Recently, I heard that the game is more hot, and also see if there is a chance to enter this industry mix, and it is white, the poor is for money.
I don't understand the game technology. I haven't learned computer graphics. I don't understand 3Dmax. I will not use Photoshop, and so on. Technically is more familiar
Java language, ^ _ ^, I don't understand, I still want to engage in games, is it very ridiculous!
How to do? I am not doing, learning, always?
I have made a few years Java, I don't have to get C. In addition to mobile games, China basically didn't hear what other big games with Java.
There is basically no information.
Looking at the sun's website, there is an API who is doing a game, Java3D can not say it. It has to be mentioned is JOGL, XITH3D. Details, can be deeply understood from the official website below. Http:// is Sun's game community, which may be the most authoritative - I have not seen it.
JOGL (Java Bindings for OpenGL) is an open source Java project, and the official website is, the project is
The OpenGL graphics library is implemented in Java's form-oriented object-oriented, and developers don't need to know OpenGL, you can make a good game, don't
Worried about the performance of Java games, good Java games can be fully achieved with Games developed with C / C . What is JOGL? It is not to rewrite the inner library of OpenGL directly using JNI (Java Native Interface).
Existing results, OpenGL's graphics capabilities are Jogl owned, OpenGL's cross-platform ability, of course, Java owned. You can take a look at the Jogl's demos, these DEMOs run in the form of Java Web Start, if you want to preview, you need to install Java
Web Start program. (Suggest: Net speed is not good, don't click on First Demo, it has about 20m, other are relatively small)
Demo's URL
JOGL currently seems to support OpenGL1.5.
Joal is an API interface in Java game audio, which is used for the sound effect of Java games.
The corresponding tutorial can also be found on the website on the upper website.
LWJGL and JOGL are similar, and it is also an OpenGL-based Java graphics library.
Xith3D is a Java3D gaming engine that provides developers with high-rise APIs. It is also a good open source project. Including scene maps and rendering components, official website
Xith3D can be compatible with JOGL, LWJGL at the same time, and is mainly based primarily based on JOGL.