Description WindowsLinux1 in the program Windowslinux1) Network connection web browser Microsoft IE, Netscape / Mozilla, Opera [Private], Firebird, ... 1) Netscape / Mozilla2) Galeon.3) Konqueror.4) Opera. [Private] 5) Firebird.6) Nautilus7) Epiphany8) Links. (With "-g" Switch) 9) Dillo (Russian Patch - here) 10) Network Browser on the ENCOMPAMPAMPAMPAMPASS Character Terminal 1) XEMACS W3. 1) links2) ELinks3) Lynx4) w3m5) Xemacs w3Email client Outlook Express, Netscape / Mozilla, The Bat, Eudora, Becky, Datula, Sylpheed / Sylpheed-claws, Opera1) Evolution2) Netscape / Mozilla paging 3) Sylpheed / Sylpheed -CLAWS.5) GNUS.6) BALSA7) BYNARI Insight Groupware Suite [Private] 8) Arrow.9) Gnumail.10) Althea.11) LIAMAIL.12) AETHERA.13) Mailwarrior.14) Opera. Email Client / Microsoft Outlook Style Personal Information Manager Outlook1) Evolution2) BYNARI Insight Groupware Suite. [Private] 3) AETHERA.4) SYLPHEED.5) SYLPHEED-CLAWS Email Client (The Bat Style) The Bat1) Sylpheed. 2) Sylpheed-claws.3) kmail.4) Gnus.5) Email client MUTT [DE], PINE, PEGASUS, EMACS1) PINE [Non Free] 2) MUTT3) GNUS.4) ELM5 Emacs News Reader 1) Agent [Private] 2) Free Agent3) XNews4) Outlook5) Netscape / Mozilla6) Opera [Private] 7) sylpheed / sylpheed-claws8) Dialog9) gravity1) Knode.2) PAN.3) NewsReader4) Netscape / mozilla5) Opera [Private] 6) Sylpheed / Sylpheed-Claws .-- It is used for character terminals : 7) Pine. [Non Free] 8) MUTT9) GNUS10) TIN11) SLRN12) XEMACS Address Book Outlook1) Rubrica File Download Tool Flashget, Go! Zilla, Reget, Gtright, Dap, Wget, Wackget, MassDownloader, ... 1 ) Downloader for X.2) Caitoo (Old Weigh Kget) 3) PROZILLA4) WGET (for Character Terminal, Standard) 5) Wget Graphical User Interface: Kmago, GNOME Transfer Manager, Qtget, XGet, ... 6) Aria. 7) AXEF8) Download Accelerator Plus.9) Getleft10) LFT10) LFTP Web Site Download Tool Teleport Pro, HTTRACK, WGET, ... 1) HTTRACK.2) WGET (for character terminal, standard)
: Kmago, qtget, xget, ... 4) Downloader for x.5) PAVUK. 6) Xsitecopy.7) Getleft8) CURL (for character terminal) 9) KHTTRACKFTP client Bullet Proof FTP, CUTEFTP, WSFTP, SmartFTP, ... 1) GFTP.2) Konqueror.3) KBear.4) IGLOOFTP [Private] 5) NFTP6) WXFTP7) AXYFTP8) MC (CD ftp: // ...) 9) TKFTP10) YAFC11) DPSFTP. (DEAD Project) FTP client FTP in far, ftp.exe, ncftp1) NCFTP.2) LFTP.3) AVFS (available from any program: / # ftp: ... Access site) resources) IRC client Mirc, Klient, vIRC, Xircon, Pirch, XChat1) Xchat.2) kVirc. 3) Irssi4) BitchX.5) Ksirc.6) Epic7) Sirc8) PJIRC. without a server LAN chat client 1) QuickChat2) akeni3) PonyChat4) iChat1) Talk (for character terminal), ktalk2) akeni3) ECHAT4) WRITE, WALL (chat between users of the same machine) Paging WinPopupsmbClient in the LAN with Windows Machine (for Character Terminal) The graphical user interface is: 1) Linpopup 22) KPOP3) Kopete Instant Punch Clients ICQ Lite, ICQ CORP, MSN, AIM, Yahoo, ... Trillian ICQ (Free Software, can replace all usual instant paging clients) , Miranda, GAIM1) LICQ (ICQ) 2) CENTERICQ (including almost all instant paging protocols for character terminals) 3) Alicq (ICQ) .4) MICQ (ICQ) .5) Gnomeicu (ICQ) .6) GAIM (Including nearly all instant piping protocols) 7) AYTTM. (Including nearly all instant piping protocols) 8) Kopete9) Everybuddy10) Simple Instant Messenge R.11) iMICIMessenger12) ICKLE (ICQ) .13) AMSN (MSN) .14) KMerlin (MSN) .15) Kicq (ICQ) .16) YSM (ICQ, for character terminal) 17) kxicq.18) Yahoo Page Unix 19) KMESS (MSN) .20) AIM21) MSNRE (for character terminal) Jabber instant paging client program JAJC, TKabber ( ActiveState Tcl), PSI, EXODUS, WINJAB, Myjabber, Rhymbox, Rival, Skabber, TiPicim, Vista, Yabber, Miranda, Gaim, Akeni Pictures Gabber3) PSI4) GAIM5) CENTERICQ (for Character Terminal) 6) AYTTM.7) Akeni Paging Jabber Monitoring Website and Mailbox, Show News Tools for theme or whole article Watznew1) Web Secretary2) Knewsticker &
Korn.3) Mozilla (???). 4) WATCH-N Seconds Lynx -dump Video, Audio Conference Netmeeting1) Gnomemeeting2) VAT / VIC / WB3) RAT / WBD / NTE4) Nevot5) IVS Voice Communication (Voice, Call Tool ) Speak Freely1) Speak Freely for Unix2) TeamSpeak firewall (packet filtering tool) BlackICE, ATGuard, ZoneAlarm, Agnitum OutpostFirewall, WinRoute Pro, NortonInternet Security, Sygate PersonalFirewall PRO, Kerio Personal firewall, ... iptables or obsolete ipchains comparison (with Character terminal, standard).
