1, define structure and external functions
Global Type UUID from Structure Ulong Data1 Uint Data2 Uint Data3 Character Data4 [8] End Type
Function ulong UuidCreate (ref uuid lpUUID) LIBRARY "rpcrt4" Function ulong UuidToString (ref uuid lpUUID, ref long lpUUIDString) LIBRARY "rpcrt4" Alias for "UuidToStringA" Function ulong RpcStringFree (long lpUUIDString) LIBRARY "rpcrt4" Alias for "RpcStringFreeA"
2, function main body
Constant Long RPC_S_OK = 0constant Long RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY = 1824
Long ll_rtnuuid ull_rtn = uuidcreate (u) // Create a new UUIDIF ll_rtn = RPC_S_OK OR ll_rtn = RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY THEN Long ll_pointer String ls_uuid ll_rtn = UuidToString (u, ll_pointer) ls_uuid = Upper (String (ll_pointer, "Address")) // Convert IT to a string
RPCStringFree // Remove The string from the memory Return Ls_UUIDELSE RETURN "" END IF
Note: RPCRT4.DLL may be needed during posting
Attachment: another method of generating a GUID
PBObject = Create oleobject
ll_result = PBObject.ConnectToNewObject & ( "PowerBuilder.Application") IF ll_result <0 THEN messagebox ( "", "connection failed:! PowerBuilder.Application connection error") Destroy PBObject return "" ELSE ll_result = PBObject.GenerateGUID (REF ls_GUID ) End ifdestroy PBOBJECT
Return MID (LS_GUID, 2, LEN (LS_GUID) - 2)
The second method needs to configure on the client at the time of the program:
Modify the registry as follows
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pbappl.reg ;; registration information for powerbuilder.Application.8 ;; all rights reserved. No portion of this Material May Be copied in any Way; WITHOUT prior Written Consent from PowerSoft Corporation. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ingpenetic
[Hkey_classes_root / powerbuilder.application] @ = "Powerbuilder Automation"
[Hkey_classes_root / powerbuilder.application / clsid] @ = "{8888000-080009ac61a9}"
[HKEY_CLASS_ROOT / POWERBUILDER.Application / Curver] @ = "Powerbuilder.Application.8"
[HKEY_CLASS_ROOT / POWERBUILDER.Application / NotInsertable] @ = ""
; Version Specific Progid Entries [HKEY_CLASS_ROOT / POWERBUILDER.Application.8] @ = "PowerBuilder 8.0 Automation"
[Hkey_classes_root / powerbuilder.Application.8 / clsid] @ = "{8888000-080009ac61a9}"
[HKEY_CLASS_ROOT / POWERBUILDER.Application.8 / NotInsertable] @ = ""
; CLSID Entries [HKEY_CLASES_ROOT / CLSID / {88880001-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9}] @ = "Powerbuilder Automation"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / CLSID / {88880001-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9} / InProcServer32] @ = "d: // Program Files // Sybase // Shared // PowerBuilder // pbvm80.dll" "ThreadingModel" = "Apartment"
[Hkey_classes_root / clsid / {88880001-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9} / notinsertable] @ = ""
[Hkey_classes_root / clsid / {88880001-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9} / progid] @ = "Powerbuilder.Application.8"
[Hkey_classes_root / clsid / {88880001-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9} / programmable] @ = ""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / CLSID / {88880001-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9} / TypeLib] @ = "{88880002-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / CLSID / {88880001-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9} /Versionindependentprogid]@="powerbuilder.Application
; Type library registration entries [HKEY_CLASES_ROOT / TYPELIB / {88880002-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9}]
[HKEY_CLASS_ROOT / TYPELIB / {88880002-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9} /1.0] @ = "PowerBuilder Automation Type Library"
[Hkey_classes_root / typeelib / {88880002-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9} / 1.0]
[HKEY_CLASS_ROOT / TYPELIB / {88880002-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9} / 1.0/0/win32] @ = "D: // Program files // Sybase // Shared // PowerBuilder // PBAEN80.TLB"
[Hkey_classes_root / typelib / {88880002-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9} /1.0/9]
[Hkey_classes_root / typelib / {88880002-8888-1000-8000-080009AC61A9} /1.0/9/win32] @ = "d: // program files // sybase // shared // powerbuilder // pbaen80.tlb"