Build Mips Develop System Without Hardware On PC

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  28

1. build the toolchain and gdb mips simulator TARGET = mips-tx39-elf # Target processor GNUTOOLS = $ HOME / newlib / gnutools # Directory for final tools SRC = $ HOME / newlib # Directory for source BUILD = $ HOME / newlib / build # Directory for intermediate build files binutils = binutils-2.15 gcc = GCC-3.4.1 newlib = newlib-1.12.0 GDB = GDB-6.0 Export Path = "$ GNUTOOLS / BIN: $ PATH" gnuconfig = "- Target = $ Target --prefix = $ GNUTOOLS "gccflags =" - with-newlib --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld "MKDIR -P $ src $ build / binutils $ build / gcc $ build / newlib $ GNUTOOLS Build MIPS TX39 TOOLCHAIN ​​As Below: CD $ SRC TAR JXVF $ Binutils.tar.bz2 TAR JXVF $ GCC.TAR.BZ2 TAR XVFZ $ NEWLIB.TAR.GZ TAR ZXVF $ GDB.TAR.GZ CD $ Build / Binutils && RM - rf * $ SRC / $ BINUTILS / configure $ GNUCONFIG make all install cd $ BUILD / gcc && rm -rf * $ SRC / $ GCC / configure $ GNUCONFIG $ GCCFLAGS --without-headers --enable-languages ​​= c make all install CD $ build / newlib && rm -rf * $ src / $ newlib / configure $ GNUCONFIG MAKE All Install CD $ Build / GCC && rm -rf * $ SRC / $ GCC / Configure $ GNUCONF Ig $ gccflags --with-headers = $ GNUTOOLS / $ TARGET / INCLUDE --ENABLE-LANGUAGET / INCLUDE --ENABLE-LANGUAGES = C, C Make All Install CD $ BUILD / GDB && RM-RF * $ SRC / $ GDB / Configure - Target = Mipstx39 -rtems --prefix = $ gnutools make all install 2.edit test.c and build mips-TX39-ELF-GCC -O TestMips Test.c -t./jmr3904app.ld 3./Home/Acer/newlib/gnutools_Mips_rtems/ BIN / MIPSTX39-RTEMS-GDB TestMips Target Sim --board = JMR3904 LOAD RUN


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