Common computer suspicion

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  57

★ ★ Q: WSLI Hello, my computer has recently encountered some problems, such as blue screen, lack DLL file, etc. After you ask the master, they let me release the Windows 98 system file to solve this problem, but how should I release the Windows 98 system file? A: Release system file is a relatively effective way, many friends need to use the Windows 98 installation dish to release the CAB file to solve the problem when using the issues that use the system. Double-click the "Explorer" or "My Computer" that contains the CAB compression package that you need to release the system file. Windows 98 will open a separate window for the compressed package, select the system file you want to release and drag it. To the target directory. If you don't understand files that need to be released, you can use the "System File Checker" of Windows 98 to restore system files to resolve problems.

1. Open "Programs → Accessories → System Tools → System Information" in the Start menu, if you do not install the system tool when you install Windows 98, you should install it first.

2. Select the System File Inspector in the Tools drop-down menu and pop up a window.

3. Here, in addition to checking, scanning existing system files, can release the system files required from the Windows 98 installation disks in accordance with the user's requirements, and it will automatically install all of the CABs in the disc. Compressed packages for searching to find the files required by the user. There is no need to master the system file to be released in which the CAB compression package is stored in the end.

Q: You can see a "web folder" under Windows 98 "Resource Manager", but after replacing the operating system into Windows ME, it is found that there is no "web folder" under "Resource Manager", which is Windows Me. Do not support? A: As long as the IE version on the system is above 5.0, there will be this "web folder" function, and Windows Me still supports "Web Folders", but its setting is somewhat different from Windows 98. If you want to add "Web Folders" under Windows Me, open "Online Neighbors" on the desktop, select "Add the online neighbor" command, enter the location of the web folder you need to add in the network neighborhood, press "Next", take a simple and easy to book, you can press it.

★ Network and software issues Q: I use Windows Media Player to watch, when I listen to some network streaming media, I often have interrupted and renewal, and there is a buffered prompt information. Is there any way to make the playback process more smooth? A: All streaming documents must be buffered before playback. When network blockage causes a data stream interruption, the player can make up for these intervals using information in the buffer. When the network is abnormal, it will generate an interrupt because the buffer has been empty and does not receive new information. We can solve this problem by appropriately increasing the buffering time, click the "Tools" command, click the "Performance" tab in the Options dialog, select "Buffer Time" in Network Buffer, then appropriate Add buffer time.

Q: WSLI, how can I make a media playlist in Windows Media Player? A: First click "New Playl" in the Media Library to name the playlist. Then select this playlist, open the folder where the media file is stored, and drag these files to the playlist window. If you want to export this playlist, you can select the "Export to the File" command in the File menu, and the exported playlist can be read from Winamp, Super Solver, RealPlayer. Q: I have used the Windows 2000 system, recently and other computers, and found that each partition is already shared when setting up, but in the "network neighbor", it can not see, only "New Sharing" can Really shared, I tried to delete the sharing, but it turned into sharing after restarting, what happened? A: After you install the NIC, Windows 2000 is indeed the default hidden sharing of each partition, but you can also completely delete the sharing by modifying the registry, first build a double-byte value under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM CURRENT CONTROLSETSEVICESANSERVER PARAMETERS", name For "autosharewks" (if it is a Server or the high-level Server version is autoshareserver), it is possible to take the value of 0.

Q: I don't know why, after I installed MSN Messenger in Windows 2000, I will automatically activate MSN every time Outlook Express. How do WSLI release MSN's binding to Outlook Express? A: We can release the binding by modifying the registry. Open "Notepad" or other text editor, enter the following:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY-CLASSES-ROOT / CLSID / {FB7199AB-79BF-IIB2-8D94-0000F875C541} / localserver32] @ = ''

When "Save", set the "Save Type" to "All files (*. *)", Then name the "File Name" to stopMessenger.reg, and click the "Save" button to exit the text editor. Find and double-click the file stopmessenger.reg, the prompt to write the registry, press "Yes" to write.

Q: I just installed a Windows XP system, but a dialog appeared in one opening of the C drive or other disc said: "The script of the current page has an error", how can I solve this problem? A: Windows checks if there is file Desktop.ini when displaying the folder content, this file often specifies the file Folder.htt, which can customize the appearance of the display through these two files. Possible misuse, these two files are damaged. In addition, the very popular VBS / KJ virus is dedicated to the infection system and spread after rewriting the two files. This virus generates a file kernel.dll in the Windows folder and loads when the system is started, and the two files are copied in each folder to propagate, resulting in a slow system reaction. A free special killing tool is available on the website of Jinshan Taxi, Panda Guardians. If you are cleared, open the registry, remove the "kernel32 = / kernel.dll" in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / CURRENTVERSION / RUN", then select "Start → Search → File and Folder", Search with Keyword Desktop.ini and Folder.htt, search and delete all files found and removed, then restart your computer. Note: The two files in the / Windows / Web folder cannot be displayed in a web mode after being deleted, and the two files can be copied from other normal machines. 

Q: Recently, I recently install the two operating systems of Windows Me and Windows XP (for the former in the D disk, the latter in the C drive), the system is running, but in the installation of Jinsawa 2003 Shared Edition and Orient Express 2003 There will be "installation engine startup failure, not supported", unable to install, I don't know how to solve it, I hope to point to maze! A: The Jinshan Word 2003 indicates that it does not support the Windows ME system. However, if Windows XP cannot be installed is an MSI installer, now a lot of software installations are not exe format but MSI format. MSI is a script file that actually runs the script file is "msiexec.exe", which is why all problems. Need to install the instimsiw.exe file (at can be downloaded), instimsiw.exe is a compressed package, including all the files required to run MSI, run The problem can be solved.

★ Software ★ Q: When the computer starts, the error prompt of "Insufficient registry space" will appear when entering the Windows system. After determining, use it as usual, there is no different, how should I solve this problem? A: This is because your memory capacity is too small, and you have too much software installed, some software will automatically load some data to the registry when booting, which causes the information volume of the boot to read the registry. If your memory capacity is too small, there is of course an error prompt. We can reduce the programs loaded at startup by deleting some software or prohibiting some boot auto-start programs, or to "System Properties → Advanced", select the "Settings" button in performance, then "Advanced → Change" Open Virtual Memory Adjustment Window to increase the capacity of virtual memory. Of course, the best way is to physically increase memory capacity.

