[Reprinted] Some predictions about software testing

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  30

Orlog Posted on 2005-1-5 15:52:24

Some predictions about software testing

Less nonsense, think about the current software test of the industry! My first prediction is: the future software test must be very different from now, ------ reason is simple: now, software test To a large extent, it can be said to have been caught in a dilemma: the various complaints of testers, universal tensions and developers, and test itself is too late in the project process. There is little effect, very small. If we really want to care about the quality of the software products, we should rethink the method and quality of the test.

It can even be said that if we take a better test method, give them better training and greater respect, our software industry will change it. Further, the executable demand specifications, the model-based test script Generation, BUG prevention and system simulation, these technologies will play a greater role in the big stage of software.

In the next few years, we can predict the following contents, some of which are becoming a reality.

Test staff, demand analysts and developers cooperate in work

Test staff assistant analyst

Test staff even in the process of demand, it is intervened in the process, understanding and reviewing demand. The more early intervention, the more exposed the consistency, integrity, and uncertainty of the demand, and found the problem ratio Later, I found a much smaller.

Demand analyst assists testers

The test team establishes a model to generate logical behavior of the test program. The demand analyst reviews these models to ensure that the model has fully covered all the functions of the program, and the test model after the review is the 'executable demand specifications'.

Test staff assisting developers

Based on the clear demand, developers can have a more thorough understanding of their code. Before the program officially submits the testers, the tester can provide the developer to provide a lightweight test model so that they own Run, with a period BUG found on the earlier time.

Developers assist testers

Developers add a sufficient logo in their code so that these identifiers are captured by automatic test tools, which enhances the program's measurability, and the BUG that occurs easier to capture and debug.

Help between testers

Because different programs and different modules are modeled in a high-level language, different testers can review the test models, improve each other, which is more conducive to the production of elites.

More advanced test methods and test metrics

BUG prevention and early discovery

In the future, we emphasize the overall quality of the products released, rather than from beginning to end you discovered how many bugs, so we will pay more attention to bug precautions, BUG detection and static analysis tools.

Simulation tool in software test

The simulation tool will become very common, which is very easy to simulate the real computer environment, in the early days of the development process, can discover the exceptions and path errors in the program in the early days. When the code is stable, further further conducting this simulation verification.

Test cases in a job-in-Time

Massive Test Case Management Systems Are A Thing of the Past. Most Tests Are Generated ON The Fly. Test Cases Are No Longer Stored Away Like Rotting Inventory, So It Is Easy To Keep Tests Up To Date.

The system that manages a large number of test cases is about to be the past. More tests will be carried out in real time.

Positive metrics

Misleading Metrics, Such As Bug Count. Useful Metrics, Such As Spec Coverage, Model Coverage, And Code coverage, Drive the projects.

Fewer Tester, Better Tester

Machines now perform much of the mundane work that testers previously did creating tests. Teams require fewer testers, and the testers who remain are more highly trained. Their work is more interesting to them because they are focused on bigger issues in their tests rather than slogging THROUGH GRUNT WORK.MORE TESTS, BETTER TESTS

Testers can now generate millions of tests on any day, so the challenge becomes how to run the most useful tests first. Combinatorial tools allow testers to prioritize their testing and aim their test runs at the areas most likely to have significant bugs.

Roles Will Change for Tester

Distinctions blur in testing

Work in the testing field blurs the line between people who only specialize in hands-on testing and those who only create test tools. A new specialty emerges that encompasses both "testers who like to things via break programs" and "programmers who like to create Programs That Break Things "- People in NewsGroups Debate Endlessly About What To Call The New Specialty.

Boundaries blote, westing and development and development

Testers and developers work in tandem to produce testable, high-quality code. Testers help iron out spec issues to make the developer's job easier, and developers create cleaner, more testable code to make the tester's job easier.

Feedback from customers becomes integrated with testing

The quality of deliverables becomes higher. Testers routinely conduct root cause analyses. We ask questions such as "How did we miss this bug?" And "How can we prevent this type of bug in the future?" We work to delight our customers.

New Challenge EMERGE

The sophisticated and interconnected environment of the computing world guarantees that new problems such as security testing continue to keep testers running hard. This is OK-testers find these challenges invigorating.Testers Get Respect

Testers are no longer called in at the last moment to "pound on the product." They provide a visible, vital, value-added service throughout the software development process. People realize that testing can be rewarding, interesting, and even fun.

Testing Gets Trendy

Software testers start to hold their heads high. And, because breaking stuff is at least as much fun as building it, people begin to rotate between positions in development and testing. Everyone learns more about what makes good code.

Adrenaline Junkies Move ON

The new process works so well that spec writers, developers, and testers end up having lives. This is disconcerting to some who were raised in the adrenaline-charged world of late-night, last-minute, firefighting sessions. These people gravitate to companies That Remain Out of Control.

Elvis Presley Is Discovered Working Asia Software Tester

"The Giveaway IS His Conference Paper Titled" Software Quality: It's now or never ".

Prepare for the Future Today

WHETHER or NOT My Predictions Come True, The Future Is on Its Way. Here Are Five Ideas For How You Can Prepare To Meet IT:

Get Actively Dissatisfied

Don't Accept The Current State of Testing. Look Around and Think, "What Are We doing what makes no sensor?"

2. Push the envelope

Figure outht knwade. Overall Quality Will Improve ONLY Everyone Seeks to make the code................

3. Learn More About Testing

At this moment, the industry is exploding with innovative software testing ideas. Go to conferences, join mailing lists, and scour the Web to see what is happening on the cutting edge of testing.4. Learn More about Development

Take a Programming Class. Even if you don't Plan to Write Significant Amounts Of Code, View The Class As A Reconnaissance Flight over bug ternaissance.

5. Change the world!

AS PC Pioneer Alan Kay Said: "The Best Way to Predict The Future Is To Invent IT."

For more info:

ON Executable Specs: "Executable Specifications: Creating Testable, Enforceable Designs"

On Model-Based Testing: "Intelligent Test Automation"

On System Simulation: "Software's Invisible Users"

About the Author Harry Robinson is Test Architect for Microsoft's Enterprise Management Division. In addition to his day job, he teaches classes on advanced software test automation and is a driving force behind Microsoft's model-based testing initiative. He has been at Microsoft for five years And Has A Bachelors and Masters in Electrical Engineering. You Can Reach Him At Harryr@microsoft.com. Back to Top


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