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* Copyright (C) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

* @Modified 96/04/24 Jim Hagen: Changed StressColor


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Import java.util. *;

Import java.awt. *;

IMPORT JAVA.Applet.applet;

Class node {

Double X;

Double Y;

Double DX;

Double Dy;

Boolean fixed;

String lbl;


Class Edge {Int from

Int to;

Double Len;


Class GraphPanel Extends Panel IMPLEMENTS Runnable {

Graph graph;

Int nnodes;

Node nodes [] = new node [100];

Int Nedges;

Edge edges [] = new edge [200];

Thread Relaxer;

Boolean stress;

Boolean Random;

GraphPanel (Graph graph) {




For (int i = 0; i

IF (nodes [i] .lbl.equals (lbl)) {

Return I;



Return AddNode (LBL);


Int AddNode (String LBL) {

Node n = new node ();

N.x = 10 380 * math.random ();

n.y = 10 380 * math.random ();

n.lbl = lbl;

Nodes [nnotes] = n;

Return nnodes ;


Void Adde (String from, String to, Int Len) {

Edge E = New Edge ();

E.FROM = FindNode (from); = findnode (to);




Public void run () {

While (true) {

Relax ();

IF (math.random () <0.03)) {

Node n = nodes [(int) (Math.random () * nnodes)];

IF (! n.fixed) {

N.X = 100 * math.random () - 50;

N.Y = 100 * math.random () - 50;

} (graph.getcodebase (), "Audio /");


Try {

Thread.sleep (100);

} catch (interruptedexception e) {






For (int i = 0; i

Edge E = Edges [I];

Double vx = nodes [] .x - nodes [e.from] .x;

Double Vy = nodes [] .y - nodes [e.from] .y;

Double Len = Math.SQRT (VX * VX VY * VY);

Double f = (Edges [i] .len - len) / (len * 3);

Double DX = f * vx;

Double DY = f * Vy;

Nodes [] .dx = DX;

NODES [] .dy = DY;

Nodes [E.FROM] .dx = -dx;

Nodes [E.FROM] .dy = -dy;


For (int i = 0; i

Double dx = 0;

Double DY = 0;

For (int J = 0; j

IF (i == j) {



Node N2 = NODES [J];

Double vx = n1.x - n2.x;

Double Vy = n1.y - n2.y;

Double Len = VX * VX VY * VY;

IF (len == 0) {

DX = math.random ();

DY = math.random ();

} else IF (len <100 * 100) {

DX = VX / LEN;

DY = VY / LEN;



Double Dlen = DX * DX DY * DY;

IF (DLEN> 0) {

Dlen = Math.sqRT (DLEN) / 2;

N1.DX = DX / DLEN;

N1.DY = DY / DLEN;



Dimension D = Size ();

For (int i = 0; i

Node n = nodes [i];

IF (! n.fixed) {

N.X = math.max (-5, math.min (5, n.dx));

n.y = math.max (-5, math.min (5, n.dy));

//System.out.println ("v= " n.dx ", " n.dy);

IF (n.x <0) {

N.x = 0;

} else if (n.x> d.width) {

N.x = d.width;


IF (n.y <0) {

n.y = 0;

} else if (n.y> d.height) {

n.y = d.height;



n.dx / = 2;

n.dy / = 2;


Repaint ();


Node Pick;

Boolean pickfixed;

Image offscreen;


Graphics offgraphics;

Final Color FixedColor = Color.Red;

Final Color SelectColor =;

Final Color EdgeColor = Color.Black;

Final Color NodeColor = New Color (250, 220, 100);

Final Color StressColor = color.darkgray;

Final Color Arccolor1 = Color.Black;

Final Color Arccolor2 =;

Final Color Arccolor3 =;

Public void PainTNode (Graphics G, Node N, FontMetrics FM) {

INT x = (int) n.x;

INT Y = (int) n.y; g.setcolor ((n == pick)? SELECTCOLOR: (N.FIXED? FixedColor: NodeColor);

INT W = fm.stringwidth (n.lbl) 10;

INT H = fm.getHeight () 4;

G.FillRect (x - w / 2, y - h / 2, w, h);

g.setcolor (color.ble);

g.drawRect (x - w / 2, y - h / 2, W-1, h-1);

g.drawstring (N.LBL, X - (W-10) / 2, (Y - (H-4) / 2) fm.getascent ());


Public Synchronized Void Update (Graphics G) {

Dimension D = Size ();

