Apache 2.0.53 integration with Tomcat 5.5.7

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  26

First, download software

1) to http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp, download J2SE5

2) to http://apache.justdn.org/httpd/binaries/win32/apache_2.0.53-win32- x86-no_ssl.msi, download Apache 2.0.53

3) to http://apache.justdn.org/jakarta/tomcat-5/v5.5.7/bin/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.7.exe, download Tomcat / 5.5.7

4) to http://apache.justdn.org/jakarta/tomcat-connectors/jk/binaries/win32/jk-1.2.8/ download MOD_JK-1.2.8-apore-2.0.52.so

* APCHE website clearly does not support the use of mod_jk2, and no longer provides subsequent support for MOD_JK2 http://jakarta.apac/changelog.html JK2 HAS BEEN PUT IN MAINTAINER MODE AND NO FURTHER Development WILL Take Place. The Reason for Shutting Down JK2 Developments INTEREST. Other Reason Was Lack of Users Interest in Adopting JK2, Caused by Configuration Complexity When Compared to jk.

Second, install

1) J2SE5

2) Apache 2.0.53

3) Tomcat / 5.5.7

4) Rename MOD_JK-1.2.8-apache-2.0.52.so is mod_jk.so and placed in Apache2 / Modules folder

Third, configuration

1, edit the apache2 / conf / httpd.conf file,

1) Add:

LoadModule JK_Module Modules / MOD_JK.SO

For the Apache loaded MOD_JK.SO for processing Apache and Tomcat connections.

2) In the final addition

Jkmount /*.jsp writ_jklogfile logs / mod_jklogfile logs / mod_jk.log jkloglevel info jklogstampformat "[% a% B% D% h:% m:% s% y]"

2, in the Apache Group / Apache2 / Conf directory, create a new WORKERS.PROPERTIES file (the file after the complex name is Properties), the content is as follows:

# Define 1 real worker using ajp13workers.tomcat_home = "d: / niss / Tomcat5" worker.list worker1 # Set properties for worker1 (ajp13) worker.worker1.type = ajp13worker.worker1.host = localhostworker.worker1.port = 8009worker = .worker1.lbfactor = 1Worker.Worker1.cachesize = 10Worker.Worker1.cache_timeout = 600WORKER.WORKER1.SOCKET_KEEPALIVE = 1WORKER.WORKER1.RECLYCLE_TIMEOUT = 300 IV, test

1. Restart HTTPD and Tomcat,

2, type in the address bar: http://xxx/index.jsp

If the Tomcat page is displayed, it is successful!


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