OpenBSD 3.6 Installation Guide (Simplified Chinese Translation)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  57

Original address: - OpenBSD 3.6 Installation Guide Content List * 4.1 - Overview OpenBSD installation process * 4.2 - Check before installation * 4.3 - Make bootable OpenBSD installation media O 4.3.1 - Making floppy disk O4.3.2 on UNIX O4.3.3 - Making a bootable CD * 4.4 - Boot OpenBSD Installation Media * 4.5 - Execute O4 .1 - Start mounting O 4.5.2 - Set the hard disk O 4.5.3 - Set the system's hostname O 4.5.4 - Configure the network O 4.5.5 - Select the installation medium O 4.5.6 - Select the installation package O 4.5. 7 - Package Treated * 4.6 - Which files need to be needed? * 4.7 - How many space I need to complete the installation of OpenBSD? * 4.8 - Multi-system boot OpenBSD / I386 * 4.9 - Send your Dmesg to Dmesg after installation @ * 4.10 - Add a package after installation * 4.11 - What is 'bsd.rd'? * 4.12 - Common installation problem o 4.12.1 - My Compaq only recognizes 16M memory o 4.12.2 - m I386 can't boot o 4.12.3 - my machine is launched after installation, but stop O4.12.4 during SSH-KEYGEN - I saw such a message "Failed to Change Directory" when installing "Failed to Change Directory" 4.12.5 - When I log in, I saw "Login_KRB4-OR-PWD: EXEC FORMAT Error" o 4.12.6 - My FDISK partition table can't be used or blank! * 4.13 - Custom installation process * 4.14 - How do I install a batch of the same system? * 4.15 - How can I get a DMESG (8) to report installation issues? * 4.16 - Upgrade or reinstall OpenBSD / I386 with BSD.RD-A.out. 4.1 - Overview OpenBSD installation process openbsd has a powerful application surface The wide-based display can be installed from a single disk. The installation process on most platforms is very similar; but there is still some different in the details. In any case, we will suggest you read Platform-Specific Install in the hardware platform folders in the CD-ROM or FTP site (such as, i386 / install.i386, mac68k / install.mac68k or sparc / install.sparc). On most platforms, the OpenBSD installation process uses specific kernels stored on memory partitions loaded in advance and some utilities and installation scripts. After the kernel is booted, the operating system is from some compressed TAR (1) (.tgz) Decompression in the file. There are many ways to guide the installation kernel: * Disk (floppy disk): Disk image can be used to make mounting disks in other UNIX-Like systems or DOS / Windows systems, they can serve everywhere. Typical file Name is FLOPPY36.FS, although many platforms support multiple disk mirrors. * CD-ROM: CD-ROM mirror file (CD36.ISO) on many platforms is supported into a bootable CD-ROM disc. He Only the installed kernel is included - the installation file is still available via the FTP site or other installation sources. Of course,

