Solaris 8 for Intel's installation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  27

First, the Solaris operating system installation steps

1 Put the Solaris Boot CD into the CD-ROM and start the computer from the optical drive;

2, wait for a while, the console screen appears to install the interface.

3, the instructions of the installation interface, one step by step, complete the installation of the operating system.

Note: The following table shows some questions and general answer during the Solaris installation process:

Solaris installation process to answer questions and answer content:

To install Chinese or in English, please choose from customer, suggest

Host Name Enter the host name of this server

Have you continued (Yes)

ID address input prompt Enter the IP address of this server

Name server is generally selected

Whether the system part of the subnet is

Subnet mask input prompt Enter the subnet mask of this server

Selection area is generally selected geographical area

Determine the time zone to select "East Asia", "People's Republic" and enter the exact time

Upgrade, primaryization generally selected initialization system

Select system types generally selected independent way

The language is selected as before (1), then there is no need to choose again.

Selecting the installation components Generally selected all software plus OEM support

Select the system disk generally selected C0T0D0 (if there is a C0T0D0 in the server)

Continue, keep the selected continuation

Automatic equipment, manual equipment generally select "manual setting"

Start installing, modifying all the selected correctly, select "Start Installation"

Select the restart of the restart (Reboot) system

Waiting for the system installation

Second, the network configuration of the host system

When the Solaris operating system is installed, the network can be configured. The network configuration is mainly to assign IP addresses and gateways to the host, as well as domain name servers. The IP address has been assigned when the operating system is installed. If the address assigned at the time is wrong or needs to be changed, it can be performed as follows.

Assign IP address

In the Solaris operating system, you typically name HME0 in the main network card port, and you can view the port name of the NIC with the ifconfig -a command. The hostere assignment IP address is to assign an IP address to the NIC port, you can use the following commands:

WWW # ifconfig hme0 ip address netmask UP

You can use the ifconfig -a command to see if the command operation is valid, and the following results should occur under normal conditions:

If there is no above, you have to reuse the ifconfig command.

When IP addresses are allocated, edit the / etc / hosts file, the method is to edit a new file with VI.

WWW # vi / etc / hosts

The content of the Hosts file is as follows:

Configuring a gateway

#Route Add Default Gateway IP Address Netmask

View the following results with NetStat -rn View Gateway configuration:

#LS / etc / defaultrouter

#more / etc / defaultrouter

If there is no / etc / defaultrouter file, you have to create one, the content of DefaultRouter is the same as above. Establishment method:

#vi / etc / defaultrouter

Configuring domain name explanation

1 create /tc/resolv.conf file

#vi /etc/resolv.conf

The content of resolv.conf is as follows:

Domain name

Nameserver ipaddress

Nameserver ipaddress

2 Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf file

Change the hosts: files of the NSSwitch.conf file to


#more /etc/nsswitch.conf

(4) Network connectivity test

Use the ping command ping an address, if the ALIVE is displayed, the network has been connected. Otherwise, you need to check if the network physical connection is already connected, and whether the above configuration has been pair.

#Ping is Alive

Use the nslookup command to see if the domain name is correct, if the nslookup command cannot run, then check if the configuration of the domain name is correct or whether the domain name server is passed (you can use the ping command)


Third, the installation of Netscape Enterprise Server

. ENTERPRISE Server installation

Create two directories in the / webdocs directory: DOCS and CGI-BIN, then create a temporary directory / Enterprise (to delete this directory after installation), copy the Enterprise.tar in the CDERPrise to / Enterprise directory to decompress, run The ns-setup command, the process is as follows:


#CD / CDROM / CDROM0 / Enterprise

#CP Enterprise.tar / Enterprise

#CD / Enterprise

#TAR vxf Enterprise

#. / ns-setup

There will be some prompt information in this point. Here is the answer to these prompts:

(1) Do you agree to the license terms? [No]: yes

(2) Server root [/ usr / netscape / suitespot]: / Netscape / Suitespot

(3) Machine's name [nm-]: Enter

(4) Suitespot User [NoBody]: Enter

(5) Suitespot Group [NoBody]: Enter

(6) Are you using an ldap-based Directory Server? [N] Enter

(7) Administration Port [11358]: 5555; This port must be not occupied

(8) Run Administration Server AS [root]: Enter

(9) ENTER path to 2.x Version of Netscape Administration Server

root: [/ usr / ns-home] Enter

(10) Server administrator ID [admin]: Enter

(11) Enter the password of Admin

(12) Web Browser [Netscape]: Enter

<2>. Enterprise Server settings

Enterprise Server is set by using a browser. If you are not using this machine's browser, you will first modify the HOSTS items of the /netscape/suitespot/admin-serv/config/ns-admin.conf file into the following form:

Hosts: *.