Distal procedures: 1) Kmyfirewall.2) Easy Firewall Generator3) Firewall Builder4) Shorewall5) Guarddog6) FireStarter7) Smoothwall [private] 8) IPCop.9) Zorp.IDS (intrusion detection system) 1) BlackICE2) Agnitum Outpost Firewall3) Tripwire [private] 4) Kerio Personal Firewall1) Snort2) portsentry / Hostsentry / Logsentry3) Tripwire [GPL] .4) Tripwall.5) AIDE.6) ViperDB.7) Integrit.8) CerberusIntrusion detection System9) MIDASNMS port scan detection tool? ?? 1) PKDUMP more securely produces the tool tool ??? 1) Bastille2) Linux Security Auditing Tool Visual Route (private] 1) XtraceRoute. 2) VisualRoute. [Private] 3) MTR. 4) GEOTRACE CMB, ATGUARD, Agnitum Outpost Firewall, Privoxy, MS ISA Server, Guidescope, ... 1) Dansguardian.2) Squid.3) SquidGuard4) Privoxy5) JUNKBUSTER6) Zorp.7 ) Fork8) Redirector network traffic adjustment, control tool WinRoute Pro, ... 1) iprelay2) CBQ (from iProute2 software package) 3) TC (from iProute2 package) 4) LARTC network traffic settlement tool Netstat, Tmeter, ... 1) TCP4ME2) GetStatd3) ipacct4) ipac-ng5) ipaudit6) lanbilling7) SARG (Fullsquid Traffic) .8) Talinux9) Netup utertrafmanager.10) MRTG11) NETT OP peer network client / server, file sharing tool (P2P) Morpheus (gnutella), Winmx, Napster, Kazaa (FastTrack), Edonkey [Private], EMULE, THECRLE, BITTORRENT, SOULSEEK, DIRECT Connect1) MLDONKEY (Edonkey, Soulseek FastTrack, Gnutella, Bittorrent 2) Limewire. (GNUTELA) 3) LOPSTER. (OpenNAP) 5) Edonkey. (Edonkey) [Private] 6) Cdonkey. (Edonkey) 7) Gift Client / Server / FastTrackPlugin (FastTrack) 8) ED2K_GUI.9) GTK-GNUTELLA. (GNUTELA) 10) Qtella. (Gnutella, console) Thecil113) Thecil 11) FreeNet (complete anonymous P2P)
14) LMULE. (Edonkey) 16) XMule (Edonkey) 17) Bittorrent.18) Pysoulseek (Soulseek) .19) Loophile. (WINMX) [Private] 20) Direct Connect (Direct Connection) 21) QuickDC (fast Direct connection) 22) Overnet23) Apollon24) Grapewine (completely anonymous P2P) 25) SNARK. (Bittorrent) "Hotline" P2P Protocol Client / Server Tool ??? Client: 1) gtkhx2) Fidelio3) GHX [Private] Server Program: 1) Synapse2) HSX works with a speech modem with many functions, including a series of functions such as answers (ANSWERBACK and AON to fax equipment, etc.) gfax. (???) 2 Primafax. [Private] 99 $] 3) Mgetty Voice Sendfax.4) Vgetty. Transceiver Fax Winfax1) HYLAFAX2) Fax2send. [Private] 3) EFAX4) VSI-Fax. [Private] Dial-Download VDIAL, ETC1) Kppp2 X-ISP3) WVDIAL (Front: X-WVDial, Kvdial, gtkdial 4) GPP5) KinterNet.6) RP3.7) PPPConfig PON POFF.8) MODEM LIGHTS.9) NETCOUNT (for Character Terminal) FTN Editor Golded1) Golded.2) Golded .3) MSGED4) QDedftn Tosser (Pitcher) Fastecho, HPT1) HPT.2) CraShecho.3) Qecho4) Crashmailii5) Fidogate - Gate to News.fts.6) IFOGATE - GATEWS.FTN MAILER (Post) sf-mail, t-mail1) IFCICO.3) BFORCE4) BINKD Remote Management Software 1) VNC, (VirtualNetwork Computing, seem to be a virtual network console console) 2) Remote Administrator (Radmi) n) [Private] 3) Remote Assistance [Private] 4) Symantec PCANywhere [Private] 5) Windows Terminal Server [Private] 6) RDESKTOP [Private] 7) Radmin [Private] 8) PC-Duo [Private] 9) Huey PC Remote Control (only Windows NT Edition) [Private] 10) Timbuktu Pro [Private] 11) Laplink [Private] 12) GotomyPC [Private] 13) BO2K AND Other Trojans1) VNC, Virtual Network Console 2) SSH3) Remote Management embedded in XFree86 4) Remote management embedded inside KDE3.1 ("Desktop Sharing") 5) RDESKTOP Client6) RSH / RLOGIN. 7) Telnet.8) GtelNet.9) X0RFBServer10) KDE Universal Remote Desktop. Transfer with modem Document Hyperterminal, Terminate, ETC1) Minicom Lrzcz Kermit.2) MSTERM.3) Xtel4) UUCP.5) LRZSZ
Cufrom UUCP. Secure Shell Login (SSH) PUTTY, IRLEX, CYGWIN SSH1) KSSH.2) SSH / OpenSSH3) Gtelnet. (Telnet, SSH, RLOGIN) Network Monitoring Tool Dumeter, NetMedic1) Gkrellm2) Big Brother3) EtherApe4 Nagios5) Tkined6) MRTG7) RRDTOOL.8) AUTOSTATUS10) BCNU11) MON12) SYSMON13) SPONG14) SNIPS15) IPTRAF (for character terminal) 16) ksysguard.17) OpenNMS18) TCPDUMP. Network maintenance Tool HP OpenView, MS SMS, Tivoli1) HP OpenView agents [private] 2) Big Brother3) Cheops4) Tkined5) OpenNMS network protocol analyzer, sniffer sniffer Pro, EtherPeek (TokenPeek, AiroPeek), Windump, Ethereal, MSNetwork Monitor, Iris, LanExplorer, NetSniffer, Snort, .. .1) ETHEREAL2) ETHERAPE4) NTHERAPE4) NTOP5) IPXDUMP. ( IPXPARSE for Parsing) 6) Snort. Security Scanner Shadowscan, ISS, RETINA, Internet Scanner1) NSSUS2) NMAP Routing MS RRAS1) iProute2 iptables. 2) GNU Zebra Ethernet, IP Test Tools and Library LCRZOLCRZOIP Phone Buddyphone [Private], Cisco Softphone1) GNU Bayonne2) OpenPhone4) Tkphone5) Nauphone Data, File Sharing Tool Windows Sharing 1) NFS.2 Samba3) Samba-TNG4) ftp.???windows domain,
Activities 1) Samba. 2) LDAP3) YP Tool Network Neighbors 1) Samba2) KDE LAN BROWSER, LISA3) Linneighborhood.4) xsmbrowser5) KOMBA26) KONQUEROR.ADSL1) RaspppoE1) RP-PPPOE2) PPTP Client Distribution Calculate allProjects1) UNTED DEVICES2) distributed.net2) http : // D2OL * Some of the program version under Linux only runs on the character terminal Mode IPSec Protocol -FreeswanVRML Outlook and Editor ??? 1) Whitedu Using eBay ??? 1) Bidwatcher2) Processing File Far and NC Style File Manager FAR, Norton Commander, Disco Commander, VolcovCommander, etc1) MidnightCommander.2 ) X Northern Captain. 3) DECO (DEMOS Commander) 4) Portos Commander5) Konquer In MC Style6) Gentoo.7) VFU8) YTREEWINDOWS COMMANDER Document Manager Total Commander 1) Krusader.2) KCommander. 3) FILERUNNER (TCL / TK) .4) Linuxcommander5) Lincommander.6) Emelfm8) Midnight Commander.9) WorkerWindows Style File Manager Windows Explorer / . Internet Explorer1) Konqueror.2) Gnome-Commander 3) Nautilus4) Endeavour Mark II5) XWC visualization Shell ??? 1) vshnu:. The NewVisual Shell brisk local HTML document browsing tool 1) Internet Explorer2) Microsoft Document Explorer 1) Dillo (Russian patch - here) 2) konqueror.3) Nautilus4) Lynx / Links Overview FileMonfilemon Processing UDFROXIO (Old Name Adaptec) UDF Reader, Roxio Direct CDLinux-UDF. Processing Multi Section (Multi Session) CD, and from Fault multi-segment disc restore information isobustercdfs processing compressed file 1) WinZip2) WinRAR3) 7-zip4) WinAce5) Ultimatezip1) Ark (kdeutils) .2) gnozip.3) Karchiveur4) gnochive5) file 8er6) UNACE7) Linzip.8) TKZIP Console Archivers Arj, RAR, ZIP, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, LHA ... 1) TAR, Gzip, Bzip2.2) UNARC3) LHA. (Japanese webpage)