You can also make the file you want to enter your custom CD-ROM CD * bsd.r: Support the kernel of the memory partition. If you intend to start from an existing openbsd partition or network, you can use it. * Network: Some platforms support from the network boot. * Write the system image to the hard disk: a file system's image can be written to a already existing partition, and can then be started. * Started tape: Some platforms support from the tape drive These tapes can be made in accordance with Install.Platform introduction. Not all platforms support all boot options: * Alpha: floppy disk, disc, write disk image to hard disk partition. * AMD64: Floppy disk, CD, network. * Cats: CD. * HP300: CD, Network. * HPPA: Network. * I386: Floppy disk, CD, Network. * Mac68k: Install (or start) on Mac OS Please refer to Install.mac68k for more details. * Macppc : CD, network. * Mvme68k: network, bootable tape. * Mvme88k: network, bootable tape. * SPARC: floppy disk, disc, network, write mirroring to existing swap partitions, boot tape. * SPARC64: floppy disk (U1 / U2 ONLY), CD, network, write images to existing hard disk partitions. * VAX: floppy disk, network. All platforms can reinstall or upgrade the system in addition to MAC68K can be reinstalled or upgraded. When the kernel starts You will get several options to select where to get the package. Similar, not all platforms support all options. * CD-ROM: Of course, we want you to use the official CD-ROM file, but if there are some Special requirements, you can also make your own custom disc. * Ftp: No matter which official openbsd ftp mirror site or your own local FTP server, you can. * Http: No matter which official openbsd http image Site or your own local web server, you can. * Local hard drive partition: In most cases, you can install the package from another partition of your local hard drive. For example, on i386, you can From the FAT partition or ISO9660, Rock Ridge and Joliet format The CD-ROM is installed. In some cases, you must first mount these partitions and use it. * NFS: Some platforms support these packages from mounted NFS partitions. * Tape: Software The package can also be read from a supported tape drive. 4.2 - pre-installation checklist Before you install, you should know what to do. At least, these things are what you have to know: * Host name * Installation Hardware o Check your hardware compatibility with your Platform Hardware Compatibility O If ISA (use ISA device? You also need to know the hardware settings, and determine that they meet the requirements of OpenBSD. * How to use the installation media (CD-ROM, FTP, et al.) * How to upgrade and patch the system? O If it is in local Complete these jobs, you need enough space to store source codes tree and build it. O Other situations, you will connect to another machine to compile installation patches. * Hard disk partition planning requires o existing Is the information to be saved elsewhere? O OpenBSD will exist in the same machine together with other operating systems? If so, how does the two systems boost? You need to install "Boot Manager" (boot manager)

? O Whole hard drive will be used for OpenBSD, or you want to keep existing partitions and operating systems (or a certain space to leave the operating system to install in the future)? O Do you want to replace the OpenBSD partition in your hard drive? * Network settings, if you don't have to DHCP: o Domain Name O DNS Address O give each NIC IP address and subnet mask O Gateway address * Are you ready to run the X-window system? 4.3 - Make the bootable OpenBSD installation media Example Let's take a look at the installation of the I386 and SPARC platform. I386 platform has six separate installation disk mirror images to choose from: * Floppy36.fs (desktop PC) supports many PCI and ISA NICS, support IDE and simple SCSI Adapters and some PCMCIA. Most users use this image from disk (floppy disk) to support a number of RAID controllers, and some common SCSI adapters. However, for many standard SCSI adapters and many EISAs and ISA NICS support is removed. * Floppyc36.fs (laptop) supports Cardbus and PCMCIA devices that can be found on many laptops. * CDROM36.fs actually integrates three start-up mode. It can be used Making the 2.88M disk that can be activated, or is more often used, which is used as a start-up image for custom burning CD. * CD36.ISO is a can start CD on many platforms. ISO9660 mirror. This mirror file is driven by many drives. If your machine starts from CDROM, then this will be our most commonly recommended to give you a choice. * Cdemu36.iso is an ISO9660 mirror file, use "imitation disk "Start, use 2.88m mirror and CDROM36.fs. Very few people will need to use it - most people use cd36.iso, only when you can't use CD36.ISO, you will need CDEMU36.iso. There may be such a situation: a installation disc needs to support your SCSI adapter, and another disc needs to support your network adapter. But okay, this kind of thing is rare, and it usually solves .sparc platform There are three separate mirror options: * floppy36.fs: Support for the system of floppy disks. * CD36.ISO A ISO mirror that can be easily available from the CD-ROM to start the SPARC system. * Miniroot36.fs can be Write the swap partition and then start. 4.3.1 - Make a disk on UNIX to make a formatted disk, you can use the fdformat (1) command to format and check the broken sector. # Fdformat / dev / rfd0c Format 1440K floppy `/ dev / rfd0c '(y / n):? y Processing VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV done if your system output and the example above, then this disc is no problem but if you do not see those.". V ", then this disc is broken, you have to try a new disc. Note: Many UNIX-Like systems use different commands when formatting the disk. Refer to your system documentation to do further Operation. Once you have a clean formatted disk, you can write to install the mirror to disk. Here, you can use the DD (1) program. Here there is an example of using the DD (1) command: # DD if = floppy36.fs of = / dev / rfd0c BS =