2. Start the browser, enter:, when the dialog comes out, enter the user admin and password.

3. When you have the management interface of the Adminstration Server, click "CREATE New Netscape Enterprise Server" to create a new service, and you need to fill in the item when you create a service:

Identify name: BH-WWW Exit Enterprise Server Returns ADMIN, at which point named BH-WWW should appear, and the button is next to the buttons, the small button of ON and OFF, click the ON mini button to start the WWW server, if startup Success will have Successful. Otherwise, the installation is unsuccessful to delete the reinstallation.

<3>. Netscape Directry Server and Message Server installation


First check the / etc / passwd file to see if there is a Nobody user belonging to the Nobody group. If there is no existence, create a Nobody group and a Nobody user belonging to the Nobody group. Also create a NSMAIL user belonging to the Nobody group. Then create a temporary directory Directory on the hard disk, then remove the Directry.tar in the CDROM to the Directory directory, run the following command:

#mkdir / Directory

#CD / CDROM / CDROM0 / Solaris

#cp directry.tar / Directory

#CD / Directory # tar xvf Directry.tar #. / NS-SETUP

There will be some tips at this time, the following is the answer of these prompt information:

1.Do you agree to the license terms? [No]: yes

2.Server root [/ usr / netscape / suitespot]: / netscape / suitespot

3. Machine's name []:

4.Suitespot User [NoBody]: Enter

Suitespot Group [NoBody]: Enter

5.administration port [11358]: 5555 or Enter; this port can be other values, but must not be occupied

6.Run Administration Server AS [root]: Enter

7.enter path to 2.x Version of Netscape Administration Server

root: [/ usr / ns-home] Enter

8. Server Administrator ID [admin]: Enter

9.Web Browser [Netscape]: Netscape; if you use this netscape browser

None; browser using another machine

After the installation is complete, if the Netscape browser is installed, the browser is automatically launched. If you use a remote browser, you must first change the HOSTS Items and Addresses items of the /netscape/ns-admin.conf file to the following form:

Hosts *.

Addresses *

Restart Admin Server with the following command:

#CD / Netscape / Suitespot

#. / stop-admin

#. / start-admin

Then enter in the URL of the browser, you can perform the next settings.

Directory Server settings

1. After entering admin server, click the "Create A New Directory Server" button to create a new Directory Server, and the items that need to be filled out are:

Suitespot Administrator's ID: admin

PASSWORD: *********

Password (Again): ********

Directory Suffix: o = Bh-mail.gx.cninfo.netunrestricted user: cn = Directory Manager

PASSWORD: *********

Password (Again): ********

2. The items you want to enter in Database Management / Suitespot Setting are:

Suitespot 3.0 Administrator's ID: admin

PASSWORD: *********

Password (Again): ********

Bind to Server AS: CN = Directory Manager

PASSWORD: *********

3. Select the LDAP item in the Global Settings / Configure Directory Service.

installation of .Message Server

You can only install the Message Server after completing the installation and setting of Directory Server. If Directory Server is not started, first start it. Create a temporary directory / message first, then copy the Message.tar in the CDROM to the / message directory, execute the following command:


#cp message.tar / message


#tar vxf message.tar

#. / ns-setup

There are also some prompt information at this time, the following is the answer of these prompts:

(1) Do you agree to the license terms? [No]: yes

(2) Server root [/ usr / netscape / suitespot]: / Netscape / Suitespot

(3) Suitespot admin ID [admin]: Enter

(4) Would you like to change any of these parameters? [N]: YES

(5) User to run message Server AS: NSMAIL

(6) please enter your domain name:

(7) Mailbox Directory [/ Email / Spool / Mailbox]: / email / spool / mailbox

(8) Post Office Directory [/ Email / Spool / PostOffice]: / email / spool / postoffice

(9) Server Identifier [NM-MAIL.NM.CNINFO.NET]:

(10) Install Nis Module? [N]: N

(11) Send Greeting Forms to new accounts? [N]: Y

(12) Use default location in Directory for Postmaster Entry? [YES]: Enter

(13) Forward Postmaster Mail TO: Enter an existing email address

The Message Server settings can be performed after installation.

