Upgrade from RedHat 9 to CentOS 3.4

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  28

Upgrade from RedHat 9 to CentOS 3.4.

In April 2004, redhat.com no longer provides RedHat 9 security update, officially turning to Enterprise Linux development. RedHat 9 has been orphans since then. Fortunately, there are currently two communities I know, providing RedHat 9 security updates. Http://www.fedoralegacy.org update list http://www.fedora.us I still tend to upgrade to Centos3.x, 1.centos 3 is recompiled from the Redhat Enterprise Linux 3 source code, which is fully compatible with RHEL 3 . 2. RHEL 3 is the same as the last updated software version of RedHat 9, and there is nothing risks. 3. The security update of CentOS is followed by RHEL 3, and the update is relatively time. Steps: 1. Install the security certificate [HANTSY @ localhost hantsy] $ sudo rpm - IMPORT http://mirror.centos.org/centos-3/rpm-gpg-key-centos-32. Installing Release Package. [Hantsy @ Localhost Hantsy $ Sudo rpm -u http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3.4/On/i386/redhat/rpms/centos-release-3-4.2.i386.rpm3. Install Yum [Hantsy @ localhost hantsy] $ sudo rpm -u http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3.4/OS/i386/redhat/rpms/yum-2.0.8-1.centos.7.noarch.rpm4. Update Edit / etc / yum. Conf converts MIRRORS to domestic high-speed mirror, I used the Mirror of Fujian.

[Base] name = centos- $ releasever - base # baseurl = http://mirror.centos.org/centos/$Releasever/OS/$Basearch/BaseURL=HTTP: / /MIRROR.BE10.com/centos/$RELEASEVER / os / $ basearch / gpgcheck = 1 # released updates [update] name = centos- $ releasever - Updates # baseURL = http: //mirror.centos.org/centos/$Releasever/Updates/ * $Search/BaseURL=HTTP: //mirror.be10.com/centos/$Releasever/Updates/ $$ar/gpgcheck=1#packages Used / Products] Name = Centos- $ releasever - address # baseURL = http: // Mirror.centos.org/centos/$Releasever/addons/ *eursarch/baseurl=http://mirror.be10.com/centos/$Releasever/addons/ *gpgpgcheck=1#additional packages That May BE USEful [EXTRAS ] name = centos- $ releasever - extras # baseurl = http://mirror.centos.org/centos/$Releasever/extras/ EdibleArch/BaseURL=HTTP: / / /MIRRORROR.BE10.com/centos/$Releasever/extras / $ basearch / gpgcheck = 1 # rhel docs [docs] name = centos- $ releasever - docsbaseurl = http://mirror.centos.org/centos/$Releasever/docs/baseurl=http: //mirror.be10.com / CentOS / $ Releaseve R / DOCS / GPGCHECK = 1 [HANTSY @ localhost hantsy] $ sudo yum list updates can be updated by group

[hantsy @ localhost hantsy] $ sudo yum update


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