Gates began to close the close to the big future (reference)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  58

There is nothing to say, everything is worth thinking about, MS, Bill.

Last month, if you have the opportunity to see the future crystal ball of the technology industry, you will see a thick road in the Pacific Northwest Coast, which takes you through Lin Haiban to the top of the technology industry. The hidden place of the smart people. On Thursday, a sunny afternoon, he leaned the door, it seems that guests are waiting for a long way.

"Hey, welcome!" Meet you is the warm greetings of Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft. After this Linshui villa is alone in four days, he seems to be very happy to see someone visit. This week is the time of Gates routine "closed customs". In this seven days, he stays away from the dust, and the condense thinks about the future of the science and technology industry, and then thinks what I want to spread throughout the Microsoft Empire.

This annual ceremony is extraordinary, which will not only affect Microsoft's prospects, but also out of the future of the entire technology industry. The one-week sustained practice can find a few new fields for the technology industry, and brighten a bright lamp for Microsoft's new market. In 1995, Gates wrote a global papers - "The Internet Tidal Wave", led Microsoft to develop Internet browsers that eventually defeated net views. Microsoft Tablet PC, all kinds of safer software, and create online game business, etc., all in the week of Gates "closed" this week.

Gates' "closed week" is famous in the computer industry, but what happened during this period is the Top Secret file of Microsoft. After several years, Gates finally agreed to take a journalist in the hidden place, but the premise is that it cannot reveal the specific location.

Gates often take a helicopter, or the water plane arrives here. This is a small wooden house that seems to ordinary two-storey structure, built in the water, is quiet and elegant, and the indoor is well in order, and there is a small bedroom for the use of the living. For a whole week, he closed his door, whether it is a family or a Microsoft colleague. Only one door is given to him twice a day.

After you wake up in the morning, he is not going to bed, but in bed, browsing the various reports of Microsoft engineers, senior management and product managers, and writing some abstracts on the cover of the cover. He often doesn't have breakfast, and wear socks will rush to go upstairs to continue to review the report. Only after lunch and dinner, he went downstairs, watching the newspaper while having a dining next to the table. Looking out from the table, the Olympic Mountain is enlightened. On Thursday, lunch is a roast cheese three-cult governance with the soup. Gates said that he often drinks diet orange juice.

This is the fourth day of the closed week, Gates has read 56 reports, and it has worked for 18 hours in a few days. His maximum record is 112 reports a week. "I don't know if this time I can break the record, but I can see 100 copies," he said. In the report that is not read, there is a "10 crazy thoughts of vibrating Microsoft" (10 Crazy Ideas to Shake Up Microsoft).

What interesting content is seen this week? "To be honest, we will go home soon, go there again, I am too much time." He said, on the side of the two steps, this is his study.

It is a desk that is on the window, which is exactly the waterscape outside the window. The table is placed in two Dell displays. Next to the desk, there is a bookcase, which is a series of "literary classics" series. Portrait of a French big luxury rain hanging on the wall. Gates pointed to the side of a small refrigerator and the bathroom explained, which has been added in these years. The refrigerator is filled with diet orange juice and Jian Cola, which is not to go to the building. You can read more files. The news of the light yellow cover is boomed, and it covers the seal of "Microsoft Confidential".

Gates two-handed ink spots, quickly turned on the desk with a thick 62-page report - "Virtual Earth", he wrote a few comments on the cover. The report imagines the future of the map service industry, delivers real-time images of travel destinations to customers, as well as traffic conditions and other information. Some ideas, Gates, later said "too advanced", but he wrote on the cover and prepared to return to the reporter, it is inspiring: "I like this idea." Gates sat in front of the monitor, computer screen It is demonstrated that about 300 reports in this week have entered the database. The theme of five flowers, the development of Internet games, hard drive capacity, microprocessor clock speed is getting lost, as well as digital photographic trends, 2005 computer calculation development trends, language processing software optimization methods, etc.

"There is a report on computer security, it is indeed a breakthrough," Gates said, the body is pouring, with a mouse point to open a question "Can we remove the Internet worm? "Report. This is a report submitted by Microsoft in a research team in England. In "Software Security" - Microsoft's most severe problem - a total of 31 reports under the category is the most in all categories. This report of the worm describes a new method, Microsoft may be able to stop this recent virological code that brings greatly damage to the Internet.

Reading and thinking about the closed customs will let Gates have made it difficult to count email and comments. Thinking about reading a report may communicate with dozens of Microsoft employees around the world through an email. The employees are looking forward to waiting for this week, and they hope that their proposed projects can be approved by Gates, or impact on the company's development direction. "This is the best opinion in the world," said Stephen Lawler, General Manager of Microsoft Mappoint Group.