4) Infozip5) ARJ6) AVFS. (Support from any program - # / ...). 7) ZOO.8) RAR9) CAB Extract for files and directory comparison programs 1) beyondcompare2 Araxis Merge.3) Minimalist GNU for Windows (Diff.exe) 4) Unison1) WinMerge2) MgDiff.3) Diff, Patch.4) Xemacs5) XDELTA. (For binary file making patch) 6) MELD7) XXDIFF8) Unison. 3) Desktop, System Software Text Editor Notepad, WordPad, TextPad, Vim, Xemacs, ... 1) Kedit (KDE) .2) Gedit (GNOME) .3) GNOTEPAD4) Kate (KDE) .5) KWRITE (KDE) ) .6) Nedit.7) XEMACS9) XEMACS9) XEMACS9) NVI11) OzEditor. Text Editor on a Character Terminal 1) VIM2) Emacs3) Editor from Far, Editor From DN, ... 1) VIM2) Emacs3) NANO. (This is a free implementation of Pico) 4) JOE.5) FTE.6) JED.7) Cooledit. Multi-use text (and source code) Editor Scite, UltraEdit, Multiedit, Vim, Xemacs, ... 1) Kate (KDE self-contained tool) 2) Nedit.3) CodeCommander4) Scite5) Quanta Plus6) VIM7) XEMACS8) MCEDIT (released with MC) 9) JED.10) STEDIT (Looks with TurboVision Style) 11) HTEDITOR. Supporting the text editor of Cyll, RPAD32, Aditor, Vim, Xemacs1) Kate (KDE self-contained tool) 2) Nedit.3) FTE (for character terminal) 4) Tapped Midnight Commander version 5 ) VIM6) XEMACS. See PostScript file 1) ROPS2) GHOSTVIEW1) GHOSTVIEW2) KGHOSTVIEW 1.3) GV4) GG V View PDF file 1) Adobe Acrobat Distiller2) GhostView1) Acrobat Reader. [Private] 2) Xpdf3) GV4) GGV5) GhostView6) Kghostview. Create a PDF file 1) Adobe Acrobat Distiller2) GhostView3) Ghostscript1) any Linux "WYSIWYG "Program -> Print to File -> PS2PDF. (Here there is a related article) 2) AdobeAcrobat distiller. [Private] 3) Pstill [Share Software] 4) PDFLATEX.5) XFIG.6) Ghostscript7) Tex2PDF.8) ReportLab9) GV10) GGV11) GHOSTVIEW12) KGHOSTVIEW 12) KGHOSTVIEW.13) PANDA PDF Generator Encryption Technology (CRYPTO) PGP, GNUPG Windows Privacy Tools1) GNUPG (for Character Terminal) GPA, KGPG, and Other Front End Software 2) PGP. [Private ] Encrypting the entire disk volume EFS (standard)
PGP-Disk, Bestcrypt, Private disk Light1) LOOP-AES2) CFS3) TCFS.4) BestCrypt.5) Cryptfs. Task Scheduling (Schedule) Program MStask, NNCronCron, AT (Standard, for Character Terminal). The graphical user interface is: KcronoutLook schedule Outlook Scheduler1) Korganizer. Virtual CD) VirtualDrive, VirtualCD, Daemon Tools, ... 1) Virtual CD-ROM CIRD Module 2) "CP / dev / cdrom mycd.iso" " Mount -o loop mycd.iso / mnt / cdrom / text identification (OCR) Recognita, FineReader1) Claraocr.2) GOCR.3) Kooka Translation Software (Siri) Promt, SocratksoCrat (???) English Russian Dictionary ( Siri Lingvo2) Socrat3) Jalingvo4) PhpMylingvo1) MUELLER.2) KSocrat.3) Jalingvo4) PHPMYLINGVO5) DICT KDICT.6) DICT KDICT.6) DICTX7) Groan.8) Mova.9) Slowo.10) STARDICT Processing Scan Program on the CD, Vuescan1) Xsane.2) Kooka3) XVSCAN [Private] 4) Vuescan [Private] Antivirus AVG Antivirus, NAV, Dr. Web, TrendMicro, F-PROT, KASPERSKY, ... 1) Dr. Web [Private] 2) Trend ServerProtect [Private] 3) RAV ANTIVIRUS [Private] (BOUGHT BYMICROSOFT?) 4) Openantivirus Amavis / Virushammer5) F-PROT [Private] 6) Sophie / Trophie7) CLAM Antivirus8) Kaspersky [Private] 9) YAVR System Configuration Control Panel, Microsoft Configuration Program, Registry Editor, WinBoost, Tweakxp, Customizerxp, X-Setup, PowerToys, Config NT, ... 1) Setup (Red Hat) .2) Chkconfig (Red Hat) .3) redhat-config-
(Red Hat 8.0) .4) XF86CONFIG, XF86CFG.5) Linuxconf.6) WebMINF.7) Webmin.8) YaSTAnd (SUSE) .9) Sysinstall (FreeBSD) .10) / dev / haist :). Boot Start Manager System Commander, PowerQuest Boot Magic, GAG, ... 1) GRUB2) LILO.3) Asployader.4) Acronis OS Selector [Private] .5) RanishPartition Manager.6) OSBS.7) Symon.8) SmartBoot Manager.9) xOSL10) GAG Hard Disk Partition Manager 1) PowerQuest Partition Magic [Private] 2) Acronis PartitionExpert [Private] 3) ParagonPartition Manager [Private] 4) PartitionCommander [Private] 1) Partgui (Partimage and Parted graphical user interface 2) GNU Parted. (GUI - Qtparted) .3) Partition Image4) FIPS.5) DiskDrake (Mandrake) .6) ParagonPartition Manager [Private] .7) Acronis PartitionExpert [Private]. (REVIEW) LVM Soft-RAID Parted ... -EVMS. Backup software NTBackup (Standard), Legato NetWorker [Private] 1) Legato NetWorker. [Private] 2) lonetar. [Private] 3) Disk Archive4) Bacula5 TAPER6) Dump / Restore. (Standard, for character terminal) 7) Amanda (for character terminal) 8) Mondo Rescue. (Backup can boot and automatically restore yourself to hard disk) Amount 1) DriveImage2) Ghostpe1) PartitionImage GUI - PartGUI) .2) DD (Standard, for Character Terminal) 3) MONDO Rescue Cross-Network Mirror Machine 1) Imagecast2 Norton Ghost1) UDP CAST2) Techteam's UDP Castdisks.3) GHOST for UNIX (G4U). Task Manager Taskman (Standard), Taskinfo, ProcessExplorer NT.1) TOP (Standard, for Character Terminal) 2) GTOP, KTOP.3) Ksysguard.4) "PS AUX | More", "Kill" That automatically switches Punto Switcher between English and Russia, KEYBOARDNINJA, SNOOP without corresponding analogs: (Mouse Gestures) Sensiva1 KGESTURE.2) WAYV3) OPTIMOZTV program ??? homeportal. Text to speech1) KDE Voice Plug-in 2) Festival3) Emacspeak4) VoiceText speech recognition viavoice, Dragon Natural Speaking Yes, no speech recognition package, But: 1) sphinx2) ViaVoice. (In a few short ruined state)
Processing Text Flow 1) Minimalist GNU for Windows (Sed.exe) 2) Perl1) Sed, AWK.2) Perlpim (Personal Information Management) / DB (Daily Bulletin) / Hierarchical Notebook with Tree View (Tree View Hierarchy Notebook TreePad [Private], Leo, Cuecards1) TreePad Lite. [Private] 2) YANK3) Treeline4) GJOTS5) Leo6) HNB - Hierarchical Notebook7) Tuxcards Fast Switching Programs between Different Resolution and Refresh Rates In the system From the video display card optical disk (driver on the driver) 1) Multires2) Ctrl Alt "-", Ctrl Alt " ". 3) FBSET. (When using FrameBuffer) Find and replace text in the file 1) Integrated in Operating System 2) Indexing Service 3) HTMLCHANGER4) Any file manager 1) Find (standard, for character terminal) 2) Slocate (standard, for character terminal) graphical user interface : 1) GSearchTool.2) Kfind.3) Any file manager this machine SGBD index search engine 1) Indexing Service (???) 2) mnogosearch [is patented on Windows] 1) mnogosearch2) ASPSeek. System monitoring System Monitor (System Built) 1) TOP (Standard, Used for Character Terminal) 2) Gkrelm3) Ksysguard.4) Survivor5) "Hot-Babe". (If naked, you can't touch you, then you don't use :) log Occasion of program event observer (system built-in) 1) xlogmaster2) Analog3) Fwlogview (FireWall) Data Recovery Tool R-Studio (Support Linux Partition) 1) E2UNDEL2) MYRESCUE3) TestDisk4) UnRm5) Channel 16 can automatically detect text Document encoder ??? 1) ENCA.2) JCONV3) XCODE. (Siri) 4) Asrecod. (Siri) Alarm MINDIT! 1) Kalarm. Use PalmPalm Desktop1) Kpilot2) JPilot Allow Treatment Palm .html file isilo1) Isilo.2) PLUCKER low-level optimization (chipset, PCI bus) PowerTweak1) PowerTweak-linux. Classic Bible On-line Bible, THE SWORD1) BIBLETIME (KDE) 2) GNOMESWORD (GNOME) Convenient mouse Scroll Mouse IMP ??? Automatic change desktop background ??? 1) Background buddy Easy to switch the language of the keyboard ??? 1) Registry Editor RegeditkRegedit :). 4.1 Multimedia (Audio, CD) Useful Link: -Linux Midi & Sound Applications - There are many links and resources.