After 32K mirroring is written, check whether the copying mirror is the same as the source file with the CMP (1) command. If the floppy disk and the mirror are the same, you can see another prompt. # Cmp / dev / rfd0c floppy36.fs4. 3.2 - In this section of Windows / DOS Production Fan, this section will describe how to write mirrored mirrored in Windows / DOS. You can use the Tools folder in the ftp mirror site mentioned below, or CD1 in the OpenBSD CD suite The 3.6 / Tools folder gets the production tool. Prepare a floppy disk on MS-DOS / Windows, first using the system's own formatting command formatted floppy disk. You can use Rawrite, FDImage, or NTRW to write mounting mirroring Prepared floppy disk. Rawrite cannot be used on Windows NT, 2000 or XP. Note: FDIMAGE.EXE and RAWRITE.EXE are MS-DOS programs, which are limited by MS-DOS's "8.3" file naming rules. Due to floppyb36 .fs and floppyc36.fs have a longer file name, before using fdimage.exe or rawrite.exe to make your boot floppy disk, you can find how to name these files under "8.3 Format". Using Rawrite examples: C: /> rawrite raWrite 1.2 - Write disk file to raw floppy diskette Enter source file name: floppy36.fs Enter destination drive: a Please insert a formatted diskette into drive a: and press -ENTER-: Enter example using fdimage : C: /> fdimage -q floppy36.fs A: Using NTRW Example: C: /> NTRW Floppy36.fs A: 3.5 ", 1.44MB, 512 BYTES / SECTOR BUFSIZE IS 9216 1474560 BYTES WRITTEN4.3.3 - Making CD- ROM CD You can use the CD36.iso file to make the boot CD, or under the i386 platform, You can also use CDROM36.fs as a bootable floppy disk image (which can also be used to start the system from the CD-ROM). More details here will be used to use these tools according to their own situation. Some tools on OpenBSD: * MKHYBRID (8) * CDRecord, part of the CDRTools set in the OpenBSD ports system. 4.4 - Boot OpenBSD Installation Media Boot I386 Boots a startup image on the i386 PC platform to most people It is not unfamiliar. If you use a floppy disk, it is very simple, start the machine after placing the floppy drive, start the machine. Start the mirror will be loaded, remember to confirm that your BIOS is set from the floppy disk. If you want to CD startup, you must enter the system's BIOS and adjust the device option to make sure you can start from the CD. Some old bioses don't have these options, then you must use floppy to guide your installation mirror. Don't worry;

