What is RSS
A website, in order to let more visitors can see their own web pages, make a file called RSS files. The format of the file is different from the general webpage, which separates other webpages, publishing dates, summary, authors, and links. Visitors use a specific RSS reader software, you can read the RSS file without having to log in to this website, see the title, summary, link of all the pages indicated in the file, and click Browse the web. Through the above, the visitor can collect many RSS files from different websites in their own readers, without having to access these websites one by one. The RSS reader actually became the reader's own personalized information library. For websites, RSS methods are also beneficial. It expands the propagation of the content of the website, and also adds website access, because visitors' attention to RSS files and browsing web pages are downloaded from the website server. The URL of the RSS file is fixed, and the website can change the content at any time. Once the RSS content is updated, the content seen by the browser is updated. What is the literal meaning of RSS? It is a word written in a phrase, what is it? There are three statements: 1, Really Simple Syndication abbreviation. 2, the abbreviation of Rich Site Summary (abstract site summary). 3, the abbreviation of RDF Site Summary (Summary of RDF Site). What is RDF? Let's talk later.
The normal web page is written in the HTML label language, and the RSS file is written in the XML language. Below is an example of the RSS file: XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> -
Wherein, the second half can be repeated, but the specific content can be related to other articles. These article addresses points to different web pages, respectively. Visitors use the RSS reader, see this picture:
The left exit shows the RSS title, in this case, "Basketball-NBA News". The uppermost half of the right is all articles included in the current RSS file; the lower half window displays the description of the selected article (ie, a summary). Click "Reading Details", you can transfer this article (ie, web page) to the reader, and browse.
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