Sound Software- Lots of It. Music, MP3, OGG Player 1) WINAMP2) ZINF3) SNACKAMP4) Soritong5) Apollo6) K-Jofol 20007) SoniQue8) C-49) Media Box Audio / Video Workstation 510) Blaze Media Pro11) NEX 312) Real jukebox13) Windows Media Player 1) XMMS (X Multimedia System) 2) Noatun.3) ZINF. (FORMER FreeAMP) WINAMP5) XAMP.6) GQMPEG7) SnackAmp8) MPlayer. (Frontend: KPlayer) .9 (Frontens: Sinek, Totem) Character Terminal, MP3, OGG Player MPG123, DOSAMP, MPLAYER1) CPLAYER.2) MPG1233) OGG1234) MPG3215) OPHEUS6) MP3BLASTER7) MADPLAY8) XMMS Character Terminal Tool 9) MPLAYER. CD Bracker Nero, Roxio Easy CD Creator, ... 1) K3B. (KDE) 2) XcDroast3) KreateCD.8). SIMPLECDR-X9) GCOMBUST10) WebcdWriter. (CD Burning Server, accessible from any Java support) 11) CDR TOASTER.12) Arson.13) CD-ME (Create Audio CD) CD Player CD Player, Winamp, Windows Media Player, ... 1) KSCD2) GTCD (GNOME) TCD (for Character Terminal) 3) Orpheus. (For Character Terminal) 4) SADP5) Workman6) XMCD7) GRIP8) XPlayCD.9) CCD / CCCD (for character terminal) 10) CDP (for character terminal) 11) BEBOCD mitigation program slowcd, cdslow1) Mo Unt -o speed = 2) HDPARM -E
4) cdspeed.CD ripping / grabbing (CD ripping, plagiarism tool) 1) Cdex2) MusicMatch3) StreamboxRipper4) Audiocatalyst5) WinDac6) Audiograbber7) Media Box Audio / VideoWorkstation8) CD-Copy9) Blaze Media Pro10) Real Jukebox11) Windows Media Player 12) Nero13) VirtualDrive14) VirtualCD15) Audacity1) Grip.2) Audacity3) Ripperx.4) TkcoGripper.5) A better cd encoder.6) CDDA2WAV7) GNOME TOASTER.8) CDPARANOIA.9) CD2MP3.10) DagRAB.11 SIMPLECDR-X12) RATRIP13) Autorip.14) SoundjuicerCD Track Player Winamp, Windows Media Player, ... 1) XMMS Mikmod-Plugin. Published with XMMS 2) XMMS XMP-Plugin. Play with XMP 3) (For character terminal) 4) XMP.
Can play CD track 5) Timidity . Only module file (Only Modi) MIDI player Winamp, Windows Media Player, ... 1) XMMS MIDI-PLUGIN (play with Timidity) 2) XMMS AWEMIDI- plugin. (playing with drvmidi) 3) xmms playmidi-plugin (with playmidi player) 4) TiMidity . Supports gus pathes and sf2 banks, backend to another software.4) timidity-eawpatches.Gus-patches for TiMidity . 5) Kmid6 ) DRVMIDI / AWEMIDI.7) PMIDI (for character terminal, for alsa) 8) PlayMIDI.9) ATMIDI.MIDI karaoke player Vanbasco1) KMID2) Gkaraoke.3) Timidity MP3 encoder 1) lame2) CDEX3 ) MusicMatch4) StreamboxRipper5) Audiocatalyst6) Blaze Media Pro7) Media Box Audio / VideoWorkstation8) AudioSlimmer9) Real Jukebox1) Lame2) Bladeenc.3) NotLame4) L3enc. [private] 5) gogo.OGG encoder oggencoggenc. use real-time playback protocol 1) RealPlayer. [Private] 2) MPLAYER LIBRARIES.1) RealPlayer. [Private] 2) MPLAYER Library .3) Remedial Broadcast VC Radio, Fmradio, Digband Radio1) XRADIO2) CRADIO3) XMRADIO.4) RDJ.5) RadioActive. 6) XMMS-FMRADIO7) GQRADIO.8) QTRADIO audio editor Soundforge, Cooledit, Audacity, ... 1) Glame2) Rezound.3) SWEEP4) WAVEFORGE5) SOX.6) AUDACITY7) GNUSOUN d8) Ecasound.9) SoundStudio.10) mhWaveEdit multi-track audio processor Cubase1) Ecasound.2) Ardour.Sound tracker (followers sound, sound tracks, Ltd.) Fasttracker, ImpulseTracker1) Soundtracker2) Insotracker3) CheeseTracker Sound mixer (audio mixer , volume control) sndvol321) Opmixer2) aumix.3) mix2000.4) KMix.5) Alsamixer6) GMix7) wmix (for WindowMaker) 8) Mixer_app (for WindowMaker) 9) Many applets for AfterStep / WindowMaker / FluxBoxSoftware for music notation (Software) FINALE, Sibelius, SmartScore1) LilyPond.2) NoteEdit3) Mux2dmidi Sequence Generator (MIDI-SEQUENCER)
Cakewalk1) RoseGarden2) Brahms3) Anthem4) Melys5) MuSE6) MidiMountain (KDE) More infrormation: Midi-Howto music Cakewalk, FruityLoops1) RoseGarden2) ArdourSynthesizer ([Electronic] Synthesizer) Virtual waves, Csound1) Csound2) FluidSynth3) Arts Builder ( ???). ID3-TAG editor MP3TAG1) EASYTAG2) CANTUS3) ID3TOOL (for character terminal) 4) ID3ED (for character terminal) 5) ID3EDIT (for character terminal) guitar, instrument adjustment software 1) IN- TuneMulti-Instrument Tuner2) Digital Guitar Tuner ??? audio stream input .MP3 file TwinsStream RipperStreamRipper.4.2) multimedia (graphic) graphic file viewer 1) ACDSee2) IrfanView3) Xnview4) CompuPic [private] 5) Windows Fax and Image viewer5 Any Web Browser1) XNView.2) GQVIEW3) qiv4) Compupic [Private] 5) KuickShow.6) KView.7) gtksee8) XV. [Private] 9) PornView.10) IMGV11) GWENVIEW.12) GLIV13) Showimg14) FBI.15) gthumb.17) PixiePlus.17) ELECTRIC EYES (GNOME) .18) Eye of gnome19) GIMAGEVIEW20) HUGUES ImageViewer21) Any web browser looks at the character terminal to see graphic file QPEG1) ZGV.2) AALIB. Simple Graphic Editor Paint1) Kpaint 2) Tuxpaint.3) XPaint. 