Even if you start from the floppy disk, you can still install it with a CD. You can also use the existing OpenBSD partition boot BSD.rd to install, or use the PXE launcher online. Start SPARC / SPARC64 Note: On the SPARC64 platform, Only the SBUS class machine (Ultra 1, ULTRA 2) can start from the floppy disk. If startup from the floppy disk, put the floppy disk containing the OpenBSD installation image into the floppy drive. Then use the following command to start: ok boot floppy If From the CD-ROM, it is good to put the OpenBSD CD-ROM disc in the drive. If your Sun has only one CD-ROM drive, you can see the 'boot cdrom': ok boot cdrom, you can see the startup interface. Only in the new command mode. If you are switched to the new command mode if you are in the old command pattern prompt (one to the right arrow), enter 'n' to switch to the new command mode. (If you are using old-fashioned SPARC, such as Pre -sun4c, you should have no new command mode. In this case, you should try a lot of ways.) If you have a variety of CD-ROM drives, choose the right way. in new In command mode Enter probe-scsi. OK Probe-SCSI Target 0 Unit 0 Disk Quantum Lightning 365S Target 1 Unit 0 Removable Disk Quantum Empire_1080s Target 3 Unit 0 Removable Disk Joe's CD-ROM Judgment Which disk is the CD-ROM drive you want to start . Note the tag number. OK boot /sbus/esp/sd@x, 04.5 - Perform installation 4.5.1 - Start installing no matter what you use to boot, now it is time. During the startup process, the kernel and all the installation The OpenBSD program will be loaded into memory. The most common problem when starting is to encounter damaged floppy disks or drive problems. Startup floppy is very good - any stain damage will cause problems. Any of the openbsd installation process Stage, you can terminate the current installation by pressing Ctrl-C, and can re-enter the installation at the shell prompt at the shell prompt without restart. You will see some text on the screen after you start. letter Interest. These words, all in many architectures are blue, this is Dmesg, the kernel will tell you which equipment, where, I have been found. Don't rush to remember these things, it will leave a backup to place /var/run/dmesg.boot. Under some architecture, Shift PGUP allows you to check the text information flashed on the screen. Then you will see this: rootdev = 0x1100 rrootdev = 0x2f00 rawdev = 0x2f02 ERASE ^? Werase ^ w, kill ^ u, intr ^ c, status ^ t (i) nstall, (u) pgrade or (s) hell? i here, we have encountered the first question. In most cases, you will watch To three options: * Install: Load OpenBSD into your machine, overwrite all things that are removed. Note: You can also make some partitions not changed during this process, such as / home, otherwise, all things will Covered. * Upgrade: Install a new kit on the machine, but does not overwrite the original configuration information, user data, or additional programs. The hard drive will not be formatted, / etc or / var folder will not be overwritten Some important considerations: o You will not see an option to install the etc36.tgz file. After installation, you must manually modify the change of ETC36.tgz in the system,

This will work full-featured. This is a very important step, otherwise some key services (such as PF (4)) may not start. O Upgrade process does not have a cross-distribution Version! It does not support this. OpenBSD 3.6 can only be upgraded to 3.6. If you have to upgrade an older version, you must make a complete reinstallation. * Shell: Sometimes, when the system is unable (or not This) When you guide a regular kernel, you need to modify and maintain the system. This option allows you to do some repairs for the system. Sometimes you don't see the "Upgrade" option. In the National Day (US) (US) May be the name of the release version, may not be directly upgraded.

You have to reinstall the system. Let's make an example of installing, the upgrade process is also very similar. Welcome to the openbsd / i386 3.6 install program. This Program Will Help You Install OpenBSD in A Simple and Rational Way. At Any prompt except password prompts you can run a shell command by typing '! foo', or escape to a shell by typing '!'. Default answers are shown in [] 's and are selected by pressing RETURN. At any time you can exit this program by pressing Control-C and then RETURN, but quitting during an install can leave your system in an inconsistent state Specify terminal type:. [vt220] Enter Do you wish to select a keyboard encoding table under [no] majority Enter circumstances? The default terminal type is very appropriate; but if you use a serial terminal to install, don't use the default, press the appropriate answer. If you don't choose a keyboard code, the US keyboard layout will be used. Is Your DATA BACKED UP? As with anything that modifies disk contents, this program can cause SIGNIFICANT data loss. It is often helpful to have the installation notes handy. For complex disk configurations, relevant disk hardware manuals and a calculator are useful. Proceed with install? [n o] y If you accept the default option here, the installation process will terminate, you will enter a shell operating environment. 4.5.2 - Setting the hard disk OpenBSD is a little difference in setting the hard disk under various platforms. I386 and MACPPC, setting hard disk only two steps. First, the openbsd occupied Slice is divided by fdisk (8), then this SLICE is divided into openbsd partition twice by DiskLabel (8). Some users may I am a bit confusing for some of the special terms here. The word "partition" we use it will have two words. This Observation is Correct. There are two layers in the partition under the OpenBSD platform, we can think that it is operational The system partition is that various operating systems identified which space on the hard disk belongs to them. The second layer is divided into separate file systems under OpenBSD. The first time is a hard disk partition by DOS, Windows, Or other operating system coexist on the IBM AT subsequent machine. The second layer partition can only be identified by OpenBSD and those operating systems that can directly read the OpenBSD file system. Cool! Let '