Q: IE icon on the desktop is gone, how do I recover it? A: If you use the 5.0 or 5.5 version of IE, then go to the Control Panel → Internet Options → Advanced, and then "display Internet Explorer" on the desktop "is selected. If it is the IE6 version, you can click Right-click on the desktop blank, select "Attributes → Desktop → Custom Desktop", select the "Internet Explorer" option to restore the desktop IE icon under the regular tab. Q: I use the Windows 2000 system, "program error, WinMgmt.exe, generated error, will be turned off by Windows," I have done it, but it still repeats. Reinstall or not, how do I solve it? A: Winmgmt.exe is running as a service in Windows 2000, the Winmgmt.exe (CIM Object Manager) and Knowledge Base is WMI two main components, while WMI is an indispensable part of Windows 2000. . You can fix WinMgmt.exe by reinstalling Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 can be downloaded at

★ Network ★ Q: When I installed IE6.0, prompt "The installer cannot download the component you need, make sure you have connected to the Internet, or later re-run the installer." But I am in connection with the network, what is the reason? A: This way is connected to the Microsoft Download Site, and the installation is not very stable while the side load is not very stable. It may not be able to connect to Microsoft's download sites. It is recommended that you do not use this network installation. You can download the IE6 all installer directly from other download sites, and then install it locally.

Q: When I was chatting with my friends, I received a friend's back information, and I was a website name and a few slogans. I didn't think about thinking. It is a music network, but I will click on QQ. When other friends, this website name and related letter will be automatically issued, and some of my friends have such a phenomenon. I later tried to delete the record of the Internet, looking for keywords in the registry, even a new version of QQ is also no. Still is just a little avatar information will be automatically issued, which makes me very upset. A: You have a Trojan virus - love forest virus! It has a feature that makes changes to the chat software. Since it has a variety of types, it is more cumbersome to handle it. It is recommended that you use the love forest killing tool to kill, can be downloaded.

Q: I have a new wave enterprise mailbox. Outlook installed in the computer, but every time I receive a letter at home, the email can be received, and I haven't received it online. I have to go to my Outlook, except Send it again, do I have other ways? A: Some, we just have to set the mail transceiver software to keep the mail copy on the server. In OE, select "Accounts → Properties → Advanced", and then "reserve a copy of the server" can be selected. In Foxmail, select the account that needs to be retained, click "Accounts → Properties → Receive Mail", and then "keep backups on the mail server" can be selected. Q: The unit's computer has a fixed IP, but the system often pops up the "IP Service" dialog box when Internet access, most of which are useless advertisements, how do you ban them? A: Select "Run" in the Start menu, then enter "Net Stop Messenger" to stop the messenger service, so others can't receive it when you send you a message. When you want to recover, use the command "Net Start Messenger" to recover your letter.

WSLI Tips There is a memory function in Word in Word. By default, it records the four documents that are recently opened in the file menu. If you want to delete them and do not let Word have this feature, you can open the Tools menu, select Options, then click the "General" tab, remove the "Number of All Files" option, you can Memory Function is removed. In Excel, this method is still passing, but "lists the number of all files" changes to "recently used file list".

Q: I have a dial-up window in the desktop after receiving the email. After the re-establishment of all connections in the dial-up network, the dial-up window will still appear, and the KV3000 anti-virus is invalid. What is the problem? How to set up this situation? A: Since WSLI doesn't know how software is used to collect emails, WSLI here is the most commonly used Foxmail as an example, give you a solution. Start Foxmail, then select "Option" at the top, click "Network" in the pop-up selection box, change the network connection to "Manual Connection", then click "OK" to launch Foxmail. You can then open the Control Panel in the Start menu, select Network -> Internet Options, set the network connection to "Never dial-up connection", then click "OK" to save. Follow the above ways, you will not see the problem with the dial-up connection automatically jump out.

Q: I used the cat's dial-up online, when I wanted to disconnect, I wanted to disconnect, but turned off all the programs, but turned on the dial-up state and pressed the disconnection, but did not respond. I will directly select the shutdown, not by power supply but by the start menu, it seems that there is a prompt. Later, I got the phone line and successfully turned off. But unfortunately, when I turned on one day, the window only stayed on the screen that detected memory capacity, it was dead. I guess is a problem that the cat is out, so unloading the cat is successful. Can you fix it, or buy a cat again? A: Because you are manually unplugging the phone line, and there is electricity on the telephone line, so it is possible to damage the kitten. At the same time, because you have forcibly unplug the phone line, it is also possible to bring a lot of damage to the kitten in the system, you can try it first try the system. After waiting for the system to install it, try the kitten and try it. If you have the same problem, you can try the kitten to try another machine, so that it can be determined whether it is a systematic problem or a kitten hardware problem, find If you have any questions you can decide your own way. Q: After I am online, I found that I was automatically reserved in the URL in the IE address bar, I was automatically retained in the drop-down box in the address bar. If there is any way to clear these URL records, and how to enter the URL in the future Can you avoid the URL being recorded? A: If you don't want to leave traces when you enter the URL, press the "Ctrl O" key button when entering the URL, then enter the URL in the pop-up address bar. There is another way to implement the URL is not recorded, and it will not appear in the History bar. Click the "Run" command in the Start menu, enter the "START URL" in the "Run" dialog. For example, enter "start", press the back key. For the issue of clearing the historical URL, you can email "History" in the "Start" menu -> Settings "->" Control Panel "->" Internet Options ".

Q: Is there any way to uninstall the IE under Windows 98? A: Due to the connection of Windows98 and later operating systems and IE, it is generally difficult to disassemble them, but the method is still there, please follow the following method to operate step by step:

1. Turn off all applications, click the Start button, select Settings, select Control Panel, double-click Add / Remove Programs icon.

2. In the Install / Uninstall tab, click Microsoft Internet Explorer and Internet Tools, and then click the Add / Delete button.

3. Select the "Restore previous Windows Configuration" radio box, click the Advanced button, in "Restore the previously installed and the Windows Components selected below", list the components to be recovered, select the components you want to uninstalled Click the "OK" button, the system starts to uninstall Internet Explorer. After completion, the system prompts to restart Windows, click Restart Windows button, after the system is restarted, update the system settings, and the settings are successful.

WSLI Tip: Do not directly delete their directory and files directly when you uninstall Internet Explorer and Internet, otherwise you will not be able to restore the previous Windows configuration.

Q: I often see a variety of Flash animations online, I really want to learn a few tricks in my own web page. However, since these animation files are generally encrypted, they can only see the results, and they don't know how they are made. Is there a software to decrypt? I hope that WSLI can help me. A: Here I introduce excellent Flash animation crack software - DEFLASH, I tried this software, the general encryption Flash file can decrypt, and the speed is very fast. And this gadget can protect the protected Flash animation. SWF, so that you can import it in the Flash environment. Below, I will explain how to use it. After opening the software, click "Open File", select a file to break the protected file, select the target location and file name you want to save. After confirming, the software begins to break out. If the speed is very fast, a file is not solved one minute, of course, how much time is related to the frame. Q: There is often a very exciting flash animation, but if you want to have it, it is more difficult, usually my approach is to open a web page with Flash animation, then look for  on the hard drive. SWF files and saved. This is too much trouble. Is there any more convenient and practical ways WSLI? A: In fact, you can use the network ant to save the flash animation: Open Netants, click the "Netants Settings" dialog box, click the "Auto Action" tab, "capture the type of file" Add the "SWF" type. After you find your favorite Flash animation file, just click on the link, you can easily download it through the network ant.

