Some explanations for Windows services

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  29

Alerter - Error Alarm, Garbage

Application Layer Gateway Service - Services supported with the third party network sharing / firewall, some firewall / network sharing software needs. Take up 1.5MB of memory.

Application Management - Used to set, publish, and delete software services.

Automatic Updates -Windows automatically updates, rely, roll!

Background Intelligent Transfer Service - This service is used to implement information transfer between HTTP1.1 servers, Microsoft said to support Windows update time breakpoint

CLIPBOOK - Use the contents of the PC to share the past / clip. (Rely, I want to get it!)

COM Event System - Some COM software needs, check your C: / Program Files / Complus Applications catalog, no thing can turn this service.

COM Event System Application -

Computer Browser - The service used to browse the local area network, but it does not affect browsing! Rubbish

Cryptographic Services -windows is updated to confirm that the Windows file fingerprint, I am updated.

DHCP Client - Static IP needs (xDSL, etc.) kittens are not available! !

Distributed Link Tracking Client - For the LAN Update Connection Information, such as a file in the computer A, a connection is made in B, if the file is moving, this service will

Update information. Take up 4 megabytes.

Distributed Transaction Coordinator - bored something.

DNS Client-DNS resolution service. . Boring ~~

Error Reporting Service - Error Reporter, reporting Windows to Microsoft, bored ~~~~~

* Event log - System Log Record Services, is very useful for finding system problems.

Fast User Switch Compatibility - Multi-user fast switching service. . bored

Help and support - Help, boring, or boring help. . Haha

Human Interface Device Access - Supports "mentally" computer accessories. . For example, the button on the keyboard and the like. .

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service -XP engraving service, use software is not available, occupying 1.6 megabytes.

Indexing Service - Horror XP slowdown Dongdong! ! ! Tutan! ! !

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) .........- XP firewall. . No need to turn off.

IPsec Services - Volkswagen users can not be able to connect.

Logical Disk Manager - Disk Management Service. . It will notify you when needed, so it is generally closed. Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service-.

Messenger - not MSN, if you don't want to harass, it will be closed. Note: The lanceal is this.

MS Software Shadow Copy Provider- is useless, it is said to be backup. . I didn't look at what I used.

Net logon - Landing Domain Controller, mass user quick turn!

NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing - Use NetMeeting to implement computer sharing. . gosh! turn off! !

NetWork Connections - Dongdong for use in the Internet / LAN!

NetWork DDE - with Clipbook, bored ~~~~

Network DDE DSDM -

NetWork location awareness - If there is a network sharing or ICS / ICF may need. (Server side)

NT LM Security Support Provider-Telnet Serving Dongdong, Off! !

NVIDIA Driver Helper Service -NVIDIA graphics card help, close!

PDENGINE - PerfectDisk Engine


Performance logs and alerts - Record the operation status of the machine and write logs or warnings, the content may be too professional, so. . up to you.

* Plug and play - Automatically detect new hardware, plug and play, open ~~~

Portable Media Serial Number - Absolutely useless, bored.

Print Spooler - The printer is used, I will only open it.

Protected Storage - Saves services for local passwords and online service passwords, including the Auto Finish feature when you fill in the form.

QoS RSVP - Off! That is the 20% QoS

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager - Broadband / Network Share might need! !

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager - Remote Help Service, stupid, occupying 4 megabytes.

* Remote Procedure Call (RPC) - System Core Service!

Remote Procedure Call Locator - This is not used, manages RPC database services, occupying 1 megaby memory. Remote Registry - Remote Registry Run / Modification. Big vulnerability, not fast! !

REMOVABLE Storage - Normally, tape backup is used.

Routing and remote access- haha. . I don't know if I don't know!

Secondary Logon - assigns specified operation rights to users other than Administrator. Halo ~~~

Security Accounts Manager - like Protected Storage, IIS Admin Reads.

Server - LAN file / print sharing needs.

Shell Hardware Detection - gives some configurations automatically start, like memory sticks, and some CD drivers, etc.

Smart Card - Off! 1.4 megabulary

Smart Card Helper - Off!

SSDP Discovery Service - No hardware uses this service. .

System Event Notification - Record user login / logout / restart / shutdown information. . Who can manage these. .

System Restore Service - System Restore service, eat resources and memory monsters. . Although it is sometimes used, you will decide.

Task Scheduler-Windows Plan Services, Garbage.

TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper- If your network doesn't have to Netbios or Wins, it is closed.

Telephony - Dial-up service, if your broadband does not need to dial, then turn it.

Telnet - Big vulnerability, I am the first thing is this. This Telnet command does not matter in this DOS. 2 megabytes.

Terminal Services - Realize remote login local computers, fast user switching, and remote desktop features, do not have these features.

THEMES - Dressed in XP, don't turn too glow.

Uninterruptible Power Supply - Power-off protection device. . . There is no relationship.

Universal Plug and Play Device Host- is useless with SSDP Discovery Service.

Upload Manager- is used to implement servers and client delivery files, simple file transmission doesn't need this!

Volume Shadow Copy- with MS Software Shadow Copy Provider, useless.

WebClient- maybe and later. NET technology has a connection, safety, I am solid!

* Windows Audio - Controls the sound you hear. There is no sound when you turn off! !

Windows Installer -Windows MSI installation services, it is recommended to set it a manual. Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) - Some digital cameras and scanners are used, my scanner feels that it is useless.

* Windows Management Instrumentation - full-time service, is the "service rely", but it will have a strange problem.

Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions - No top is important, it is recommended to set it to manual.

Windows Time - Online Time School Pairs. . gosh

Wireless Zero Configuration - Wireless Network Settings Service. . Few people use it. . .

WMI Performance Adapter - Off! Take up 6 megabytes.

* Workstation - Many services rely on this service, support networking and print / file sharing.


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