s get to it ... You will now initialize the disk (s) that OpenBSD will use. To enable all available security features you should configure the disk (s) to allow the creation of separate filesystems for /, / tmp, / var , / usr, and / home. Available Disks Are: WD0. Which One is the root disk? (or done) [WD0] Enter root disk is the disk that the system will start, usually the hard disk where the partition is located. The IDE hard drive is generally identified as WD0, WD1, et al., SCSI hard disk RAID device will be identified as SD0, SD1, so that all OpenBSD can be identified by the hard disk will be listed here - if your drive is not Identify, then your device should have no support or you have a wrong configuration for hardware. Do you want openbsd? [No] Enter If you answer "Yes" for this question, then The entire hard disk will be occupied by OpenBSD. This will create a standard MASTER BOOT RECORD. The partition table will also be written to the hard disk - the size of this partition is the size of the entire hard disk and will be set to OpenBSD. The partition type and label is launched. For most machines using OpenBSD, this is the most common choice; however, we can't do this for some systems. Many Compaq systems, many laptops, some DELL and other systems to use " Maintenance "or" Suspend to Disk "processing partitions so that it is intact. If there is other type of partition on your machine and you don't want to erase it, don't answer" Yes "in the above questions. The following example will To assume that this hard disk will be shared by OpenBSD and the existing Windows 2000, so we choose "NO" so we will enter fdisk (8). You can also get more about FDISK (8 ) Information. IMPORTANT NOTE :. Users with a large hard disk (larger than 8G on a newer i386, though on older machines and different platforms, often much smaller) will want to see this section before going any further You will now create a single MBR partition to contain your OpenBSD Data. This Partition Must Have An ID of 'A6'; Must * Not * OverLap Other Partitions; and Must Be Marked As The Only Active Partition. The 'Manual'

Command Describes All The Fdisk Commands in Detail. Disk: WD0 Geometry: 2586/240/63 [39100320 Sectrs] Offset: 0 Signature: 0xAa55 Starting Ending LBA Info: #: ID C H S - C H S [START: SIZE] - -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- * 0: 06 0 1 1 - 202 239 63 [63: 3069297] DOS> 32MB 1: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [0: 0] Unused 2: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 [0: 0] unused 3: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [0: 0] unuse enter 'Help' for information fdisk: 1> Help Help Command help list manual Show entire OpenBSD man page for fdisk reinit Re-initialize loaded MBR (to defaults) setpid Set the identifier of a given table entry disk Edit current drive stats edit Edit given table entry flag Flag given table entry as bootable update Update machine code in loaded MBR select Select extended partition table entry MBR print Print loaded MBR partition table write Write loaded MBR to disk exit Exit edit of current MBR, without saving changes quit Quit edit of current MBR, Saving Current Changes Abort Changes FDisk: 1> Here is necessary to explain: * R or reinit: Clear existing partition tables, build an OpenBSD partition throughout the hard drive, launched it to start And written to the OpenBSD MBR code. It is equivalent to the "Use * all * of ..." question "YES". * P or Print: Displays the current partition table. "PM" will be talge (

