1, First and foremost you will Refer Your OWN Assembly Then Define a class deact from "MarshalByrefObject"!
2, the you shop Register ITS Ports: http or tcp like this:
HTTPCHANNEL CNL = New httpchannel (7608);
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel (CNL);
Tcpchannel CNL = New TcpChannel (7711);
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel (CNL);
3. Define a applicationname --- Be equal to IIS Application, Like this:
RemotingConfiguration.ApplicationName = "TransrremotingService"
4, Define a Well Known Service Type Entry
WellknownServiceTypeEntry Etr = New (WellkNownServiceTypeEntry ("Your Class", "Objurl", WellknownObjectMode.singleCall or WellknownObjectMode.singleton));
5, Register this entry
RemotingConfiguration.registerwellknownServiceType (ETR);
OK, Now You Can Establish Your Client To Test Your Host Server!