Q: I recently just installed ADSL, so I learned what questions should I pay attention to using the ADSL MODEM? A: I will tell you in detail below. First, the ADSL line cannot be extension, the phone can only be taken from the separator Phone port, otherwise the ADSL stops; the second is that the connector on the line must be connected, especially the joints inside your house, if oxidation Timely replacement; third, if the telephone line is too long from the telecommunications branch box, the parallel line should be changed to twisted pair, improve the line anti-interference ability; fourth is the voltage change range of the ADSL MODEM's power adapter. Limited, if the fluctuation of the power supply is intense, it will cause the line; the fifth is that ADSL is sometimes interference from the weather, such as heavy rain, etc., users need to avoid this situation; Sixth, MODEM should keep dry and ventilated, avoid water Keep clean and thunderstorms, you must unplug the Modem power and all connectors to avoid damage to lightning; if the modem can't be too high, don't place it on the PC chassis, if you have a long time to make the modem temperature is always too high, you can Consider placing the Modem to facilitate heat dissipation. Ok, you can easily use it.

Q: I now have three computers, an ADSL line, how can I set it to implement three simultaneous Internet access, and what kind of equipment do you need? A: The premise for the ADSL shared Internet is: with routed ADSL MODEM, 3 NICs and 1 HUB. After you have the above equipment, you first go to the Telecommunication Bureau to open the Route function of the ADSL Modem, then connect the line on the modem that opens the route, and then connects the modem on the HUB, then the remaining machines are set up the IP address, gateway and DNS. Afterwards, the shared ADSL is entered online again through the NIC. WSLI Recommended: Buy the ADSL MODEM with Raise Routing, which is widely used in this brand, and easy to set up. Q: Our dormitory consists of more than ten computers, I applied for a 1M ADSL broadband Internet access. Since we form a local area network, some people always like to download a lot of movies, so that I have no bandwidth available. Forgot to say, I use the shared Internet service comes with Windows XP, because I have to provide services to others, so I want to ban those who like to download people, do you have any ways or software to implement My purpose? A: You can use a proxy software called ccProxy and then use e-border. However, this is more troublesome, and the server is high, it is easy to cause a low-configuration server crash, while sysgate and wingate are not easy, and the shared Internet of Windows XP can not be limited, so WSLI recommends you. The easiest way is to install a network firewall, which will be able to stop these people's IP addresses and related services. This method is also the simplest and direct way.

Q: Since our school starts using the real IP mode, we are divided into an IP address, so in order to share resources with others, I opened an FTP. Because I was afraid of some people's attacks, I opened the firewall that comes with Windows XP in the network settings, and launched the Tianwang firewall. When I am online, I have access to the web, but others can't access my FTP, even if I have closed the Internet, I don't do it, what is the reason? A: This is the case, in fact, because you have used the firewall that comes with Windows XP, even if you turn off the Tianwang firewall, the firewall comes with Windows XP is still working, so others can still have access to your FTP. . You can set it slightly to let others visit your FTP. The specific procedure is as follows:

1. Double-click the Network Connection icon, click "Properties" -> Support.

2. Top the firewall option and enable FTP services and 21 this default port service in "Advanced".

System Category: My machine is originally installed in Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP Professional two operating systems. Windows 2000 Server is installed in Windows 2000 partitions due to needs. After the system is installed, restart the machine. After booting the selection operating system list is also, select Windows 2000 Server no problem, when you choose Windows XP, the screen flashes all. What is this? Can I make Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000 Server peacefully coexist on my machine? A: The reason for Windows XP cannot start is mainly due to the installation of Windows 2000, the two startup files of Windows XP are caused by Windows 2000, which is NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM, which are located under the C root . Under Windows 2000, put the Windows XP installation CD into the CD-ROM drive, then enter the I386 directory of the disc, you can find two files for NTLDR and, copy them to C: / Under, you can restore Windows XP. Q: I will jump out a dialog in a time, "Load C\windows\Downlo19cnsmin.dll, I can't find the specified module", what is this? I don't want to delete it. How can I recover? A: CNSMIN.dll file is a file added to the Windows system directory after installation of the network real name plug-in. May be due to damage or loss of the file, and the network real name plug-in needs to start automatically running with Windows, so the boot error will appear. You can reinstall the network real name to solve the problem, or enter "msconfig" in "Start → Run", and it is possible to ban "cnsmin" in the startup.

Q: Can the Media Player with Windows XP can play DVD? When I play it with it, I will prompt the computer that there is no compatible DVD decoding. How can I do if my Media Player can play DVD? A: If you use Media Player8, press Play VCD mode to play DVD, of course, you must have a DVD drive. If you still play normally, you can open the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / MediaPlayer / Player" key in the registry, add a string value [enabledvdui] on the "settings" right window, and the numerical data is "Yes".

If you use Media Player9, it itself has the function of playing DVD. If an error prompt occurs when you put a DVD, it is because you don't have the DVD decoder. Generally, when purchasing a DVD drive, a DVD player PowerDVD will be attached, as long as it is installed, Media Player is installed on the DVD decoder.

Web Quest: My Foxmail has been used very well, but recently can't send and receive emails, always prompts SOCK5 error, how do I solve this problem? A: This fault has occurred, and it is estimated that the agent is set in Foxmail. Select "Options → System Settings → Agent" in the Foxmail main window, and then cancel the proxy item.

Q: I use a local area network broadband access. I have recently seen a lot of articles that turn personal computers into web servers, and I want to put their websites in their own computer to let everyone visit. But although everything is going on in text, the name of the bundle domain that uses the application can always visit my webpage. Will I do wrong? A: Generally, the bundle domain name provided by a personal computer can only support public IP access users without support intranet access users. You are a local area network sharing Internet access, which belongs to the intranet user, so those domain names cannot be dynamically parsed. We can use port mapping methods to solve this problem. First, you need to get the right to use the computer used to share the Internet server, then open the Control Panel on that computer, enter the Administration Tool → Internet Information Services, open "Local Computer →" on the left side of the pop-up window Website → Default Website ", right-click on which click the Properties window, select the" Main Directory "tab, select the" Content Source "of the" Connect to the resource "radio to" shared on another computer ", and specified below Use the local area network in your computer and website to store the directory. This way, this port mapping is done.

Network Cory: I found a problem when I downloaded online. When I download some web pages on the website, I often have an error message dialog box. When the dialog is closed, all open webpages are immediately closed, I don't know what it is. the reason. So I upgraded IE to IE6.0, the error did not appear again, but when using the "Ctrl Enter" shortcut, it is not WWW. with. COM automatically adds, but adds WWW. with. CO. CN, how can I change it? A: The previous version of IE often has an error problem, there are many reasons, which is due to poor security and stability. As for the "Ctrl Enter", WWW. And can be resolved by registry. Open the registry, expand the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main / URLTemplate" branch, then you can see 6 names "1", "2", ... "6" strings at the URLTemplate branch. Value, set the key value "WWW.% S.CO.COM" to "WWW.%".

