream.OpenObjstream.Write Imgs 'in binary mode to write string contents to buffer Objstream.savetofile Server.mAppath (Tofile), 2' - Write the buffered content writes ObjStream.close () 'Close the object set objstream = Nothingend function, so as long as one loop is saved all the pictures of the addresses you have, the specific process is as follows: arrimg = split (RetStr, " || ") 'Split String, acquire the list address list allimg =" "newimg =" "for i = 1 to Ubound (arrimg) IF Arrimg (i) <>" and INSTR (Allimg, Arrimg (i)) < 1 THEN 'Look at this picture has been downloaded with FName = Baseurl & CSTR (I & MID (Arrimg (i), "))) SaveImage (arrimg (i), fname)' saves the address of the address, process See above allimg = allimg & "| & arrimg (i) 'puts up the address of the saved picture to determine the address to be replaced newimg = newimg &" | "& fname" back the local address string end ifnext Three steps is to replace the original address.