Based on Tangram-based MFC program, Tangram Designer is integrated, applying this designer, user, and developers to document the text-based program structure as designed by the design, as the design web page. Here are some Tangram runtime screenshots:
(A integrated SDI-MDI hybrid interface, the MDI interface is used as a sub-page of a Tabbed window, which is completed by the built-in designer)
(A runtime image displaying a document template design process, the right attribute window can display the structure of the template)
(A complex SDI-MDI mixed structure that exceeds C encoding, the MDI interface is characterized by a group page similar to the OutlookBar structure, which is done by TangRam Designer, which is difficult to implement with C code)
(A complex SDI-MDI mixed structure that is transcended, where the document template design is difficult to implement, using TangRam Designer you can easily complete similar work)