<5>. Message Server settings

Newly open two groups called Postmaster and Infogroup under the New Group of User / Group Management.

User's new users in the new user of user / group management, Email Address fill in: @

The second Find button in the User / Group Management's Management Users, at this time, one list, one of them, when you come out, select the mail item after another picture, then fill in the following: Message Server:

Select POP / IMAG items

Select the auto-reply item and enter the information that automatically answers.

Repeat the third step for additional users.

<6>. Email test

Use the newly opened user in the browser to send information to users outside the network with newly opened users. If you can accept the letter, it indicates that the Message Server installation is successful. Vioerate, check if the settings of Directoy Server and Message Serve are correct.

IV. Basic troubleshooting of host systems

network issue

There are many reasons for host networks, and it is possible to be a problem with physical connection or an incorrect network configuration. If this happens, you can check according to the following steps:

First check if the physical line is connected, it is primarily to see if the host and the router switch falls off or in contact with a bad. Normally, the indicator of the switch 2900 to the local connection interface should be green. If the indication is not bright, first use the command on the host to see the NIC port HME0 is UP status

#ifconfig -a

If not for use

#ifconfig hme0 up

If the indicator is still not lit after using this command, it may be a physical connection or network card port, and the 2900 switch network port is problematic. If this is the case, you can change a 2900 switch to the local connection. If you change the port indicator of the 2900 switch or no one, you can use another one.

The network cable (this network line must be no problem) to try. If there is a problem with the network cable, this is a hardware problem, please contact us.

If you have passed the above check and the hardware is no problem, you should consider that there is a problem with the network configuration. Frequently asked questions from network configurations is the gateway or IP address loss. When using the netstat -rn command, there is no gateway information.

#Netstat -Rn

If you belong to this, you should add a gateway and create / etc / default file:

#ROUTE Add Default

#Vi / etc / defaultrouter

If you don't see allocated IP addresses with the ifconfig -a command, you must reassign a (see host network configuration)

(2) File system error

Host system file system error-free is unable to automatically mount. When you use the following command to view the file system, find that there is no mount without mount, then manual MOUNT

#df -k

#mount physical device catalog

At the time of Mount, you should pay attention to view the physical device name of the file system and the location of the MOUNT, which can be configured on the above host. For example, the / webdocs file system does not have a mount, you can manually use the following command:

#mount / dev / c0t0d0s7 / webdocs

If the system is suddenly returned and prompts the file system error or when prompted by the file system error, then restart the enterprise mode (if you ask if you start, press CTRL-C to enter the single user mode or continue, then Press CTRL-C). After logging in, use the following command in root:


Then there will be MOUNT to the specified directory (you can refer to the host configuration portion) without mount.

(3) Cannot explain the domain name

If ping a domain name on the host, the ping address is available, it may be a problem with the domain name server. This happens, usually the domain name server is not available. At this point, you can ping the domain name server on the host. If the host and the domain name server is not passing, it is the problem of domain name servers, which is not related to the unit. If you can pass, you have to check if the host is changed about whether the configuration of the domain name server is changed (you can refer to the host network configuration section) 5. Solaris operating system common command

(1) LS file and directory list

#ls -l

(2) CD change catalog

(3) MKDIR creation directory

(4) RM, RMDIR Delete file, directory

(5) PWD Displays the absolute path of the current work directory

(6) More View file content

(7) PS View the current running process

(8) Kill kill a process

(9) Mount installation file system to the system

(10) GroupAdd increases user groups

(11) GroupDel deletes user groups

(12) UserAdd increases users

(13) Userdel deletes users

(14) Passwd changed the password

(15) SU conversion user process

(16) DF View Disk remaining space

(17) DU View Disk Use Space


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