Working in the morning on Wednesday, Gates has spread his idea of ​​this worm spread throughout Microsoft's many employees around the world. In an email written to the Microsoft Senior Management, he is very thoughtful, this method is too perfect, it is incredible, I am afraid there will be vulnerabilities. But if not, he said, "We will implement it." On Thursday, he received an email sent back from the research team far in the England Cambridge.

Since the 1980s, Gates regularly find the opportunity to wait for a week. At first, I used to accompany my grandmother for a week, and I read reading and conceived Microsoft's development strategy. Later, this week's read content gradually evolved into a huge computer library from a thick number of reports, and each of the places where Gatsga reviews and the address links with other related files. Every document has a print.

Gates Two months of "closed" in February this year, his technical assistant Alex Anxin Garris gave reports from Microsoft, and selected the report he considered to be worth seeing to check. Employees at all sectors of Microsoft internal departments can submit a report and tell Gates in the idea.

Some reports apply more funds more people, but most reports are specifically discussing a certain technological development trend and development. Gates said, then "more relaxed". "They rarely say, 'We have already shut down, giving me $ 100 million, we can go out of trouble.'"

This week is actually counted from Monday, but he has begun to review the report before this weekend. In this way, he is still worried about the next day. "My work is very hard, even working 24 hours a day," but only dozens of reports. In his report, there was a question titled "Xenon", discussed in detail, Microsoft's next-generation game consoles Xenon's development plan, and Microsoft's development strategy for game console business in the next 20 years, full 120 pages thick.

Gates quickly moved forward and started reading 80-page "Microsoft Education Product Strategy", looking forward to the future of Microsoft in the education market. He contacted the author of this report from the Internet, promised to make some progress based on the recommendations in the report. One of the reports of the report revealed that Gates also said that if the project fund is exhausted, it is a "disaster". Gates said that he has given Microsoft's Chief Steve Balmer's email, letting him take a look at this report. Gates said that he has been working at midnight on Tuesday night, and it is inevitable to feel faint. At that time, he was watching a report entitled "Speech Synthesis", and he began to read the vocabulary in the report, such as "angry", "boring", "interesting". "That is already two in the morning, I started a little stupid," Gates said.

As a break, Gates will play 5 minutes daily network bridge game. On Wednesday, he wore shoes from arrival, walked out of the hut, and went to the lake for half an hour. "I just walked outside, I actually wanted online video," he said.

On the evening of Thursday, the sun gradually fell to the side of the lake, and Gats was determined to see 24 reports before going to bed. "I have a good sleep, so I can work until two, three points tonight." He said. In this way, he can read 100 reports on the weekend, and sent a hundred people to send an email, finished the study of the closed customs report. He also wants to list a list of reading, including software security and mobile phones, etc.

This week, the results of the meditation will pick up the layers in the internal microsoft. MSN's vice president, Vice President, Vice President, said, there is a business trip, he hits the review of Gates closed Zhou, and hit a full 6 inches thick. A group of Microsoft Office Software Software said that they adjusted the direction based on Gates' suggestions, and the cooperation with a company or simply acquire it. (They refused to say which way in the end of the last.) After seeing Gates' comments, a group member quickly set up to the European meeting potential partner.

In the Mappoint department, the department of "virtual earth" conception is submitted, and the general manager Roler convened a meeting to discuss further development according to Gates' comments. Gates gave some ideas to the label of "Thoughts", but recognized the overall idea of ​​this report, a few words spread throughout Microsoft, and several research teams have put into research and development.

Gates' emails ignited the enthusiasm of Craig Basoba, which is the team he led to submit a strategic concept of Microsoft Education Market and gets the attention of Gates. As a general manager of the department, he immediately ordered a working group and put Gates' suggestions into the product plan. He also posted Gates' reviews on the internal website, designs the opinions and suggestions of departmental employees to this program. He said that before Gates closed this week, everyone can start "Holding hope, but not sure. Everyone is very optimistic."

After this week, Gats returned to the day-to-day work, and he held a series of conferences in the few weeks, and spread his idea during the closed custom to Microsoft, two of which were related to the software security strategy. Last week he stayed with the "Virtual Earth" R & D team for two hours to help them plan the next step.

Gates is very clear about how your reviews will have, so it is not easy to drop. "If I write: 'Should be so doing', all aspects will be re-adjusted," he said, "He said," This is not as, awesome, look good, this sentence can let them A project is put into 20 people. "


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