Prefix Sen ~ The old Senate Senile Senile is old and weak
Sent ~, SENS ~ Feel SentimentLe
Tract ~ Abstract Extract extract
Vac ~ empty vacation Vacant empty
Anti ~ against antiwar
By ~ PRODUCT, by Way, by pass
Bene ~ Benefit, Benevolent Charity
Contra ~ ContraDit Refutation
DE ~ Negate DeValue = DepReciation
Fore ~ forecast Forefather
Hyper ~ More than HyperNature Hyperslow
Omni ~ all Omnipresent omnipresent
Poly ~ multiple poly = Multi Polyfunction, polytechnical multi-process
Suffix ~ En Darken, Shorten, Deepen
~ Fy Simplify,
~ Ize Modize, Industrize
~ Fold multiples Threefold
~ Wise direction, Wise = Ward Moneywise, Upward
One word polysemous Feature Character Context
Extension Fox Cunning
Rose Rosy
Power Duty Rights CommTments
Aero = air aerology meteorology Aerospace
Ag = do, Art agent agitate incitement
Agri = Agriculture Agrimotor Tractor
am = love amiable friendly Amateur
Ann, Enn = year Anniversary Annual
Anthrop (o) = people, humanAnthroplogy anthropology
APT = suitable for APTITUDE
Audi = Listen to Auditorium Auditorium Audience
Auto = Autonomous Antonomous
Biblio = Book Biblilography Bibliography
BIO = Biography BioGraphy
Cord = Heart Corcord uniform Cordial Tempera
Corpor, corp = body corporation organizes corpse corpse
CRED = believes that Crediable believes
Dorm = sleep Dormitary dormitory dormant sleep
DYM, DYNAM = Dynamic, power Dynamic energetic Dynast monarch
EQU, EQU (i) = equal equal equity fair
Geo = land geomitray geometry GeoThermal geothermal
Grav = serious grave serious aggravate furniture junct = connection junction connection
MAGN (i) = big Magnify zoom
Manu = manual manual manus manus manuscript manuscript
Norm = normal
NOV = new Novel novelty
SCEND = climbing Ascend up