SuperMap Deskpro with Object

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  26

The first day of training

1. Data organization, display, layer management

SDB storage space data, SDD stores attribute data, double-click the map to display map properties.

SM started system field, smGeometry storage space data

Spatial databases are space data attribute data is unified in the database.

Integrated data type:

1. CAD format: Two import methods, one is in the form of a simple data set, separating the CAD file as a point line data set, can be used on this basis. The other is in the form of a composite dataset, which cannot be spatially analyzed, which can be used as a background of the map.

2. GIS format

3. Image data (vibrators, etc.): ECW, MRSID These compression tools are compressed, can be reached 1: 100 compression ratio, and the compression file is turned on to SuperMap DeskPro. 500M The following overspeed can be compressed free.

4. Attribute data, often do associated attribute data sheets.

2. Screen vectorization

1. Scan map: *. TIF, 300-500DPI

2. Coordinate system settings, directly new data sources, set coordinate systems, import TIF data

3. Registration: The thorn point (to enlarge the map to the appropriate scale, add the thorn point, generally need four tantginds, four angles of the rectangle, set the coordinates of the point of coordinate value), error (analysis points The error value, which meets a certain error range, can lock the tingle, move to more accurate position, registration), the map crop, only the map is required.

4. Splicing: Because scans usually cannot scan all a map, it is necessary to splicing. The coordinate value is set, and there is no problem in splicing.

3. Query function: SQL query, space query

1) SQL query, query results highlight on the map, select the query layer, set the query condition.

2) Space query, first select one spatial element, set query conditions for query layers, spatial conditions, and properties fields in the spatial query.

4. Map cutting

5. Data type conversion

1) Property data - "point data, according to X, Y coordinates to determine the location of the attribute value point object

2) Line data - "surface data, conversion of the entire data set and transformation of an object

3) Network Data Set - "Point Data Set

4) Line Data Set - "Point Data Set, Node Transformation of Line]

5) Generation and decomposition of composite data sets

6) Property field value translates into text data set

7) Text Dataset Transforms into Property Fields

6. Topology Treatment: More tidy of maps, remove excess points. Top topology error field description is what type

1) Remove redundancy

2) Merger

3) Remove short hung

4) Extend long hover

7. Coordinate system, copy coordinate system

1) Plane coordinate system

2) Trailer coordinate system

3) Projection coordinate system

8. The convergence of the data set: In the surface data set, adjacent faces can be fused according to the common field

9. Data sets appended (merge) and data sets (which can be added in attribute data and spatial data) 10. Rebuild space index, can restore space indexes that are undermine

11. Buffer analysis, space query can view the crossed space elements, such as demolition housing

1) Buffer radius

2) The flat head buffer, round head buffer, single boring.

3) Batch buffer

12. Operation analysis, similar collection

1) Tailor analysis

2) Merger analysis

3) Erasure analysis

4) Joint analysis

5) Unified operation analysis

13. 3D analysis

1) The data set that can perform direct 3D analysis is TiN and DEM

2) Creating a TIN dataset or DEM dataset, view 3D model, save three-dimensional scene, three-dimensional operating toolbar

3) City 3D visualization, background posts can set themselves

14. Network analysis

1) Analysis of adjacent points

2) Optimum path analysis

3) Connectivity analysis

4) Travel business analysis

15. Resource

1) Symbolic library: BMP, ICO grid symbol can be imported, it takes less than 300K, but cannot zoom in to zoom in

2) Linear library: composite line style, manual drawing

3) Fill the library


Image Pyramid: In order to save system resources, different scales, the layers of different resolutions are transferred.

17. SDX database structure:

1) SMREGISTER registration data set

2) SmimageRegister registration video data set

3) SMUSER Sets the permissions for data set operations

4) SMDataSourceInfo Map Data Source Basic Information

5) SMFIELDINFO All fields of information

6) SmGeometry Space Data Information

SuperMap Object

Core components: SuperMap and SuperWorkspace


SUPERTOPO: Handling TOPO errors, build network data sets

SuperLayout: layout, printout

SuperGridView: Display two-dimensional properties data

SuperwkspManager: Manage Workspace

SuperleGend: Legend Information

Some common method events

SuperWorkspace: Open, OpenDataSource (Data Source, Engine Type, Open Permission), OpenDataSourceEx (Open Space Database, SQLServer, etc.)

It is recommended to use only one workspace to manage data sets and map management.

SuperMap.Serection, current map selected data set, highlight in the map

Selection.Add (ID) of SMID Space Data, Id to get space data

Selection.torecordSet (True, False)


SodatasetVector, only the vector data set

SodatasetVector.Query (strsqlfilter, true / false), return a record set socordset

SodatasetVector.Queryex (Sogeometry, SospatialQueryMode, Strfilter) Space Query

SodatasetVector.QuerywithBounds (Rect rectangle)

SodatasetVector.QueryByDistance (Sogeometry, DBufferDistance, Strfilter) buffer query

Common interface

Sostyle: Point Symbol, Line Pen, Plug BRUSH

SOLYER: Sets the layer style, special map, scale, DisplayFilter specifies display filter criteria

Recordset object: getGeometry, getfieldInfo, getfieldvalue, getId


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