32 secrets of women (English version)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  24

1.Women Need to Cry. And the Won't do it alone unless theyknowyou can

Hear them.

Women need to cry and only cry when you can hear it.

2.Women Especially Love a Bargain.

Women especially likes cheap goods.

3.Women Love To Shop. It is The Only Area of ​​The World Wheretheyfeel LikeThey're Actually in Control.

Women like shopping, they think that is the only field that they can control in this world.

4.Women Will Always Ask Questions That Have No Center Answers, Inn Effostto Trap Yousintosfeeling Guilty.

Women always ask some questions without the correct answer, they want you to have a sense of joke.

5.Women Love To Talk. Silence Intimidates the and the felease. Even if They has nothing to say.

Woman likes to talk. Silence makes them uneasy, they need to break the silence with the conversation, even if they are nothing to say.

6.Women Need to Feel Like There Are People Worse OFF THANTHEYARE.

Women need to feel that others are not as good as they.

7.Women Hate Bugs. Even the strong -willed ones NEED A MANAROUNDWHEN TheRE'S A SPIDER OR A WASP INVED.

Woman caught an overworm. When you see a spider or wasp, even a woman who will require a man needs a man.

8.Women CAN't Keep Secrets.

Women can't keep secrets.

9.Women Always Go To Public REST Rooms in Groups. It Gives Themachance Togossip.

Women often go to the public health room, this is a good opportunity for them.

10.Women Can't Refuse To Answer a ringing phone, no matterwhatshe's doing.

Women will not refuse to answer any call. The phone is ringing, no matter what is doing, she will pick up the phone.

11.Women Never Understand Why Men Love Toys. Men Undtandthatthey Wouldn't Need ToysWomen Had An 〃on / Off〃switch.

Women will never understand why men like toys. Men believe that if a woman has a switch, they no longer need toys.

12.Women Think All Beer is the Same.

Women think that all brands of beer are a taste.

13.Women Keep Three Different Shampoos in The Shower. Afterawoman Showers, The Bathroom Will Smell Like A TropicalRainforest.

Usually, there are always three different shampoo waves in the woman's bathroom. After they bathed, the bathroom exudes the taste of the tropical rainforest.

14.Women Don't Understand The Appeal of Sports. Menseekentertainment Thatallows The Escape Reality. Womenseekentertainment That Reminds Therm of How Horrible ThingsCouldbe.

Women can't appreciate the charm of sports programs. The man is looking for entertainment from those who can escape the reality, and women are looking for entertainment from those who can remind them to have more poor things.

15. If a man goes on a seven-day trip, he'll pack five daysworthof clothes and will wear some things twice; if a woman goes onaseven-day trip she'll pack21outfits because she does not knowwhatshe'll feel like wearing Each day. If a man is going out for 7 days, he will take a dress enough to wear, and we will wear some clothing twice. If a woman is going to go out for 7 days, she will wear a dress 21 days, because she doesn't know what they like to wear every day.

16.Women Brush Their Hair Before Bed.

Woman combing heads before going to bed.

17.Women Are Paid Less Than Men, Except foronefield: modeling.

Women's salary is lower than men, only one industry exception - model.

18.Women Are Never Wrong. Apologizing is themen'sResponsibility.

Women will never make mistakes. Apologize is a man's responsibility.

19.Women Do Not Know Anything About Cars, Even If. DrivecartHemselves.

Women don't know anything about the car, even if they drive themselves.

20.Women Have Better REST Rooms. The ye get the nice chairs AndredCarpet.

Woman's bathroom is very particular, there is a delicate chair and red carpet.

21.Women Love Cats. Men Say Love Cats, But by Whenaren'tlooking, Men Kick Cats.

Woman likes cats. Men say they like cats, but when women can't see, they will kick.

22.Women Love To Talk on The Phone. A Woman Can VisithergirlFriend for Twoweeks, And Upon Returning Home, She Willcallthe Same Friend and The Will Talk for Three Hours.

Woman likes a phone porridge. A woman went to her girlfriend, and they lived two weeks. She will call this girlfriend for 3 hours.

23. A Woman Will Dress Up To Go Shopping, Water The Plants, Emptythe Garbage, Answer The Phone, Read A Book, or get themail.

Women will make makeup before doing things - shopping, water for plants, pour garbage, answer the phone, reading, collect mail ... ??

24.Women Do Not Wantanhonest Answer To The Question, 〃how do ilook? Bamboo

On this issue, women don't want to get honest answers - "How do I see?"

25. 〃H, Nothing, 〃has an entirely diffreent meaninginwoman-language than it does in man-language.

"Oh, there is nothing." This sentence is in a woman's dictionary and is completely different in the man dictionary.

26.all Women Will Say That They Are Overweight, But Don'tagreewith Them Aboutit.

All women will say that they are overweight, but don't agree with this.

27.only Women Understand The Need for〃guest Towels〃andthe〃goodChina 〃.

Only women know why "customers with towels" and "good porcelain" are necessary.

28.Women Want Equal Center CLamoringtocover Thereesponsibilities. Woman requires the same right as a man, but you have almost can't hear their noisy and ask for the same responsibility.

29.Women Can Get Out of Speeding Tickets by Pouting. This Willgetmen Arrested.

In the face of speeding tickets, the mouth can make the woman from punishment, but the man will be detained.

30.Women Don't really. About asers.

Women don't really care about whether men have a sense of humor, even though they claim that humor is very important.

31.Women will spend hours dressing up to go out, and thenthey'llgo out and spend more time checking other women Men cannevercatch women checking out other men out;. Women will always catchmenchecking out other women.

Women will spend hours makeup before going out, then they go out and spend more time to watch other women. Men will never be aware of women to look at other men, and women can always notice that men look up with other women.

32.The Most Embarrassing Thing for Women Is To Find AnotherwomanWearing The Same Dress at a formal party.

The most woman is embarrassed, it is found in a formal party to find another woman wearing the same clothes.


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