4) Gpaint5) Killustrator6) GRAPHTOOLPHOTOSHOP style function powerful graphic editor 1) Adobe Photoshop [Private] 2) GIMP3) PAINT Shop Pro [Private] 4) PIX el32 [private] 5) Corel PhotoPaint [private] 6) Macromedia Fireworks1) Gimp2) ImageMagick3) Pixel32. [private] 4) CinePaint5) RubyMagick6) CorelPhotoPaint 9. [private] processing vector graphics program Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, Autosketch, OpenOffice Draw1) SODIPODI.2) Xfig.3) Sketch.4) Karbon14 and kontour.5) OpenOffice Draw.6) DIA.7) TGIF.8) Gestal9) IMPRESS10) TKPAINT11) TGIF12) Corel Draw 9. [Private ] SVG editor WebDraw [private] 1) SODIPODI.2) DIA.3) Sketch.svg viewer 1) Squiggle 2) SVG support in Mozilla 1) Squiggle.2) X-smiles.3) Mozilla SVG support 4) SVG support in Konqueror. Textprint procedure (procedure for art processing of text)
Wordart, OpenOffice DrawOpenOffice Draw ASCII character drawing program with ANSI DRAW, Mazaika1) CanvASCII2) Jave3) ANSI Draw.4) graphics files (Converting the graphic files in pseudographics) ??? EDASCII converter pseudo FIG. Aalib. Play FlashFlash Player1) SWF Macromedia Flash Player2) FlashPlayer [Private] 3) Netscape / Mozilla Plugin (Download Here or Here) Create FlashMacromedia Flash1) Drawswf2) MING (Create a Flash SWF Out from Programming Language) 3D Image 3D Studio Max, Maya [Private], Povray, ... 1) BLENDER.2) Maya [Private] 3) K3STUDELER4) K3STUDIO5) MOONLIGHT6) GIG3DGO7) POVRAY8) MEGAPOV9) K3D10) WINGS 3D11) SoftImage XSI [Private] 12) Kludge3D Making Photo Quality Scene (Based on ArchiCAD 3D Model) Artlantis Render ??? Icon Editor Microangelo1) gnome-iconedit.2) Kiconedit. Approxes for Making Screenshots Integrate in Operating System (Print Screen), SNAG It, ... 1) Ksnapshot.2) xwpick .3) XWD, XGRABSC.4) MOTV (XAWTV) 5) STREAMER (Video) 6) Integrates Drawing Database Structure Chart Access1) DIA2) Concept Making Model Kit. With Art Clip Software, create a printed calendar, greeting card (postcard), etc. Broderbund Print Shop ??? From digital camera Polaroid Drivers1) Camera Tool (gtkam) 2) Gphoto2.4.3) Multimedia (Video and Others) Video, MPEG4 Player 1) BSPLAYER2) ZOOMPLAYER3) Windows Media Player 4) VideoLAMP36) MPLAYER7) RealPlayer8) XING9) MPLAYER. (Front end: kPlayer) (LiveCD Distribution of MPlayer - MOVIX) 2) xine. (Front end: sinek, Totem) 3) VideoLAN4) WINAMP3.6) Noatun7) KDE Media Player 8) XMOVIE .9) kaboodle.10) MPEGTV11) AVIFILE12) XMPS13) OGG TARKIN. (???) 14) Theora. (???) Character Terminal, MPEG4 player QuickView1) MPlayer2) QuickViewDVD player PowerDVD, Windvd, MicroDVD, Windows Media Player,
Video2) MPlayer3) xine4) AviPlay5) VideoLAN6) OMSDVD Crack, Code Tool Gordian Knot, Mencoder (from Mplayer) 1) DRIP2) Transcode3) Mencoder. (From Mplayer) 4) FFmpeg5) DVD: Rip. Simple Video Creation and Editing Tools Windows Movie Maker1) Imira Editing. [Private] 2) Mainactor. [Private] 3) Broadcast 2000.4) AvideMux Professional Video Creation and Editing Tool Adobe Premiere, Media Studio Pro1) Imira Editing2) Cinelerra3) Mainactor.4 ) Broadcast 2000.5) Lives6 tool CinePaint intercepted video) (Cutting video) Virtual Dub1) Avidemux.2) Kino. video conversion (converting video) Virtual Dub, Mencoder (from Mplayer) 1) Transcode2) Mencoder (from Mplayer) 3) Ffmpeg Treat TV signal reception, watch TV Avertv, PowervCr 3.0, CinePlayer DVR, MPLAYER, ... 1) TVTIME2) KWINTV.3) XAWTV4) ZAPPING5) GNOTV.6) MPLAYER7) XAWDECode Character Terminal Under the processing TV signal reception - 1) mplayer2) fbtv.3) aatv. QuickTime format QuickTime player processing 1) QuickTime2) Mplayer Sorenson codec.3) OpenQuicktime4) generating a two-dimensional and three-dimensional effect Xanim Adobe After Effects1) Shake. [Proprietary, $ 129.95] 2) Plugins for GIMP. Animation Shop, ... 1) Cinepaint2) GIMP Plug-in Generate Mountain Water, Terrain Bryceterraform World Constructing World Construction Set, Animat EkWorld Builder ??? Development Video Application Framework ??? 1) GStreamer2) Live.5) Office, Business Applications Office Kit MS Office, Staroffice / OpenOffice, 602Software1) OpenOffice2) Staroffice [Private] 3) Koffice.4) Hancomoffice [Private] 5) Gnome Office6) Applixware Office. [Private] 7) Siag Office8) Tex, Latex, ... Office Kit WordPerfect Office 2000WordPerfect Office 2000 for Linux. (From the Corel website no longer get it.
