Customer 1--0..n CustomerAddress
Countby ("SELECT Count (a.customer) from com.fsd.domain.customeraddress as a where a.customer.name like? and a.tel like? and a.customer.station =?", new object [] {name , tel, getContext (). getStationId ()};
Generate the code: Hibernate:? Select count (customer1_.id) as x0_0_ from t_customer_address customerad0_, t_customer customer1_ where customerad0_.customer_id = customer1_.id and ((customer1_.name like and customerad0_.customer_id = customer1_.id) and (customerad0_.tel Like?) AND (CUSTOMER1_.STATION_ID =? and customerrad0_.customer_id = customer1_.id))
Check data connection
Leakage: getsession (). CREATEQUERY (...)
Paint label
Get an EL expression value: org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.el.core.expressionUtil # Evalnotnull