IF ((Offscreen == Null) || (D.Width! = OFFSCREENSIZE.WIDTH) || (D.Height! = OFFSCREENSIZE.HEIGHT)) {






Offgraphics.SetColor (GetBackground ());

Offgraphics.FillRect (0, 0, D. Width, D.HeiGHT);

For (int i = 0; i

Edge E = Edges [I];

INT x1 = (int) Nodes [E.FROM] .x;

INT Y1 = (int) Nodes [E.FROM] .y;

INT x2 = (int) Nodes [] .x;

INT Y2 = (int) nodes [] .y;

INT LEN = (int) math.abs (Math.SQRT ((x1-x2) * (x1-x2) (Y1-Y2) * (Y2)) - E.LEN);

Offgraphics.SetColor ((Len <10)? ArcColor1: (Len <20? Arccolor2: ArcColor3));


IF (stress) {

String lbl = String.Valueof (len);

Offgraphics.SetColor (stresscolor);

OFFGRAPHICS.DRAWSTRING (LBL, X1 (X2-X1) / 2, Y1 (Y2-Y1) / 2);





For (int i = 0; i

PainTnode (Offgraphics, Nodes [i], fm);


g.drawimage (OFFSCREEN, 0, 0, NULL);


Public Synchronized Boolean MouseDown (Event EVT, INT X, INT Y) {

Double BestDist = Double.max_Value;

For (int i = 0; i

Double Dist = (N.X - x) * (N.x - x) (N.Y - Y) * (N.Y - Y);

IF (dist


BestDist = DIST;



Pickfixed = pick.fixed;

Pick.fixed = true;

Pick.x = x;

Pick.y = y;

Repaint ();

Return True;


Public Synchronized Boolean MouseDrag (Event EVT, INT X, INT Y) {

Pick.x = x;

Pick.y = y;

Repaint ();

Return True;


Public Synchronized Boolean Mouseup (Event EVT, INT X, INT Y) {

Pick.x = x;

Pick.y = y;

Pick.fixed = pickfixed;

Pick = NULL;

Repaint ();

Return True;


Public void start () {

Relaxer = new thread (this);

Relaxer.start ();


Public void stop () {

Relaxer.stop ();



Public class graph extends applet {

GraphPanel Panel;

Public void init () {

SetLayout (New BorderLayout ());

Panel = new graphpanel (this);

Add ("Center", Panel;

PANEL P = new panel ();

Add ("South", P);

P.Add (New Button));

P.Add (New Button ("shake");

P.Add (New Checkbox ("stress");

P.Add (New Checkbox ("Random");

String Edges = getParameter ("Edges");

For (StringTokenizer T = New StringTokenizer (EDGES, ","); T.haSmoreToKens ();) {

String str = T.NEXTTOKEN ();

INT i = str.indexof ('-');

IF (i> 0) {

INT LEN = 50;

INT j = str.indexof ('/');

IF (j> 0) {

Len = Integer.Valueof (Str.Substring (J 1)). INTVALUE ();

Str = str.substring (0, j);


Panel.addedge (Str.Substring (0, i), Str.Substring (i 1), len);



Dimension D = Size ();

String center = getParameter ("center");

IF (center! = null) {

Node n = panel.nodes [panel.findnode (center)]; n.x = d.width / 2;

n.y = d.height / 2;

n.fixed = true;



Public void start () {

panel.start ();


Public void stop () {

panel.stop ();


Public Boolean Action (Event EVT, Object Arg) {

IF (arg instanceof boolean) {

IF ((CheckBox). Getlabel (). Equals ("stress")) {

Panel.stress = ((Boolean) arg) .BooleanValue ();

} else {

Panel.random = ((Boolean) arg) .BooleanValue ();


Return True;


IF ("scramble" .equals (arg)) {

Play (getCodeBase (), "Audio /");

Dimension D = Size ();

For (int i = 0; i

Node n = panel.nodes [i];

IF (! n.fixed) {

N.x = 10 (d.width-20) * math.random ();

n.y = 10 (D.Height-20) * math.random ();



Return True;


IF ("Shake" .equals (arg)) {

Play (getCodeBase (), "Audio /");

Dimension D = Size ();

For (int i = 0; i

Node n = panel.nodes [i];

IF (! n.fixed) {

N.X = 80 * math.random () - 40;

N.Y = 80 * math.random () - 40;



Return True;


Return False;




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