M) is displayed in units, "PG" will be displayed in units of Mist (G). * E or edit: Edit Partition table. * F or flag: Tagging a partition as a boot partition, then the machine will be from this Block partition startup. * U or update: Upgrade the MBR to OpenBSD startup code, the effect is similar to using "reinit", does not change the existing score table. * EXIT AND quit: pay attention to the use of these two commands, some Users use "exit" and "QUIT" to respond to what they mean. It is necessary to point out again here. This step will cause very serious information loss. If you are on a drive without any important data To make these operations, it is also quite valuable on this "can operate" drive, remember to make backup. There is a 1.5G partition on our drive (using FAT file system) Look at the information displayed above, we can see that Windows partitions occupy the end of the 202 cylinder from the drive. So, we have to assign the remaining space on the hard disk to OpenBSD, starting from the cylinder 203. You also The start sector of the OpenBSD 'can be calculated by adding the start sector (63) of the existing partition and its size (3069297) to 3069360. You can modify the planning of the cylindrical / stamp / sector of the drive or Just accept the recommended sector. As long as you think you feel easy; in this case, for a driver that already has a current partition, it is convenient to use the CHS format. If you are building this The first partition on the block hard disk will be more convenient to use the recommended sector. FDISK: 1> E 1 Starting ending lba info: #: ID C H S - C h s [start: size] ----- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 1: 00 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 [0: 0] Unuse Partition ID ('0' to disable) [0 - ff]: [0 ] (? For help) A6 do you wish to edit in chs mode? [0 - 258]: [0] 203 Bios Starting Head [0 - 239]: [0] ENTER BIOS STARTING SECTOR [1 - 63 ]: [0] 2585 Bios Ending Head [0 - 239]: [0] 239 Bios Ending Sector [1 - 63]: [0] 63 fdisk: * 1> P Disk: WD0 Geometry: 2586/240/63 [39100320 Sectors] Offset: 0 Signature: 0xAa55 Starting Ending LBA INFO: #: ID C H S - C H S [START: SIZE] --------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------- * 0: 06 0 1 1 - 202 239 63 [63: 3069297] DOS>

32MB 1: A6 203 0 1 - 2585 239 63 [3069360: 36030960] OpenBSD 2: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [0: 0] unused 3: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [0: 0] unused fdisk : * 1> PM Disk: WD0 Geometry: 2586/240/63 [19092 megabytes] Offset: 0 Signature: 0xaa55 Starting Ending LBA Info: #: ID C H S - C H S [START: SIZE] ----- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- * 0: 06 0 1 1 - 202 239 63 [63: 1499M] DOS> 32MB 1: A6 203 0 1 - 2585 239 63 [3069360: 17593M ] Openbsd 2: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 [0: 0M] Unused 3: 00 0 0 0-0 0 0 [0: 0M] unused fdisk: * 1> It is a very important point to avoid the first partition On the first track on the hard disk, in this example, it starts from the 63 sector. If an OpenBSD partition is established to start from the top 0 sector, the partition table will be launched by OpenBSD. Wipe it off. This system is still boot, but it is difficult to maintain it, this configuration is not conventional, and it is not supported. Note this time the prompt is more star ('*') to remind you that you have not saved modifications yet We entered the PM Seeing that we did not change the Windows partition, we successfully assigned the remaining space to OpenBSD, and the partition did not interlate. Everything is smooth, usually it is. There is a thing we have not done to start the partition sign as bootable So we can boot after the next restart: fdisk: * 1> f 1 partition 1 Marked Active. Fdisk: * 1> P Disk: WD0 Geometry: 2586/240/63 [39100320 Sectors] Offset: 0 Signature: 0xAa55 Starting Ending lba info: #: ID c h s - c h s [start: size] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 0: 06 0 1 1 - 202 239 63 [63: 3069297] DOS>

32MB * 1: A6 203 0 1 - 2585 239 63 [3069360: 36030960] OpenBSD 2: 00 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 [0: 0] unused 3: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [0: 0] unused FDISK: * 1> Now, we can save the modified: fdisk: * 1> W Writing MBR at Offset 0. WD0: No Disk Label FDISK: 1> Qcreating a Disklabel Next is to use DiskLabel (8) to assign openbsd partitions (Layer 2). Details using Disklabel (8) can be viewed in FAQ 14, Disklabel. Here is The Partition Information You Chose: Disk: WD0 Geometry: 2586/240/63 [39100320 Sectors] Offset: 0 Signature: 0xAA55 Starting Ending LBA Info: #: ID C H S - C H S [START: SIZE] ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 0: 06 0 1 1 202 239 63 [63: 3069297] DOS> 32MB * 1: A6 203 0 1 - 2585 239 63 [3069360: 36030960] OpenBSD 2: 00 0 0 0-0-0 0 [0: 0] unused 3: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0:. 0] unused You will now create an OpenBSD disklabel inside the OpenBSD MBR partition The disklabel defines how OpenBSD splits up the MBR partition into OpenBSD partitions in which filesystems and swap space are created The offsets used in the disklabel are ABSOLUTE, ie. relative to the start of the disk, NOT the start of the OpenBSD MBR partition disklabel:. no disk label WARNING:. Disk wd0 has no label You will be creating a new one # using MBR partition 1:. type A6 off 3069360 (0x2ed5b0 ) Size 36030960 (0x225c9f0) Treating sectors 3069360-39100320 As the openbsd portion of the disk. You can use the 'b' Command to change this. Initial Label Editor (Enter '

