Eclipse tips

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  25

I used to use JBuilderx as the main idea, but after using Eclipse

Found ... Eclipse is also so easy to use ... gradually fell in love with it ...

Eclipse Advantages: Free, Program Code Typographic Function, Chinese Culture Pack, can increase

There are many powerful plug-in, support a variety of operating systems (Windows,

Linux, Solaris, Mac OSX .., etc..

Opening this discussion string is to hope to set some of the use skills of Eclipse

Joint ... Welcome everyone to continue to add ... Because Eclipse's version is numerous

, I hope that the additional advances can explain the version you are using ~

Eclipse website:;

Eclipse Chinese Teaching: JavaWorld Station Article Reference

(Use version: Eclipse 2.1.2 Release Chinese)


Template: alt /

Modify: Window -> Prediction -> Workbench -> Button -> Edit -> Content Auxiliary.

Personal habits: Shift Space.

Simple explanation: When editing the program code, play the SYSOUT TEMPLATE launcher,

It will appear automatically: system.out.println () ;.

Set the format of Template: Window -> Predictive Set -> Java-> Editor -> Template.

Program code automatic version: Ctrl Shift f

Modify: Window -> Predictment -> Workbench -> Button -> Program Code -> Format.

Personal habits: alt z.

Automatic Typing Settings: Window -> Predictive Set -> Java-> Program Code Format Producer.

Style page -> will insert Tab (rather than airbels), this option cancels

Number of spaces below 4, which is rumored in space 4 when automatic arrangement.

Quick execution program: Ctrl F11

Personal habits: Alt X

Modify: Window -> Predictive Setting -> Workbench -> Button -> Execution -> The previous startup job is started.

Simple explanation: When executed, it will ask you to perform mode,

After setting, just press this hotkey, it will execute quickly.

.. I feel very pleasant ^ ___ ^

Automatic remitting the required category: Ctrl Shift O

Simple explanation:

Suppose we don't have any type of import, when we are in the program:

BufferedReader buf =

New BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (;

At this time, Eclipse will warn that there is no way to enter the category, then we only need to press CTRL Shift O

It will automatically help us Import categories.

View the original code of the category: Ctrl mouse left mouse click

Simple explanation: You can see the original code of your category.

Tap the selected text: Ctrl /

Simple explanation: It is very convenient when Debug.

Modification: Window -> Pixin Setting -> Workbench -> Button -> Program Code -> Note

View sector: Ctrl F8

Personal habits: alt s.

Modify: Window -> Predictive Setting -> Workbench -> Button -> Window -> Next View.

Simple explanation: It can be convenient for us to quickly switch editing, amplifies and more.

Tech article:

A set of Eclipse can simultaneously switch, English, traditional, and simplified display:

1. First install the Chinese cultural package first.

2. Adding parameters after the shortcuts of the desktop,

English-> -nl "zh_us"

Traditional -> -nl "zh_tw"

Simplified -> -nl "zh_cn".

(Other languages ​​are pushed by this class)

Like I 2.1.2 Chinese, I added the parameter-N1 "zh_us" in the Eclipse shortcuts in my desktop.

"C: / Program files / Eclipse / Eclipse.exe" -n "zh_us"

The interface will change back to English.

With Eclipse, you don't have to rearrange the program code when you edit your text:

Copy the program code of the Eclipse program editing area (Ctrl C), directly post (Ctrl V) to

On Word or WordPad, you will find the program code format in Word, follow Eclipse

The setting is exactly the same, including font, regeneration, keyword colors. I have tried JBuilder.

, GEL, NETBEANS ... When using copy, only the constitutive format, the word, color

Color, etc. will not change.


Floor installation: After downloading the plug-in package, you will find Features,

Plugins 2 data clips, copy or move to Eclipse's Features

After the PLUGINS data end, restart Eclipse.

Let Eclipse can use drag-mounted plug-in as JBuilderx:

1.jigloo SWT / SWING GUI Builder:;

Download this version: Jigloo Plugin for Eclipse (Using Java 1.4 OR 1.5)

You can construct the GUI type to be constructed by the file after installation.

2. Eclipse Visual Editor Project:;

Click Download Page below, then click Latest Release 0.5.0 to enter the download.