This is the previous Windows version, running under Wine :) Word processing Word, StarOffice / OpenOffice Writer, 602Text, AbiWord1) AbiWord.2) TextMaker [Private] 3) WordPerfect4) TED5) Starover / OpenOffice Writer. 6) kword. 7) LYX8) Kile (KDE Integration Latex Environment, KDE Integrated Latex Environment) Spread Excel, StarOffice / OpenOffice Calc, 602 Tab1) GNUMERIC2) ABACUS3) Starover / OpenOffice Calc. 4) Kspread draws curves with existing data, chart Excel, ... 1) Kivio.2) Dia.3) KChart.4) xfig5) Gnuplot6) GtkGraph.7) GNU Plotutils8) Ploticus. create a slide show (presentations) MS PowerPoint, StarOfficePresentation, OpenOfficeImpress1) StarOfficePresentation2) OpenOffice Impress3) Kpresenter4 ) MagicPoint5) kuickshow & gimp :) native database (Local database) MS Access, InterBase6, OpenOffice mySQL1) KNoda.2) Gnome DB Manager3) OpenOffice MySQL4) InterBase7 [private] 5) InterBase66) Berkley DB7) Rekall [private ] 8) STAROFFICE ADABASE Receive Citation, Message, Construction Graph, Analyzing Financial Market Omega Research Trade Station 20001) The Market Analysis System (Market Analysis System, MAS) E-Commerce and Online Trading Software 1) WebLogic [Private] 2) IBM WebSphere Application Server [Private] 3) iplanet4) OSCOMMERCE5) Jonas6) COCOON1) Weblogic [private] 2) JBoss3) IBMWebSphere Application Server [private] 4) osCommerce5) JOnAS6) COCOON personal financial management 1) MS Money2) Quicken3) Moneydance [private] 1) GNUcash.2) GnoFin3) Kmymoney4) Grisbi5) Moneydance Ms Project, Project Expert 71) MrProject2) Outreach Financial Accounting Package (Global) Financial Accounting Package (Global) ??? 1) Hansabusiness Solutions. [Private] 2) QuickBooks. Financial Accounting Package (Russia) Financial Accounting Package (Russian "1C: Accounting" 1) Hansabusiness Solutions. [Private] 2) ICEB.3) "Worry-free Finance" "Finances WITHOUTPROBLEMS" .4) Ananas. 5) E / AS. 6) 1L: Project. Financial Accounting Package (India and Asia) Financial Accounting Package (India &
ASIA) ??? Kalculate. [Private] Enterprise Automation (Russian) "1C: Enterprise" 1) Keeper. [Private] 2) Oblik. [Private] 3) ICEB.4) CompieReerP / CRM (English)? ?? 1) Dolibarrep / CRM (Russian) "Boss-Corporation" 1) NAURP2) Compiere3) Dolibarr Archives Flow System (in Russian) "2)" 2) Documentum3) "DELO" 4) Lanit: landoc1) NaudoC2 ) Documentum.3) "Board Reference" "Boss-Reference" (no customer part) 6) Where can you get anywhere you want to go:) The LinuxGame Tome (HappyPENGUIN.ORG) | | KDE Games | Linux Game Publishinglinux Game List - You can run Windows games under WINEX - this is a search page, here is a full game list (Very Big) .- TETRIS1) LTris2) XWelltris3) Emacs "Meta-X tetris" .4) Ksirtet-Standard Windows games1) Kdegames.2) Gnome-games.-Mines1) KMines.2) Perlmines.3) Dmines-CivilizationFreeCiv.-Civilization: Call to PowerCivilization : Call to Power.-Sid Meyer Alpha Centaurisid Meyer Alpha Centauri.-Sim City 3000Sim City 3000.-Command &
Conquerfreecnc.-Warcraft 2, Starcraft (?) Freecraft .- (win) Digger1) Digger.2) XDigger.-Arkanoid, Zball, ... lbreakout2quake 1, 2, 31) Quake 1, 2, 32) Quakeforge3) DarkPlace1) Quake 1,2, 32) QuakeForge3) DarkPlaces-CounterStrikeCounterStrike under WineX-Urban TerrorUrban Terror.DOOM1) jDoom / Doomsday2) Zdoom3) DOOM Legacy.4) LxDOOM.5) PrBoom.6) EDGE7) Vavoom8) Original Doom1) jDoom / Doomsday2 ZDOOM3) Doom Legacy.4) LXDOOM.5) PRBOOM.6) EDGE7) VAVOOM8) OriginalLinux Doom (x11 / svgalib) heretic1) Doomlegacy.2) Vavoom4) Original Heretic1) Doomlegacy.2) Vavoom3) Heretic, GL HereticHexen1) jHexen / Doomsday2) Vavoom3) Original Hexen1) Hexen / SDL2) Vavoom-Heretic 2Heretic 2-Return to Castle WolfensteinReturn to CastleWolfenstein. [private] -DescentDescent.-Never Winter NightsNever Winter Nights.-Unreal Tournament / Unreal Tournament 2003Unreal Tournament / UnReal Tournament 2003.-Soldier of Fortunesoldier of Fortune.-Tribes 2tribes 2.-BLOOD 1QBLOOD-WORMSNIL -LINES1) GTKBALLS.2) GLINE S.-MS Flight Simulatorflightgear-LemmingsPingus Competition (Racing) Need for Speed1) Tux Racer :). 2) Kartlingrace Chess Chessmaster, ... 1) Glches.2) Xboard.3) EBOARD.7) Programming and Development Integrated Development environment (IDE) 1) Microsoft VisualStudio .net2) Emacs, XEmacs3) Vim ctags scripts from vim.sf.net4) Boa Constructor5) PythonCard1) CodeForge.2) Kdevelop Qt3 Designer.3) Eclipse4) Glade Motor or xwpe or any texteditor.5) Emacs, XEmacs6) Vim ctags scripts from vim.sf.net7) Boa Constructor8) PythonCard Visual C IDEBorland C Builder, MS Visual C1) Anjuta Glade Devhelp.2) KDE Studio Gold [ Private] 3) DEV-C 4) Kylix. [Private] (Kylix Personal Edition is free)
5) vtkbuilder.6) wxbuilder.8) Arriba. [Private] 9) Code Crusader. [Private] 10) CodeWarrior. [Private] 11) Gbuilder12) Source Navigator13) TimeStorm [Private] 14) UNDERSTAND FOR C [Private] 15) Slickedit [Private] 16) Vide.c Ideborland Turbo C 3.0 for DOS, MINIMALIST GNU for Windows (MingW32-GCC.exe) 1) GCC ( Motor or XWPE) .2) LineDit3) Rhide4) WXSTUDIO5) Eclipse.object Pascal IDedelphi1) Kylix [Private] (Kylix Personal Edition is Free) 2) Lazarus fpc.pascalpascal, bp1) Freepascal.2) GNU Pascal3) Rshell (is Borland Pascal 7.0 style) Basic language Basic1) HBASIC.2) X-Basic.3) Yabasic. 4) Smallbasic Prolog language VisualProlog, Mercury, Sicstus ProLog [Private] 1) GNU Prolog.2) Mercury3) SICSTUS ProLog [Private] 5) CIAO Prolog. Compilation Assembler, MASM, NASM1) NASM (Intel Syntax) 2) FLAT Assembler.3) GAS (AT & T syntax, part of binutils) disassembly, reverse engineering SoftICE source code is public :) 1) LDASM debugging Debugger 1) WINDBG2) Minimalist GNU for Windows (GDB.EXE) GDB Front End: 1) DDD2) XXGDB, MXGDB3) CGDB4) VIM Scripts5) [X] Emacs C-Mode.6) KMD7) NANA (Library) See WySIWYG HTML Editor 1) Macromedia Dreamweaver2) MSFrontpage3) Netscape / Mozilla Composer4) Openoffice HTML editor 1) Netscape / Mozilla Composer.2) Openoffice HTML editor 3) Amaya4) GINF (Ginf Is Not Frontpage) 5) IBM WebSphere Home Builders. [Private] 6) JXHTMLEDIT ( Java). Create a powerful editor of the website, including a set of templates,
And a variety of plug-ins can be used to supplement Dreamweaver Ultradev ??? HTML / DHTML editor HomeSite, Coffeecup1) QuantaPlus.2) Bluefish.3) WebMaker.4) Screem5) Toppage6) WebDesigner7) ScriptEditor8) August9) Coffeecup / Linux10) FCKeditor HTML / DHTML Editor Arachnofiliararachnofilia [Private] XML Editor XML SPY [Private] 1) XMLMIND XML Editor 2) Vim3) Emacs Perl / Python / TCL Integrated Development Environment-1) Komodo. [Private] 2) Perl Integrated Development Environment JBUILDER, IDEA Link Address: Java Tools under Linux 1) JBuilder2) NetBeans.3) Eclipse.4) Sun One Studio. [Old Weigh Forte] 5) Vide.Oracle Database Integration Development Environment TOAD, SQL Navigator, Pl / SQL Developertora .CASE-facility for UMLArgoUML, Together ControlCenter [private] 1) UmbrelloUML Modeller.2) Dia Dia2Code3) PoceidonCE (community edition) 4) ArgoUML.5) Together ControlCenter [private] Top-level CASE systemRational Rose.Rational Rose [private ] Hexien Editor HIEW1) Biew.2) Khexedit.3) HEXEDIT (for Character Terminal) 4) Ghex Clipper Compiler and Preprocessor CA-Clipper, The Harbor Project1) Clip2) The Harbor Project3) xharbour. Microsoft .NET style platform M $ .NET1) MONO2) Dotgnu / Using CVS WinCVS, TortoiseCVS, CVS for Windows, Bitkeeper [Private] 1) CVS (for character terminal) 2) Cervisia (kde) 3) Lincvs (front end of CVS) 4) Bitkeeper [Private] 5) Subversion (Reinforced Similar CVS Platform WebDAV -> SCM) Interbase / Firebird integrated development environment Ibaccess2) ibaccess2) ibAdmin [private] 3) ibwebadmin (apache / php) Visual Basic language Visual BasicPhoenix. Graphic library 1) WinAPI, MFC, VCL (C, C, C ) 2) TK (TCL, C) 3) Tkinter (Overtk for Python, Perl, ETC) 4) WXWINDOWS (OVERWINAPI) 5) WXPYTHON (OVERWXWINDOWS) 6) GTK (Link # 2) (C, C ) 7) Qt (C ) 8) FLTK (C ) 9 AWT, SWING (Java) 10) XAW - Part of X-Server (c) If the kit is a C language, it is usually possible from other languages. Some of the languages and C and other object-oriented languages use object bindings. The toolkit that faces C is impossible to be used by C language, and usually not used by other languages.