? Available Commands:? [cmnd] - this message or command specific Help. a [part] - add new partition. b - set openbsd disk boundaries. c [part] - Change Partition Size. D - set label to default. D [part] - delete partition. E - Edit Drive Parameters. G [B | D | u] - USE [B] iOS, [D] ISK OR [U] Ser Geometry.m - show Entire OpenBSD Man Page for Disklabel. m [Part] - MODIFY EXITING PARTITION. N [Part] - SET The Mount Point for A Partition. p [Unit] - Print Label. Q - Quit and Save Changes. R - Recalculate Free Space. S [PATH] - SAVE LABEL TO FILE. U - undo Last Change. W - Write Label to Disk. x - Toggle Expert Mode. x - EXIT WITHOUT SAVING CHANGES. Z - ZERO OUT Partition Table. Numeric Para Meters May Use Suffixes To Indicate Units: 'B' for Bytes, 'FOR KILOBYTES,' M 'For Megabytes,' G 'for Gigabytes Or No Suffix For Sectors (USUALLY 512 BYTES).'% The same, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Some of the commands here should explain: * P - Displays (prints) Display current DiskLabel, you can also use k, m or g to display kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes to display. * D - Clear existing DiskLabel, To cover the current OpenBSD partition to create a new default DiskLabel. When the hard disk has a Disklabel,

Or when the OpenBSD partition is re-divided - the old Disk Label is not deleted (it will cause conflicts) is very useful. * M - Modify the recorded record in Disklabel. Don't overestimate this command to give you Features. Even if it may change the size of the Diskl partition, it cannot change the file type on the drive. If you want to lose a lot of information, use this command to adjust the size of the existing partition is a good way. In your hard drive It is very important to perform SLICE division. The answer "How the answer is" what you need to do ". There is no unified answer between various applications. If you don't have any unified answers here. If you I haven't given your own system how to divide your system, see some discussion. On this machine, we gave the space for OpenBSD 17g. This is a big space, we can't use it much. So we don't need to use it. Minimal size. We are likely to have unused spaces on G, Kilobyte is too small. On the root partition, 'a' and 'b' must be established. If these two partitions are not The installer established is unable to continue. 'A' will be used as root file system (/) and 'b' will be used to exchange partitions. After thinking, we decided to establish enough partition to use it as recommended With each individual file system (/, / tmp, / var, / usr, / home), there is also a swap partition: * WD0A: / (root) - 150M. * WD0B: (SWAP) - 300M. * WD0D: / TMP - 120M. / TMP will be used to compile some software, 120M is still enough for most software. * WD0E: / var - 80m. If this system is using a Web or Mail server, we hope this The partition can be more bigger, but we don't plan to do this here. * WD0G: / usr - 2g. We hope that this partition can have enough space to store the user's application, if needed, you can pass the source here. The code upgrade or recompile the system. The Ports tree will also be placed here, and it will take up 100M space before the Ports tree. If you want to compile many applications through the source code instead of using the pre-Packages package , Then you have to stay in the distance here. * WD0H: / home - 4 G. This is used here. Now, if you add more than the above partition, you will see the space above 10G is taken! Blank space will not cause any problems, and it also gives us future expansion partitions It is convenient. Need more / TMP? No problem, create a new one in the blank partition, modify / etc / fstab, you can.> PM Device: / dev / rwd0c type: esdi disk: esdi / IDE disk label: ST320011A bytes / sector: 512 sectors / track: 63 tracks / cylinder: 16 sectors / cylinder: 1008 cylinders: 16383 total sectors: 39102336 free sectors: 36030960 rpm: 3600 16 partitions: # size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg] a: 17593.2 M 1498.7M unused 0 0 C: 19092.9m 0.0m Unused 0 0 I: 1498.7M 0.0M MSDOS> DA>