Q: I opened a ringtone download site when I was internetted. Later, I found this website forced as my homepage, like a ghost, I can't change it. With the help of a friend, I have modified the registry. This website is not seen, but then found that the error message of the registry editor will appear every time you turn it on: "You can't introduce c\windows\win.dll Open files Error, may be a disk or file system error. "How to solve it? A: Enter "Msconfig" in "Start → Run", open the system configuration utility, find the "WIN" item under the launch tab, point to "regedit -sc: /windows/win.dll", this command is Automatically import a registry script file in the background, because this registry script file is deleted by you, so you will have the failure you describe. We can solve the problem as long as we prohibit it.

System Software Category: I set up a administrator account called Lili under Windows XP, and then I have been using this account, but now I want to use the Administrator account, I can't choose the account, I can use the Administrator account. ? A: Under Windows XP, if a new non-restricted user (computer administrator) is established, the login entry of the Administrator super user will not appear when logging in to the computer next time. When we must use the Administrator account to log in, you can use the following method: First, log in with an existing computer administrator (such as "Lili"), then open "Control Panel", under the "Category" view, click " Performance and Maintenance → Administrative Tools → Computer Management (If you find "Management Tools" directly in the "Classic View" window, you can find "Computer Management" and double-click Computer Management. Double-click "Local User and Group", then click User, see it, the Administrator account is here. Disclose or delete the "LILI" account (ie the current computer administrator account). There should be a red fork number before the "Lili" account after disabling. This will log in with the Administrator account when restarting your computer. There is also a way: enter the "Control Panel → User Account → Change User Login or Logging Method", and remove the tick before "Welcome Screen", then enter the username and password to log in to Windows. In this way, you can log in to the system at the Administrator account as long as you enter the account name "Administrator" and the corresponding password when logging in. However, if this is noteworthy, you can't see the beautiful login interface of Windows XP.

Q: My computer is always used for a while, there is two or more intelligent ABC input method, which only has a role, there is no other, but can't go, do you want to cause what is caused? of? How should I remove them? A: The reason for the existence of multiple input method status is generally caused by multiple programs simultaneously using the intelligent ABC input method, and an example shows: When you use smart ABC input text while you are using smart ABC, Use smart ABC to chat with your friends on QQ. Generally, if you send a message normally then back to the Notepad, then the smart ABC status strip on QQ will automatically disappear, but if you don't send a message, but click "Cancel Send", then QQ This intelligent ABC status will have been retained, even if you are not in the state of chat. The method of solving is simple, that is, once again open the window that has used that does not work (as the example is the QQ chat window above), so that the original dead input method will be reacting , We only need to switch the intelligent ABC to English, and that input method status is canceled.

Q: I used the hard disk to clone Windows 98 on others, ready to install this hard drive into my computer, but I can't open the last step, the cursor stops in that place, how to solve it? A: This problem will have occurred using cloning Windows 98, because all configurations and drivers in the system are set by others, and your computer hardware configuration is not the same, this will start The program is incompatible. Therefore, it is best to install Windows 98 in a regular method, and clone is only available between the same configuration.

Q: After Windows Server 2003 is released, I installed it for the first time. Every time you turn off the system, you need to enter the relevant annotations of the shutdown. This is very troublesome of me. Is there any way to cancel this shutdown event tracking? A: Windows Server 2003 is turned off when you need to enter a shutdown, if you want to cancel it, you can implement it by editing system policies. Enter the gpedit.msc command in the Start → Run dialog to enter the Group Policy Editor operation window. Select Computer Configuration → Management Templates → System in the left window, double-click "Display Close Event Tracking" in the right window, select "Disabled" in the pop-up window. Q: My computer has a little problem. I installed Windows Me. When opening "Windows Installer" adding a delete program, the computer prompt "Rundll32 has an error (Setupx.dll), Rundll32 is about to close." Trouble helps. A: It is estimated that you use some registry optimization software for Windows 98, clear the login file that should not be cleared. It is necessary to know that some registry software that apply to Windows 98 is not necessarily suitable for use on Windows me. Because the destroyed place is more than one, it is difficult to recover manually. It is recommended that you reinstall the system to solve the problem. In addition, we have collected the missing registry files into a reg file, you only need to download it at, then double-click the file into the registry, restart the computer can.

Q: When the computer is sleeping, I am surprised to find the performance choice of Windows task management, I found that the CPU usage is always 100%! I have not run any program, what is this? I am using Windows XP. A: The Windows 2000 / XP system has built-in cooling energy-saving functions. When the computer enters the sleep state, the CPU will always send HTL instructions to themselves to test the adjustment CPU temperature, so the CPU is actually not idle. The usage rate of the CPU is of course 100%. But please feel relieved, this is a normal phenomenon.

Q: There is a big problem today: Right-click on the desktop, there is no reaction, and there will be shortcut menu in normal circumstances. How should I recover? A: It should be that the key value to limit the right mouse button is added to the registry. Open the "Registry Editor", find the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies / Explorer" branch, see if there is a primary key called "NoviewContextMenu", it is the culprit of the desktop unable to use the right click, will Delete the restart of the machine to resolve.

Q: I have the following dialog box when installing or uninstalling certain large software: The title is "unprocessed exception situation", and the "error number is: 0x80070725) Description: The version of the RPC placeholder program is not compatible, the installer is immediately Stop! "For example, I will appear when I installed" Oriental Guardian 2003 ", I hope to give a reply, thank you! A: RPC means "Remote Call Programs", mainly used to forward application functions to remote systems over the network. System Warning "RPC placeholder program is not compatible", which is generally issued by network component programs related to the system. It is prone to this problem:

1. The network function in the new program installed is conflicted with Windows 98. For example, Jinshan Taxi, Oriental Guardians have new network firewall features, please install Microsoft released patch: http://download/msninvestor/patch/1.0/win98/en-us/mcrepair.exe. 2. Install the game with network features. In order to speed up the speed of the online game, many game design uses a large number of RPC support functions, and many of the Windows 98 users do not have such a system file. If you are an error, install DirectX 8 or above, and configure the network protocol correctly.

3. An error occurred while installing OFFICE. Do not install a firewall, network virtual optical drive, etc. before installation.

Q: I want to insert Flash animation in PowerPoint, but I don't know how to do it. Is it necessary to plugin? A: We can use controls to insert Flash animations. After opening PowerPoint, click Menu "View → Toolbar → Control Toolbox", click Other Controls in the Control Toolbox, find "ShockWave Flash Object", click on it, the mouse becomes "ten" glyphs. Use the mouse to drag a rectangle on the page, right click on the rectangle, select "Properties" in the shortcut menu, then select "Custom" in the Properties window, click the omit number, in the "Properties Page" window appearing Fill the name of the Flash file after "Movie URL", click "OK". It should be noted that flash animations and slides should be placed under the same folder, otherwise, fill in the full path when filling the file name.