1) X11 / Xext (C language) - The low class library is used by other languages. 2) XT - X Kit (C language) - Reference X11 Toolkit 3) XAW - Mit Athena (C) - Reference X11 Kit 4) XAW3D - Mit Athena3D (C Language) - ATHENA5 with three-dimensional views) Lesstif - Motif 1 Open Source (C Language) 6) OpenMotif (C Language) 8) Tkinter (Over Tk for Python, Perl, ETC) 9) WXWindows (C ) (Over GTK - WXGTK or MOTIF - WXMOTIF) 10) WXPython (OVER WXWINDOWS) 11) Qt (C ) 12) GTK (C, C ) 13) PyQt (over Qt for Python) 14) Pygtk (Over GTK for Python) 15) GTK :: Perl (Over GTK Forperl) 16) Qt for Perl (Over Qt for Perl) 17) GTKADA (Over GTK FOR ADA95) 18) FLTK (C ) 19) XVIEW (C) 20) FOX (C ) 21 AWT, SWING (JAVA) 22) WINDOWS API and MFC (C) Source Code Document Management System via Wine ??? 1) Doxygen2) CWEB Memory Leak Tracking 1) Numega Bounds Checker2) Rational Purify1) MallOcDebug2) Valgrind3) VALGRIND3) KCachegrind4) DMalloc6) CCmalloc7) LeakTracer8) MEMPROF9) Boundschecker. [Prop] 10) MPROF.11) Insure. [Prop] 12) dbx. (For sparc) 13) YAMD14) NJAMD15) MPATROL Application Development Silhouette ( Test code performance) ??? 1) GPROF.2) JUnit. (Java) software engineering, software plan 1) Rational Rose2) Enterprise Architec3) Visio ??? Game Program 1) DirectX2) libsdl3) CL ANLIB1) LIBSDL2) CLANLIB Treatment Everything Item Need 1) ALTOVA XMLSPY Suite ??? Source Code -> High Brightness Display Syntax HTML document ??? 1) WebcppBug Tracking System ??? 1) Bugzilla Object Request Broker (ORB) 1) Orbit1) Orbit Portability ??? 1) AutoConf, Automake &
LIBTOOL Source Code Index and Cross References ??? 1) GNugLobal2) LXR Dynamic Tracking System Call ??? 1) SyscallTrackXML C Language Syntax Paramers 1) LIBXML (???) 1) LIBXML28) Server Software Web Server 1) apache2) IIS3) Roxen4) wn5) cern-httpd6) dhttpd7) caudium8) aolserver9) Boa1) apache2) Xitami3) Thttp4) TUX (RedHat Content Accelerator) 5) PublicFile6) Boa7) caudium8) Roxen9) Zeus. [private] 10) ThyFTP Internet Information Server, Servu, War FTP, BulletProof FTPServer1) Pure-ftpd2) VSFTPD.3) WU-ftpd4) PROFTPD5) GL-ftpd6) FTP.7) PUBLICFILE8) TeepeEdee for web development language PHPPHP for web development Language PerlperL Apache Module Database Engine MS SQL, MySQL1) SybaseAdaptive Server Enterprise. [Private] 2) PostgreSQL, is the most advanced open source database 3) MySQL is the most popular open source database 4) MSQL.5) SAP DB Database Engine IBM DB2IBM DB2 [Private] Database Engine Oracle1) Oracle. [Private] 2) PostgreSQL. 3) Linter (Siri) Database Engine Informix [Private] Informix [Private] Database Engine Borland Interbase, FireBirdFireBirdEmail server MDaemon, Hamster1) Sendmail2) Qmail.3) Postfix4) EximEmail, PIM, groupware server Microsoft Exchange1) CommuniGatePro. [private] 2) Bynari's Insight groupWare Suite (insight groupware suite). [private] 3) Samsung Contact .[private Yes 4) Teamware Office. [Private] 5) Novell Netmail. [Private] 6) AMPHORA. Based on Zope and Qmail7) Tutos. Linux / Apache / PHP / MySQL / Sendmail.8) Kroupware - from KDE PIM Developer The project is currently funded by German Government. Filter / spam killer Cygwin
Exim Port1) spamassassin2) procmail3) mailfilter.4) яYRUS-IMAP5) EXIM.MAIL download program MDaemonFetchmail ??? Lotus Dominolotus Domino. [Private] A server on a floppy disk, how much is the router? 1) muLinux2) Dachstein (firewall / dhcp) .3) Serverdisk (http /ftp).4) Fli4l proxy server MS proxy server, WinGate1) Squid2) Paco3) Privoxy4) Wwwoffle5) OOPSServer for supporting Java Servlets and JSP, canwork with ApacheTomcatTomcat Advanced Server Statistics 1) AWSTATS1) AWSTATS. (All Web-, FTP-, Proxy-, Mail-, Wap- and Streaming-Servers) .2) Analog (web server) server cluster ??? 1) LVS- The Linux Virtual Server (Linux Virtual Server) Web Mail ??? 1) IMP2) Camas (for CaudiumWeb-Server) .9) Scientific procedures and special programs useful links: -linux Scientific Applications - There are many links (existing Open source software also has a patented software) Mathcad-style math system Mathcadgap.matlab mathematical system MATLAB1) MATLAB. [Ftp] 2) Octave. ( Gnuplot) 3) Scilab.4) R.5) YORICK6) RLAB.7) Yacas8 Euler. Mathematica-style mathematical system Mathematica1) Mathematica. [Private] 2) Maxima.3) MAPE1) MAPLE1) MAPLE1) MAPLE1) MAPLE1) MAPLE1) MAPLE1) MAPLE1) MAPLE. [Private] 2) Maxima3) MUPAD equation, mathematics Editor MathType, MS Equation Editor, OpenOffice Math1) OpenOfficeMath.2) Mathmled3) KForm ULA (KOFFICE) 4) LYX5) TEXMACS. 3D modeling program SOLIDWORKS, ... ProEngineer Linux. [Private] 3D modeling program Catiacatia. The software is designed under Unix, starting from the 2000 version 4, transplanted Go to Windows (not too successful).
