CVSNT installation configuration and manual

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  25

I. CVS Server / Client Setup

Server: CVSNT 2.0.51D (, all versionion of cvsnt Download)

Client: WinCVS (CVSNT 2.0.51D inside) ActivetCl Python221


1. The Versions of WinCVS / CVSNT MUST NOT Conflict;

2. Server Can Only Be Installed On WinXP / 2000/2003 System;

3. SHUT UP Any File Protecting System WHEN Running Setup, E.G. Norton AntiVirus

4. SHUT UP WMI Service (as to win2003) When Installing CVSNT.

Ii. Cvsnt repository management

(All Operations On Server Machine) 1. Open CVSNT 'Service Control Panel';

2. If Service Started, Stop IT;

3. 'repositories' -> 'add' -> imput repository's location (eg. 'C: / cvs / repository1');

4. Change the repository's name (eg. '/ Repository1');

5. Create a Directory and the set 'advanced' -> 'Temporary' located to it;

6. Click 'Apply' Button (essential!);

7. START Service;


The Repository and Temporary Directory Must Be on a Local (Not Networked) Disk on The CvsNT Server.

III. CvsNT User Management A. Windows and CVS Combined Authentication (Default)


B. CVS Authentication Alone:


1. UNSELECTE 'IMPERSONATION' on CVSNT Service Control Panel;

2. SELECTE 'Use local user for pserver authentication instead of domain user';

3. 'CVS Service' and 'CVS Lock Service' Started;

4. Use 'PServer' Protocol.


(All Operations on Client Machine)

1. CREATE CVS User 'cvsadmin' by default admin User 'Administrator' And Give It Full Right on 'CVSROOT'

(1) Run WinCVS;

(2) Login repository as default admin usr 'administrator': 'admin-> login', cvsroot =: pserver: administrator @ Serverip: / repositoryName

Input Password of User 'Administrator' on The Server Machine.


(4) Check out module 'cvsroot' to this Temporary Directory, Move To Directory 'CVSROOT'

(5) Add new cvs user 'cvsadmin' for current repository, Execute Command:

CVS Passwd -a Cvsadmin

(Set Password for 'cvsadmin')

(6) Give 'cvsadmin' Full Right On 'CVSROOT', Execute:

CVS Chown Cvsadmin (Set Cvsadmin An Owner Of Directory 'CVSROOT')

CVS Chakl Default: n (Cancel All Rights of the Others)

CVS Chakl Cvsadmin: CWR (Give Cvsadmin Full Right: Create, Write, Read)

(7) Remove Temporary Directory 'C: / CVS / AdminTemp' (Close WinCvs First);

2. make user 'cvsadmin' an administrator of this repository

(1) Login repository as user 'cvsadmin': 'admin-> login', cvsroot =: pserver: cvsadmin @ Serverip: / repositoryName

Input Password of User 'cvsadmin'.

(2) CREATE DIRECTORY 'C: / CVS / Admin' for CVS Administration;

(3) Check out module 'cvsroot' to this directory;

(4) Move to Directroy 'cvsroot', Create A file 'admin' with the content 'cvsadmin', Execute:

CVS Add Admin (Add file 'admin "to repository)

CVS commit -m "no msg" admin (check in file 'admin ")

(Or: cvs ci -m "no msg" admin)

(6) MODIFY THE FILE 'CHECKOUTLIST' by adding 'admin Error Message' At last line, Execute:

CVS commit -m "no msg" CheckoutList (7) by now, 'cvsadmin' Has Already Become An Administrator of this repository;

3. Further User-Management

(1) Add New User, Execute:

CVS Passwd -a UserName

(2) Change a User's Right:

CVS chacl -r [-r tag] {user | default}: [{[r] [w] [c] | [n]}] [Directory ...]

-R, Recursively Set Permissions

-r, set permissions on specific branch


1. All Opertions Above Can Accomplished in WinCvs 'Admin-> Command Line' OR A DOS Command WINDOW, EG. Login:

Set cvsroot =: pserver: cvsadmin @ Server: / repo

CVS login

2. As To CVS Uses, Just One Specific Repository Be Concerned.

3. AS To User's Rights, Just One Specific Directory Be Concerned.

Iv. Project Management

1. WHEN a New Directory (Client Project) WAS Checked In To CvsNT (To Create A New Module),

IT Must Be Removed from Client Machine and Checked Out from Cvsnt So That IT Could Be Under CVS Control.


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