Q: When you see some good webpages, you want to print some area, but a printing will print all the entire page. Is there any way to print only the part of it? A: It is very good, just use the mouse to select the area you need to print, so that they are in the blue-eyed white word, then right-click, select "Print". At this time, the printer print setting menu will pop up, and "all" will be changed to "Selected" in the Page Range option. This only prints the area you choose.

Q: My company just formed a WINDOWS 98 LAN (20 users), suddenly there was no display in the online neighbor (prompt to access the network), but in communication with the ping command. "Run" in the "Start" menu can access any machine, and you can share the Internet. Is there a solution? A: There is an unable to access the LAN, which is generally caused by the following two reasons.

1. No file and print sharing services are not properly installed. Right-click the "Network" icon on the desktop, select "Properties", click "Add" button in the open window, then select "Services", select "Select the file on the Microsof network in" Network Service "window with printer sharing ". After the installation is complete, a "file and printer sharing" item will be made in the network service list, open its properties, and select "Allow other users to access my file" check box, restart the computer after the installation is complete.

2. If the file and print sharing service have been properly set, the problem still exists, then it may be due to the identity confirmation when you log in to the system. The Windows 98 computer will appear a login window when starting, if you press the "ESC" button or click the "Cancel" button to skip the user login dialog box, you will say what you said. As long as you press the Enter key or click "OK" button to enter the problem.

Q: My computer is installing Windows 2000 system, and then installed Windows Me, Windows 2000 is put on the D disk, I am formatted with the C drive, the E disk is not moving. After reloading Windows Me, after being installed, only Windows Me is started at a time, there is no Windows 2000, and there have been three partitions (C, D, E) now become two (c, D), the hard disk capacity has a few GB. I confirm that Windows 2000 is still, but I can't find it, I can't find it. How can I solve? A: Since Windows Me does not recognize the existing Windows 2000 system, you cannot automatically set the dual system to the system when installing, so Windows Me will cover the Windows 2000 boot files after installation, resulting in the computer that does not enter when the computer is started. Windows 2000. Here we just create a dual system startup menu. As for a partition in Windows Me, this partition is the partition where Windows 2000 is located, which may be converted into NTFS format when installing Windows 2000, and Windows Me cannot identify this partition format, so it will There is a small partition. First use the partition magician PartitionMagic to translate the partitioned by the Windows 2000 by NTFS to the FAT32 format, and then restore the dual boot menu. The method is as follows: In the BIOS, the startup order is adjusted to the CD-ROM boot, and then the Windows 2000 installation disc is placed in the optical drive. After the installer is automatically loaded, the system will ask you to reinstall or fix, do not need it, directly exit . Finally, in the BIOS, the startup order is changed to the hard drive, restart the computer, and you will see the familiar multi-system boot menu. Then you find the boot.ini file under Windows 2000, delete the unrelated option (ie, deleting the last tapped string) is OK. Finally, I have to do some kind of work: I will delete the temporary file (with "$") when the "false" installation is removed. After doing these, you can restart your computer. Q: I use FinalData to restore some previously deleted files, but some file I hope that they can't be recovered after being deleted. How do I completely delete these files thoroughly? A: After the file is completely deleted, it is actually not deleted on the hard disk, just the hard disk track of this file is stored, waiting for the overwrite of other new files, which is why FinalData's software can recover the principle. Know that this principle, we only need to add some new files to the place to overwrite, then recovery software is not powerful. Also use some data destruction software can also achieve effect, such as Safeearse, etc.

Q: I saw the question of WSLi's previous answers about QQ to automatically send some websites. I have recently encountered this problem, but I used Jinshan's "Love Forest" killing tool to kill, but did not work. Is there any other way? A: Recently, WSLI often receives this type of problem, and some symptoms are also manifested automatically every other time. Since the "love forest" special killing tool does not completely solve it, I will recommend another solution here. That is to use "QQ message sender special killing tool" to kill QQ message transmitter nature of the virus, it is only One by one for Trojan.qqpassRecoder, QQMSG, and QQ.Webauto, etc. QQ message transmitter nature virus. I tried it, the effect is not bad, basic can solve the current viruses that currently send messages for QQ. The background monitor of other anti-virus software is retracted before use. Friends in need can download this software at Q: When I add some websites to the favorites, if I first add, I will see a website my own icon, can't take long, I will become the same icon with IE. . Many websites have their own icons after adding to the favorites, very nice. It will not be a long time. How do you let those good-looking icons? A: When you add this website to your favoriol, the small icon file will also be saved to a web page. If you use IE's default settings, only these temporary files are 20 days, then 20 days later With the deletion of the temporary file, the small icon of this website is of course gone. If you want to make it forever, you can open the properties window of the Favorites URL. Click "Change Icon" to manually change the icon, so that the icon will not disappear.

Q: I am using the Windows XP system, I have selected "I have used password protection when recovery", but it is no longer any effect. When the screen saver, you will end the keyboard or mouse will end the screen saver, and there is no window that allows you to enter your password! Answer: Under Windows XP, only "Use password protection when recovery" does not work. Click the "Power" in the monitor power, select "Advanced" in the power option property window, will "Enter the password when the computer is restored from the standby status," can be selected. In addition, Windows XP's screensaver password and Windows 9x are also different. The password cannot be set up, and can only open the user password when the system is logged in.

Q: I have installed Windows XP, but I found it not set access to the shared file as Windows 2000. Some files in the work must only let some people view. I use the Professional version, why can't you? A: If you want to implement Windows XP setting Sharing folder access, you must meet three conditions. First, the system must have a Windows XP Professional version, and the other is that the drive letter where the shared file must be NTFS file format, and the third is "My Computer → Tools → Folder Items → View" will select "Use simple files by default" " Share "option is removed. Meet the three conditions, sharing folder access rights can play effect.

Q: Can Windows XP enter the DOS state? How should I get pure DOS? A: Regular method is not allowed to enter the DOS state, because Windows XP is not DOS-based. However, Windows XP does support an environment that imitates the DOS command line, where we can run most of the DOS commands, and even the game software under many DOS can also run, it is the recovery console of Windows XP. First put the Windows XP installation disk into the CD drive, then enter "f: /i386winnt32.exe/cmdcons" in the run, and f indicate the light drive letter. After confirming, start the installation, restart the computer after installing, and multi "Windows XP Recovery Console" option in the operating system selection menu, you can enter the system failure recovery console. Q: I want to use a computer to play CD records, but it doesn't speak. But playing VCD is normal, but only CD can't, what is the reason? A: The playback CD and VCD in the computer are not one thing. When playing the VCD, they are played by the CPU processing, which belongs to the soft solution. The playback CD is typically usually using the chip decoding in the optical drive, then directly output to the sound card, which belongs to the optical drive to play autonomously, and does not pass the CPU. One of the optical drives and sound cards will have an audio cable connection, which must have this audio cable to play the CD normally. There is a tip that plays the CD without using the audio cable. First open the attribute window of the optical drive, then select the "Properties" option to select "Start Digital CD Audio for this CD-ROM Device". This allows the CPU to be responsible for decoding, not through the audio line, so it can sound normally.