3D modeling program Solidedgedgesolidedge (is a more powerful package Unigraphics an [Composition] section) Engineering software ANSYSANSYS CAD / CAM / CAEAUTOCAD, MicroStation, Archicad1) Varkon2) Linuxcad. [Business, about $ 100] 3) varicad. private] 4) Cycas. [private] 5) Tomcad6) Thancad7) Fandango8) Lignumcad9) Giram10) Jcad11) QSCad12) FreeEngineer13) Ocadis14) PythonCAD.15) openCascade CAD / CAM / CAE, simplifiedAutoCAD LiteQcad desktop publishing Adobe PageMaker, QuarkXPressAdobe Framemaker [Patented software, has been canceled] Small desktop publishing system MS Pubusher1) Scribus - Linux Desktop Publishing System 2) Kword. Template and Chart Design Software Microsoft Visio1) Kivio (belonging to KOFFICE) 2) DIA.3) Kchart.4) Xfig.5) TGIF Dotty.6) Tulip.7) Poseidon for UML. [There are commercial and free version] Geographic Image Processing Software Erdas Imagine, Ermapper, Envienvi.GIS (Geographic Information System, Geographical Information System) ArcView Over Project: FreeGisProject1) Grass2) Quantum GIS.3) Postgis.4) FREEGIS5) MAPQUEST.6) MapBlast. Interactive Geographic Data Observer 1) Thuban1) Vector MapEdit, Easy Trace1) AutotracSoftware CNC, Controlling Machine Toolsopencnc [Private] Emc.TEX style Advanced text processing system Miktex, Emtex (DOS) 1) TEX.2) TETEX / LATEX 3) LYX (see WySIWYM) 4) Kile is convenient, more functions, User-friendly TEX file, DVI file editor Win EDT1) Kile (KDE Integrated Latex Environment) 2) KTEXMAKER 2.3) TK Latex Editor Statistical Calculation Language and Environment S-Plusr Statistical Analysis SPSS, Statistica, Salstat Many Links - Here 1) PSPP2) OpenStat23) "Linux users can Transplant tool and statistics tool "4) Salstat Economic Measurement Software Eviews, GRETL1) GRETL. Circuit Simulation 1) Electronic Workbench2) Altera MaxPlus 1) GEDA2) OREGANO3) Xcircuit4) Gnome Assisted Electronics5) SPICE6) Spice OPUS7) NG-SPICE Procedure for painting chemical structures ChemDraw, isisdrawxdrawchem download and play OLYMPUS recording phone OLYMPUS DSS player ??? Market analysis software Metastock ??? Electronic studio solution design 1) PCAD2) ORCAD3) Visio1) EAGLE2) GEDA. Oscilloscope Simulation Winoscilloxoscope Measuring the main board temperature and voltage MBMonitor, Pcalert, Speedfan1) Ksensors.2) KHEALTHCARE (KDE) .3) GKRELLM PLUGINS
BlackBox Addons. The smart attribute and temperature from the motherboard, Active Smart1) SmartCTL.2) HDDTEMP-0.3.3) IDELOAD-0.2.4) SmartMontools.6) IDE-Smart.7 ) Smartsuite memory test SiSoft SANDRAMemtest86 observe the temperature, fan speed and the like of the program SiSoft SANDRA, SiSoft SAMANTHA1) Ksensors2) Lm_sensors3) xsensors. 4) wmsensormon and AfterStep, WindowMaker, other applets on FluxBox HDD (hard disk drive) test, the reference calibration Sisoft Sandra, Sisoft Samantha, IOZONE1) HDPARM.2) Bonnie . 3) ozone4) DBENCH5) BONNIE6) IO Bench7) NHFSstone8) SPEC SFS [Private] Video Test, Betmark Calibration Final Reality (Final Reality) 1) X11PERF.2) Viewperf Control SHA - SHA - SHA - SYBERA HARDWARE AccessDiaPM RTAI - RealTime Application Interface (Real Time Application Interface) SIMULATOR OF NETS ??? 1) NS Neural Network Simulation ??? 1) XNBC2) Stuttgart (Stuttgart [Germany " City]) NEURAL (Nerve Middle) Network Simulator (SNNS) "LCD Sensor" ??? 1) SENSORS-LCD ECG Owner ??? 1) ECG2PNG turns the X86 computer into a full-functional similar PLC process control control Software technology SoftPLC1) MATPLC Translation Software List - LINUX for Translators 1) Trados Translators Workbench2) Deja VU3) Star Transit4) SDLX5 Omegat1) Omegat Education Software Listing-1) Schoolforge2) Seul / EDU Design and View DTDSNEARFAR DES Igner [Private] ??? Finite Element Analysis - 1) FELT (Finite Element Analysis) 10) Simulator Virtual Machine Simulator 1) VMware [Private] 2) Connectix Virtual PC [Private] 1) VMware. [Private] 2) Win4lin .3) Bochs. 4) PLEX865) User mode Linux.linux emulator 1) Cygwin2) mks toolkit.3) Bash for windows.3) minimalist gnu for windows.1) User mode Linux.x Window SYSTEM (XFree) Simulator Xfree Underxin-Windows Simulator-1) Wine (graphical user interface is: gwine, tkwine) 2) Transgaming Winex (graphical user interface is: tqgui)
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6) Apt-rpm. (For RedHat, SuSE, ALT Linux, etc) 7) yum (YellowdogUpdater Modified) 8) yumenhanced by ASPLinux9) GentooPortage from source to install and uninstall the software Minimalist GNUFor Windows1) make install, make uninstall2) CheckInstall3) Sinstall4) Emerge (Gentoo) 5) Apt-get & frontends (synaptic, aptitude, ...). The system update Windows Update1) Ximian Red Carpet2) Red Hat Network3) MandrakeOnline4) SuSE YaST Online Update5) CalderaVolution Online6) Apt7) Gentoo ebuilds (Portage) .8) Debian GNU / Linux PackageSearch9) Yum Certification MCSD, MCT, MCSE1) Redhat Certification.2) Sair Linux and Gnucertification.3) Linux Professional Association (INSTIC) Certification (LPIC) 4) Linux 5) Prometric6) VUE Desktop Icon Explorer 1) Desktop File Manager 2) Idesk Call Screen Saver Desktop Properties 1) XSET.2) XLockMore3) Xscreensaver4) Kscreensaver. Save "Deleted" File Local Recycle Bin (TRASH) 1) Waste Tank (TRASH CAN) 2) Libtrash check hard disk (check bad block) Scandisk "fsck -check" or "Reiserfsck -check" log file system (Reiserfs, EXT3, JFS, XFS) does not need to verify disk fragmentation DEFRAG No need to organize Graphical User Interface Explorer (in the old version of Windows "seems to be called program manager) KDE, GNOME, ICEWM, WindowMaker, Blackbox, Fluxbox, ... Windows XP graphical user interface Windows XpXpde multiple workspaces!" WINDOWS XPXPDE ! ! :) Quick user switching, desktop switching Windows XP This feature is used for computer-free computer 1) CTRL Alt F1, log in with new user on the command line interface, start graphics by typing command "StartX - -: 1" User Interface. Use Ctrl Alt F7 (or Ctrl Alt F8 due to different users) to switch between the screen. 2) Command "GDMFLEXISERVER-N" 3) Built in the KDE3.1 system Different flavors (variants) 9X, NT, XpredhatmandrakeknoppixdebiansuseAltaspgentooslackwarewarelinux from scratch ... Tactical means fud (Distributed FEAR [Horror], Uncertaint [Uncertain], Doubt [Doubt] rumors) open source! "At first they ignored you, then they laughed you, then they fight with you, then you won.