Apache2.0.53 upgrade notes

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  62

#tar -zxvf httpd-2.0.53.tar.gz #. / configure --prefix = / opt / httpd2.0.53 --enable-deflate webpage compression --Nable-Expires Expired Time --enable-Headers modified header - Enable-module = so --with-mpm = prefork improves performance in thread mode

# make # make install

Is the test installation successfully?

# vi /opt/httpd2.0.53/conf/httpd.conf Modify the 80 port 88 (first determine if the 88 port is not used, if there is, please change to the other port).

Start Apache2.0.53 # / OPT / HTTPD2.0.53 / BIN / APACHECTL START

Tested by IE HTTP: // ip: 88

If you don't access it, please check if the installation process is correct. If you can access it, continue.

Turn off apache2.0.53 # / opt / httpd2.0.53 / bin / apachectl stop

Cover the Apache2.0.52 profile of Apache2.0.53 and copy the module of the limit IP connection from the 2.0.52 modules directory to 2.0.53 Modules directory #CP /OPT/Httpd2.0.52/conf/ Httpd.conf /opt/httpd2.0.53/conf/httpd.conf#cp /opt/httpd2.0.52/modules/mod_limitipConn.so /opt/httpd2.0.53/modules/

Modify Apache2.0.53 profile # vi /opt/httpd2.0.53/conf/httpd.conf Modify ServerRoot "/opt/httpd2.0.52" for serverroot "/opt/httpd2.0.53"

Delete apache2.0.53 HTDOCS directory all files #RM -RF /OPT/HTTPD2.0.53/HTDOCS/*

Modify / root Launch Script # vi /root/httpd2.0.52.sh Modify SROOT = / OPT / HTTPD2.0.52 Save Exit for SROOT = / OPT / HTTPD2.0.53, and rename httpd2.0.52 to httpd.sh # mv /Root/httpd2.0.52.sh / root/httpd.sh

Modifying the system starts automatically starting httpd # vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local modified /Root/httpd2.0.52.sh start for /root/httpd.sh Start

Finally, restart httpd # /opt/httpd2.0.52/bin/apachectl stop # /ROOT/Httpd.sh Start


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