Q: When installing the software, it will generally pop up a dialog box that lets you fill in the company and name. The name and company in this item are filled out when installing Windows. But when I installed a software today, the default name and company becomes a URL. And when viewing "General" in "My Computer", the registration name has also become this URL! Can you tell me what to do? A: This is very well resolved, just open the registry, find the "HKEY _ local _ machine / software / microsoft / windows nt / currentversion" branch, and then the window name "Registeredowner" and "RegisteredOrganization" on the right. The value of the value is changed.

Q: I accidentally deleted the "Show Desktop" icon on the taskbar, I remember to use the Search ".scf" file in Windows 98 to find the "Show Desktop" file, but in Windows XP is not searched. How can I recover it? A: The way the "Show Desktop" on the taskbar in Windows 98 and Windows XP is different. The former is displayed in a shortcut, and the latter is displayed in the form of real files. Therefore, although the icon on the task bar is deleted in Windows 98, the substantial file is not deleted; and the Windows XP is different, and the icon on the taskbar is deleted, and the substantial file is deleted. You can directly copy the "Show Desktop" directly in another computer to yourself in your computer.

Q: I play game online online game center, one can enter the network billiard, but if I and another person playing online billiards, I prompt the IP address, conflict. We are a local area network sharing Internet access. A: This problem may be due to the online game only allows different IP address connections, prohibiting the same IP multiple connections, because you are a LAN sharing Internet access, use the same IP Internet access, so this error will appear. If one of them uses a network agent service to access the Internet, this problem should be avoided. In IE "Tools → Internet Options → Connection → LAN Settings", then "Use the Proxy Server" for the LAN "and fill in the address. How to get the proxy server address, you can search online, there are a lot. Q: When I use Bittorrent to download file, I found that the download speed is very fast, but slowly browsing the speed of the web and sending and receiving the email, and the system runs slowly. Is this related to BitTorrent? A: It should be said to be related, because this emerging download method is different from other downloads, on the one hand you are downloading, on the other hand, you also as a server for others to download, so when downloading a file, the network bandwidth is not light Download occupation, and it is also used up, so a lot of network bandwidth is consumed. Download file speed is naturally, the faster, and the upload speed can be controlled within a certain range and do not allow too much bandwidth. Control the upload speed must be installed, after installation, the download window window will have some changes in the download window, where "UPLoad Rate (KB / S)" is controlled upload speed, we can fill in 20, The upload speed will not exceed 20kb / s, and the default 0 means unrestricted.

Q: When using Windows 98, voice chat and transfer files in QQ are still normal, but after upgrading to Windows XP today, these two functions are not. At general, the two sides are not under the same firewall. How should I solve it? A: I believe that many readers have encountered this problem, which is mostly due to the fact that the two sides use the firewall, unless there is no good way to solve unless the firewall is closed. As for the previous Windows 98, it can be upgraded to Windows XP, because there is a self-contained firewall in Windows XP, which may be caused by its opening. Right-click on the network connection, select "Properties → Advanced", and then remove "to protect my computer and network" option by limiting or blocking access to this computer from the Internet.

Tip In the LAN, Windows XP will set the "Shared Document" coexisting with "My Computer" as a shared directory, and use the general method to share it. Not everyone needs sharing directories. If you want to ban "Sharing Documents", you can open the "Registry Editor", find the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / Currenversion / Explorer / MyComputer / Namespace / DELEGATEFOLDERS" branch, will See a subkey named {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}, then restart it after deleting the computer, "Sharing Document" disappeared.

Network management is guaranteed to make network reliable, safe and efficient operation. Modern network management focuses on all aspects of communication technology and information processing technology development, and they play a role in different management functions of the network to jointly implement the management tasks of the network.

Network management has many techniques and tricks, which introduces some common issues and solutions in network management, and hope to play the role of throwing jade. ★ Configure the switch to configure the switch port to 100M full duplex, the server installs an Intel-L00m network card, everything is fine after installation, but when the large flow data is transmitted, the speed becomes extremely slow, and finally this network card does not support the full pair. work. After the switch port is changed to a half-two, the fault disappears. This shows that the rate and duplex mode of the switch port and the NIC must be consistent. At present, there are many adaptive network cards and switches. According to the principle, it should be able to automatically adapt to the rate and duplex mode, but in fact, due to the inconsistency of the brand, it is often not possible to properly achieve the whole duplex. At this time, you need to modify the configuration, forcibly set the duplex mode to solve.

★ Teachers who have used the network tube with hard drives know that the bottleneck of the network-based access and printed network is neither a switch, nor a NIC, is not a CPU or memory of the server, and the bottleneck of the entire network is the speed of the server hard drive. So configuring your server hard drive for the performance of the network plays a decisive role. There are mainly the following factors to consider:

1. The hard disk interface has IDE, EIDE, SCSI, etc., and the server should use the SCSI interface that is suitable for the data request. At present, the more popular SCSI interface has FAST WIDE (20Mbps data transfer rate), Ultra Wide (40Mbps), Ultra2 Wide (80Mbps).

2. The faster the hard drive speed, the faster the read and write data, the server should use the 7200 / 10000rpm hard disk.

3. The hard disk array card can increase the reading and writing performance and security of the hard disk, and of course the cost will be higher.

4. In the same SCSI channel, do not share the low speed SCSI device (such as a CD-ROM) with the hard disk, otherwise performance will have a big decline.

★ There are two files read and write extremely frequent workstations in a local area network. When the server is installed, all the devices on this network segment are slow. When the server has two network cards, after two network segments, the two files read and write extremely frequent workstations are connected to different network segments, and all devices in the network have significantly improved. This is because the added network segment is shared by the original concentrated data traffic, thereby improving the response speed of the network.

★ WAN and ground accidentally put the power plug of the router in the socket of the community, the 64k DDN line is unable to turn. The telecommunications bureau inspects the lines are normal, and finally check the grounding voltage of the router power supply, discovering that it is not correct, change back to the UPS socket, everything is normal.

The power plug of the router is broken, causing packets to be lost, when ping operations, time-stop, everything is normal after replacing the power cord. The WAN connection is more stringent for the grounding requirements, so that strong anti-interference can be guaranteed to achieve a stipulated connection rate, otherwise we will have a strange failure.

