Get the "xine-lib" Source Code, UnTar The Source Pack, IN Directory Misc, You Can Find xine-fontconv.c, Compile IT As Fort:
GCC xine-fontconv.c-xi xine-fontconv `freetype-config --cflags --libs` -lz
After THEN, WE GET Xine-Fontconv, So We can use it to generateur oown fonts. The Format As Follow:
./xine-fontconv fonts.ttf fontsname [encoding] [eNCoding] ...]
For Exampel:
./xine-fontconv /usr/share/fonts/en_cn/TrueType/gbsn00lp.ttf GBSN CP936 GB2312 GBK BIG5
The Above Command Will Generate Some Font Pack, Just Like GBSN-24.Xinefont.gz ..., Then Copy these * .xinefont.gz to / usr / share / xine / libxine1 / fonts /
AT Last, Modify The ~ / .xine / Config File To Apply The Fonts We Just Generated. Add Following Sentences:
Subtitles.separate.subtitle_size: 64
Subtitles.separate.Vertical_offset: 0
Subtitles.separate.font: GBSN
Subtitles.separate.src_encoding: GB2312
NOTE: you can find these in xine faq