Discover a small bug in JSF Studio, often because this small problem causes the system JSF to start ManageDbean normally.
When we set a managedbean's Property value, when List-entries are set, if there is a list of List-entries, and add some list-entry, when the type of List-Entry is added, the next time the CONFIG file is turned on, it will be found In the list of list-entries, there is a list of List-Entry, which will cause the system to run, "javax.servlet.servletException: javax.servlet.jsp.jspexcetion: javax.faces.FaceSexception: Javax.faces.FaceSexception: Can't Instantiate Class: "This error.
Solution, of course, it is deleted. I usually change the file Check IN to VSS, so that the file is read-only, and it will not be modified.