The author has set up a network computer room last year. Since the use of the miscellaneous 815e motherboard, the recent succession has problems, each time the self-test, there is always the same error message:

FLOPPY Disk (s) fail (40)

CMOS Checksum Error-Defaults Loaded

Press F1 Continue, DEL TO ENTER SETUP

There is no floppy drive in the computer room. Press the DEL key to enter CMOS, set the floppy drive to "None", and no error prompt will appear after saving exit. However, when the shutdown time is long, the same error prompt will appear when it is turned on, and after entering Windows 98, the system clock always returns to 2001 and must be reset. This symptom is generally caused by the motherboard CMOS power-down because the modified BIOS information cannot be saved. After the boot is turned on, the BIOS will return to the default setting state, and the floppy drive cannot be detected during the boot self-test, so it will An error message appears. Powering a CMOS is a 3V button battery, tested with a multimeter, and the battery voltage is not lowered. After replacing the new battery, the fault is still. Due to the large number of motherboards in the same problem, it has passed the warranty period, and there is a lot of time to take a lot of time, so the author decided to solve this hard fault with a soft method. The miscellaneous 815e motherboard uses the BIOS of Award 6.0. Modbin is a tool software designed to modify the Award BIOS, which can modify the BIOS file information and default settings. We can use this software to modify the BIOS of the 815e motherboard, change the default settings of the floppy drive to "None", which will not detect the floppy drive when boot, and no prompts for setting an error will appear.

Extracting the BIOS file because the BIOS file of this 815e motherboard can only be extracted from the CMOS, the tool used is the Award BIOS refresh program awdflash.exe (8.00 version download address: BiosFile / Award / AWD800.ZIP). The download file is decompressed to the C drive. Restart your computer, enter the DOS mode, run the refresh program awdflash.exe in the C drive, and you can see some BIOS related information, such as the chipset used by the motherboard, I / O controller model, manufacturer code and BIOS Update date, etc. The "File Name to Program" of the software main interface requires input to refresh the BIOS file name, because it is extracted BIOS instead of refreshing, do not need to fill in the BIOS file name, press the Enter key directly, enter the next picture; refresh program will Ask if the old BIOS is saved, type "Y", go to the next screen; the refresh program automatically detects the BIOS chip model, producer, and operating voltage used in the motherboard (Figure 1). Enter the name of the BIOS file you want to save later in "File Name to Save": Old.bin, automatically exit after the carriage return is confirmed. In this way, the BIOS file of the 815e motherboard will be saved in the root directory of the C drive.

Modify the default setting of the BIOS from the web to download the Award BIOS modification modbin.exe (download address:, put it with the 815e motherboard BIOS file In the same directory of the hard disk, run MODBIN.EXE in the DOS mode, the program searches for the BIOS file in the same directory. Select the BIOS file Old.bin you want to modify, press Enter key, enter the project modification menu window, press the arrow button to select "Edit Setup Screen", display the setup item in the form of a tree map. . "Drive A" in "Standard CMOS Features" is found by the arrow keys, press Enter to enter the floppy drive setting interface (Figure 2), move the direction key to "setup default", you can see the default floppy drive settings to "1.44m , 3.5 in. Press the "-" button in the digital key area to circulate the display of the supported floppy drive, indicating that the default setting is available without a soft drive when "None" appears. At the same time, modify "BIOS Default" is "None", press the ESC button to return to the previous screen; "First Boot Drive" in "Advanced Bios Features", modify "BIOS Default" and "Setup Default" as "HDD-0" Select "Boot Up Floppy Seek", modify "BIOS Default" and "Setup default" for "disabled" so the system will start directly from the hard disk; finally press the ESC key to return to the original menu option, select "Filey → Save Bios ", Enter the name of the new BIOS file you want to save: new.bin, press Enter to exit. Such a modified BIOS file will be saved in the same directory with the original BIOS file. Refresh the modified BIOS file Restart the computer, enter the DOS mode, run awdflash.exe, enter the modified BIOS file name: new.bin, press Enter, "N) When you ask if you save the old BIOS file, type" N ", The refresh program will update the CMOS data, and finally prompt to restart the computer, the entire refresh process is completed. Now, regardless of whether CMOS is powered down, there will be a prompt to "CMOS CHECKSUM ERROR".

Setting the Clock Synchronization Server to resolve clock errors In order to solve the problem of system clock back to the initial state, you can set a server timing in the local area network to synchronize with the Internet time, and the workstation is again synchronized with this server. Server-end setting: The server in the unit LAN is installed by Windows XP, the IP address is, and the Internet server is used as the local area network. Double-click the time on the desktop task bar, pop up the Date and Time "property window, click [Internet Time], check" Auto and Internet Time Server Synchronization ".

Workstation termination: Windows 98 workstation can use the LAN Time Synchronization Command NET Time to implement synchronization with server time, generally format: NET TIME // / set / yes, server name can be server ID, or IP address. Enter: Net Time // / set / yes in the MS-DOS mode will synchronize the workstation with the server time. This command can be prepared into a batch file Time.bat (right-click this batch file, "run" change to "Minimize" in the "Properties → Program" window, and check "to turn off when exiting", After the execution is complete, you will not leave a DOS black window at the desktop. Place it in the "Program" group. Of course, put this command more concealed in the registry: Open the registry, find hkey_local_ machine / currentversion / run, new "string value" named "Time", modify the key value "NET TIME // "can. Now many friends are using the Windows XP system, so explore its skills to improve operational efficiency is the unremitting pursuit of each computer enthusiast. The author also accumulated some tips in the process of using the Windows XP system. Today, contribute to everyone today. study together.

1. View Windows XP Details Information Click Start, "All Programs", "Attachment", "Command Tips", enter "SystemInfo" and enter the car, the system starts detection related information, then return to the current window, we will You can see the details of Windows XP settings.

2. In the command prompt window, use the graphical interface if we need to repeatedly enter some more commands in the "Command Prompt" window of Windows XP, repeatedly input it, we can press the F7 button, the graphical interface, then you You can use the arrow keys to select it easily, and press the back key to execute the command.

3. View Upline Time In Windows XP, we can view our past Internet time through "Event Viewer". The method is: Open "Control Panel", double-click Administrative Tools, and open "Event Viewer". Select the System option in the window on the left side, click the right mouse button, select "Properties" in the shortcut menu that pops up, select Filter tab in the System Properties window, select "Select" Event Source " RemoteAccess. Click the "OK" button back to the "Event Viewer" main window, you will show the start time and end time of the Internet, the end of the two times is the time you start online. It is the time when it is late.

The Windows XP system has a lot of skill. The author only has a "brick-picked jade" role. Interested friends can do more work in this area.

Q: My computer can't use the small digital key area on the right side of the keyboard, "Numlock" light is bright, the previous day is still good, I didn't move anywhere. Where is the problem? A: If you use Windows 2000 / XP, it may be due to the launch of the mouse button function, the small digital keyboard is used to control the mouse pointer and lose the input function. Select Control Panel → Assistive Features → Mouse, and then "Use the mouse button" to remove it.