AA Offset: [3069360] 150M Rounding to Nearest Cylinder: 307440 FS Type: [4.2BSD] ENTER MOUNT POINT: [NONE] /> AB Offset: [3376800] ENTER Size: [33723520] 300M Rounding To Nearest Cylinder: 614880 FS Type: [3991680] ENTER Size: [35108640] 120M Rounding to nearest Cylinder: 245952 FS Type: [4.2BSD] ENTER MOUNT POINT: [NONE] / TMP> AE Offset : [4237632] Enter size: [34862688] 80M Rounding to nearest Cylinder: 164304 FS Type: [4.2BSD] ENTER MOUNT POINT: [NONE] / VAR> AG Offset: [4401936] ENTER Size: [34698384] 2G Rounding to nearest Cylinder: 4194288 FS Type: [4.2BSD] ENTER MOUNT POINT: [NONE] / USR> AH Offset: [8596224] Enter size: [30504096] 4G Rounding to nearest Cylinder: 8388576 FS Type: [4.2BSD] ENTER MOUNT POINT: [NONE] / home> PM Device: / dev / rwd0c type: ESDI Disk: ESDI / IDE DISK Label: ST320011A BYTES / SECTOR: 512 SECTORS / TRACK: 63 TRACKS / CYLINDER: 16 Sectors / Cylinder: 1008 Cylinders: 16383 Total Sectors: 39102336 Free Sectors: 3600 16 Partitions: # size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg] A: 150.1M 1498.7M 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # / b: 300.2m 1648.8M SWAP C: 19092.9m 0.0m Unused 0 0 D: 120.1M 1949.1M 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # / TMP E: 80.2M 2069.2M 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # / VAR G: 2048.0M 2149.4M 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # / usr h: 4096.0m 4197.4 M 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # / home i: 1498.7m 0.0m msdos> Q write new label ?: [y] Enter here you will see the C partition is skipped. This is your entire hard drive; don't expect To modify it. You will also find an I partition that we define;

This is the Windows 2000 partition already existing. Partitions are not defined as specific letters - except A (root), b (swap), and C (whole hard drive), the remaining partition (until the letter P) can be come Named. If you look closely, you will find that your drive's speed is wrong. This is a long-awaited question; this system (partition tool?) Never display the speed of the drive. But this is nothing Relationship. Configuring your file system hanging in point and format it is now the last configuration of the mount point. If you use DiskLabel (8) to configure the mount point, the steps here are to confirm your choice; otherwise Change it here. The root filesystem will be mounted on wd0a. WD0B WILL BE Used for Swap Space. Mount Point for WD0D (SIZE = 122976k), NONE OR DONE? [/ TMP] Enter Mount Point for WD0E (SIZE = 82152K) NONE OR DONE? [/ var] Enter Mount Point for WD0G (SIZE = 2097144K), NONE OR DONE? [/ usr] Enter Mount Point for WD0H (size = 4194288k), NONE OR DONE? [/ home] Enter Mount Point ? for wd0d (size = 122976k), none or done [/ tmp] done Done - no available disks found You have configured the following partitions and mount points:. wd0a / wd0d / tmp wd0e / var wd0g / usr wd0h / home The next Step Creates A FileSystem on Each Partition, Erasing Existing Data. Are You Really Sure That You '


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