How to run App and EXE programs

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  26

Symbian has two types of local programs:

App is a process with a GUI, so it can be used by end users

EXE is usually the server or command line program, usually hidden. No gui, can not run directly from the main menu

Run guide

If you are a terminal user wants to run app: it will list in your phone menu if it already installed

When an Exe program is not visible when the main menu is not visible, you cannot directly run the exe program. Try running it from Inbox (if you download it through the infrared or Bluetooth, it may store in Inbox) will result in a security error. First, you need to install a file manager (such as Fileman or FEXPLORER), browse it stored (in my 3650 inbox directory in E: / system / mail / xxx), then run it.

Run the program

When you know which API is used to run the app or exe program, it is very simple.

Run the exe program:



_LIT (kmyappname, "c: //system//app.Ex/Myapp/Myapp.exe);

EIKDLL :: Startexel (kmyappname);

The following code runs the app compare but allows specific documentation




_LIT (kmyappname, "c: //system//app.App//myapp/");

_LIT (kmydocname, "c: //documents//myapp.dat");

Capacommandline * cmd = capacommandline :: newl ();

CMD-> setLibraryNamel (kmyappname);

Cmd-> setDocumentnamel (kmydocname);

CMD-> SetCommandl (EAPACommandrun);

Eikdll :: StartAppl (* cmd);

Run other NOKIA programs

If you intend to start the Series 60-based ROM program, find the question and answer about the external program to view the documentation in the Nokia Forum, you can bring you a harvest.

The following code will begin to browse specific pages:

#include // Apgrfx.lib

Void nnewlcutils :: StartBrowser (const tdesc&)


HBUFC * param = HBUFC :: newlc (256);

Param-> des (). Format (_L ("4% s"), & aurl);

// WAP Browser's Constants Uid

Const Tint KwmlBrowSeruid = 0x10008D39;


Tapatasklist tasklist (Ceikonenv :: static () -> wssession ());

Tapatask task = tasklist.findApp (ID);

IF (Task.exists ())


HBUFC8 * param8 = hbufc8 :: newlc (param-> length ());

PARAM8-> des (). append (* param);

Task.sendMessage (TUID :: UID (0), * param8); // uid is not available

Cleanupstack :: popanddestroy (); // param8




Rapalssession apparcsession;

User :: Leaveiferror (ApparcSession.Connect ()); // Connect to Apparc ServerTthreadID ID;

ApparcSession.startDocument (* param, tuid :: UID (kwmlbrowseruid), ID);

ApparcSession.Close ();


Cleanupstack :: PopandDestroy (); // param




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