Q: My computer has already installed the Windows XP system and many common software. Now because of the work needs to be installed again, I know that the installation of the dual system must first install Windows 98 and then put Windows XP, but I don't want to delete Windows XP. Reinstall, is there any way? How to make the dual boot menu? please help! A: By default, the system is not allowed to be installed on a high release. So we only have Windows 98 before you don't enter the Windows XP system. First set the system boot order to start priority to the disc, then start the computer for installation. Select "Other Directory" on the "Select Windows 98 installation directory" window and specify a partition other than the partition where Windows XP is located, and finally the installation is done in accordance with the conventional method. After installation, you will find that the dual boot menu does not appear. You can restore the dual boot menu with Windows XP's fault recovery console: 1. Insert a Windows XP installation disk, restart your computer, after entering the installation interface, press "R" button, enter the "Microsoft Windows XP (TM) fault recovery console "interface;

2. The system will search for the installed Windows XP system file, then display the results, and ask "Which Windows XP installation to log in (to cancel, press ENTER), select the Windows XP installation location option, the system will enter" Admin Password, type the administrator password set when you installed Windows XP, and enter;

3. Enter the fix command in the installation path fixboot C:, Enter. After the repair is complete, you can restart the dual boot menu.

Q: There is a "system volume information" in every partition of the hard disk, watching it is very eye, click to refuse access, can you delete it? A: You just need to select "Tools → Folder Items → View", and you can hide the folder on the "Hide Protected Operating System File". The role of this folder is to save the system restore backup file. In Windows XP, you can remove the file saved in this folder as long as you close the "System Restore" feature, remember to log in as Administrator (administrator) The system can be used.

Q: I use the Windows XP system, but there will always be a window of file protected. The content is: "The required files required for normal running Windows have been replaced with the unrecognized version. To maintain system stability, Windows must restore these files Original version, now insert your Windows XP CD-ROM. If I press, if I start, I will crash, and still appear after reinstalling several times. What is the reason? A: WSLI has recently encountered this problem, and it can be recovered in the system installation disk, but after recovery, this prompt is still appearing. Later, this is caused by Laura (Win32 Xorala 2048) virus. This virus is only for Windows 2000 / XP systems, which will replace the EXE application in the system after infection. The virus can be used to kill the virus using the anti-virus software of the latest virus library.

Q: My computer always reminds that there is a lot of "WinoldAP" in the process after "Ctrl Alt Del" is pressed. If restarted, you can solve the problem, but you can't have a long fault will appear. How can I solve it? A: You must have run some of the applications under DOS. After running on Windows 2000 / XP, you will not automatically exit, but you will reside in memory, which will cause memory resources after a certain time. Seriously exhausted. You can do it manually, you can also try to find the running DOS program, click Programs in the Properties window, select the "Disable MS-DOS Program Detection Windows" check box to disable the DOS program. Q: I used to download software using flashget and Netants, but now I reload the operating system, use FlashGet and Netants to download the software to display "Open Mode", and many do not open. I hope you can help me think about it, restore it. Answer: Flashget, etc., will generally add a .jc! Suffix, which will be added. JC!, It will automatically remove the suffix after the download is complete, may cause the work that cannot be automatically completed, causing this. A phenomenon. Manually remove the .jc! The suffix can restore the file normally, and you can choose "Tools → Options" in the flashget, add the suffix jc! Until the file download is complete, "can avoid this problem.

Q: My computer is a dial-up Internet, but when I connect, I will not be hooked in "Connecting Password" and "Auto Connection" below "Connecting Password" and "Auto Connect". How should I recover? A: This happens only WINDOWS 98 will happen. The reason may be two: First, you have installed the Microsoft network customer, but when you start logging in, "Cancel" is selected, so that the "Save Password" will be in an lelectable state, and you must turn it back to determine it; second is in IE "Tools → Internet Options → Connection → Dial Settings → Settings" to select "Fill in the Password".

Q: I use Windows XP, but when I press the "Ctrl Alt Del" key button to start "task manager", the above taskbar is invisible, so I can't view the CPU usage, performance, networking, only process options. How can I fix "Task Manager" (I use Jinshan toxic totringes, did not find viruses)? A: You, WSLI is very strange, so I personally experiment. Finally discovered the mystery: The original "Task Manager" has highlighted this feature, that is, whether it is application, process, performance or networking can be expanded separately, as long as you double-click on any gray border, you can again You can restore your face.

Q: When the disk defragmentation program in Windows 2000 is organized, the C disk can go smoothly, but the D disk appears in the D disk: more than one D disk appears in the list, and the D disk is still More and more. May I ask how is this going? A: This problem, just looks quite strange, in fact, the reason is simple. It must be a program that runs in the background, such as an anti-virus software firewall. WSLI specially made an experiment, found that while running the magnetic disapacter, you will have this phenomenon. So before the disk fragmentation is performed, it is recommended that you returns to the process running everything.

Q: I always encountered the prompt "I can't locate the input point ft-thunk on dynamic link library KERNEL32" when logging in to Windows 2000. What is the reason? What should I solve? A: Maybe you have installed Windows NT / 2000 / XP, which can only be run on the Windows 9x system, so if you encounter this problem, you can try to search for the kernel32 file, see which software installation With this file in the directory, then delete this file in the software installation directory, you should solve the problem. Q: Why is my Windows XP Click the "Start" button, frequently appearing "newly installed programs" on all programs. But I didn't put any new procedures. How to get it? A: This is the newly added feature of Windows XP. When you have installed a new program, there will be such a prompt. If you don't click or use it in the menu, it will always exist. Right-click on the taskbar, select "Properties → Start Menu → Customize → Advanced", and then "highlight the newly installed program", so there will be no prompts later.

Q: The system I use is Windows XP. In the process of task manager, I found that the last "system idle process" often takes more than 80% of the CPU resources. What do you do, how to take up so much Cup Resource? How should I delete it? A: You have more concern, the role of the System IDLE Process process is assigned to the CPU time when the system is idle. It shows more than 80% of the CPU resources that does not mean that it takes up so many CPU resources. It is said that there is more than 80% of the CPU resources that have arrived. The larger the number here, the more CPU resources, the smaller the number, indicating that the CPU resource is tight. This process is required for system operation, and cannot be prohibited.

Q: I found that there is no "system restore" item in the "System Properties" in the control panel, and other computers are there! Why is that? I am using the Windows XP Professional. A: The system restore requires system "System Restore Servce" service support to exist, and it is estimated that this service is prohibited. Open "Control Panel → Administration Tools → Services", open "System Restore Service" and set its service status to start.

Q: I heard that the recent "shock wave" virus is rampant, so I quickly downloaded the RPC vulnerability patch. But when you installed, you can't do it, it is slow, when you go to the backup system information, you should stop before, what is the reason? A: It is estimated that your computer has already infected the virus, and the friend's machine has also appeared similar symptoms. Download a "shock wave" special killing tool, clear the virus after cleaning, and then playing the patch. In addition, if you use non-genuine Windows XP, it does not rule out the piracy.



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