In addition to Ve-Runtime to download, the following two must:

EMF Build 1.1.1: (Build Page) (Download Zip)

Gef Build 2.1.2: (Download Zip)

3.0 M8 version, please download:

Emf Build I200403250631

Gef Build I20040330


After the installation is successful, you can start UI design by file-> new-> Visual class.

After the installation is successful, you can start from the new -> Java-> AWT and Swing

The GUI type to be constructed begins with design. VE must cooperate

The version can be used normally, otherwise it will still be used even if it is installed.

something wrong.

Use Eclipse to develop JSP programs:

Plug-in name: Lomboz (download page)


Please choose the Lomboz download that suits you, Represents version 2.1.2, represents the M7 version .... Push it in this class. Lomboz installation and setting teaching:

Eclipse development JSP-teaching documents

Java turn EXE articles:

Implementation: Eclipse is matched with JSMooth (free).

1. First created by Eclipse, containing the JAR of Manifest.


2. Use JSMooth to package the JAR package into EXE.

JSMooth Download Page:;

3. Making completed EXE files can be performed on Windows with device JRE.

Eclipse-Java editor is best setting:

Editor Chart Settings: Workbench -> Dictionary -> Java Editor Text Dictionary.

(Suggested setting Courier New -Regular 10)

Editor Related Settings: Window -> Prediction -> Java-> Editor

Appearance: Display line number, emphasizing square brackets displayed, emphasizing the current row,

Show print margins, check it, Tab width 4, print the hoster fields 80.

Program code helps: extract.

Syntax: You can set keywords, strings, etc. display colors.

Note: Extra setup.

Enter: All fields are checked.

Floating Instructions: Extra setup.

Guide: Extra setting.

Make the effect of the automatic discharge, most in line with the Java design conventions:

Automatic Typing Settings: Window -> Predictive Set -> Java-> Program Code Production Format.

Return: All do not check.

Branch: Row length limit: 80.

Style: Only insert blank check after mandatory transition.

Number of internal stasks: Set to 4.

Eclipse's teaching document:

Eclipse 3.0 Series Hot Keys Table - Chinese and British Confidentiality Edition (by sungo) ~ New ~

WINDOW GCC CDT development C, C (by sungo) ~ new ~


Expanded Eclipse Java Development Tools (Chinese)

Develop J2EE Application (Chinese) using Eclipse

Use the Eclipse platform to make the error (Chinese)

XML development with Eclipse (Chinese)

Develop Eclipse plug-in (Chinese)

Internationalization of your Eclipse plug-in (English)

Add Swing Editor to Eclipse (English)

How to test your Eclipse Plug-in compliance with the international market demand (English)

Eclipse Related Websites:


Eclipse related teaching [简体]

Write the program is very tired, want to take a break? ? Playing small game is

Nice choice, the following describes Plug-in playing with Eclipse playing GAME.

Supplement plug-in:


Version: Latest Release 3.0.1 (Release Notes) SAT, 3 Jan 2004

After the plug-in installation, re-open Eclipse.

Window -> Self - order -> Other-> Check Game Actions.

Then the Eclipse is turned off, and then start, you can start playing.

(4 types: mining mines I, mining mines II, greed snake, warehouse.)

(Eclipse 2.1.2 Chinese Plays Game - Warehouse)

Supplement: (Eclipse) Eclipse version: 2.1.3 Release.

JDK1.4 version of newly joined Assertion mechanism (keyword: assert), due to JDK1.4 compiler

The preset is compatible with 1.3, so you must use Assert to add-Source 1.4 parameters when compiling.

C: /> javac -source 1.4

When executed, you must be added to the -ea or the -EnableAssrtions parameter.

C: /> java -ea xxx

To use the ASSERTION mechanism in Eclipse, make the following settings:

Set one: (Compilation setting)

Windows-> preformed-> java-> compiler-> Compliance and ClassFiles

page. The ..jdk Compliance Level-> Compiler Compliance Level is set to 1.4.

Set 2: (execution setting)

Run-> Run -> (x) = arguments page, add -DA parameters in VM Arguments, press

Run Button can see the execution result after starting assertion.

(Eclipse 2.1.3 Release Assertion test)

New version (M8 ) Eclipse can set up VM Arguments

Also gives a way to add VM Arguments when Eclipse starts (increasing the Eclipse preset memory size)

The same is true)

This way, you don't have to set up VM Arguments each time.


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